Group Announcements
Preventing D E A T H
Posted By koobler on Jun 3rd 2018
Hello citizens; I'm planning on trying to revive this group since it has died down for two months. In the process of making and posting starters to progress the plot and also leave some things on the side. Thanks to all who joined this group, and I'm hoping to write with you again real soon! :^DHAPPY NEW YEAR!
Posted By koobler on Dec 31st 2017
Happy New Year! Hope you guys have a wonderful year full of smiles! And don't forget about those New Years Resolutions! (If you're actually planning on following them ;^])MERRY CHRISTMASU!
Posted By koobler on Dec 25th 2017
Hope you guys have a happy holidays; spend some time with your family and friends, maybe scream at them over Discord while playing some Overwatch, but above all else, stay happy and healthy! Love you all! <33Starters & Things
Posted By koobler on Nov 7th 2017
So I know that this group has gotten off to a real slow start. Making this announcement now to remind people that the group still exists. Make sure to tell your friends about this group! Spread the word and stuff!
Thanks again!Private Questions?
Posted By koobler on Nov 2nd 2017
Feel free to DM me for any questions you want answered one on one! -
* * * *
It's the same day every year, they come without warning....
What would you do if you had a chance at anything you desire most? What if the only thing that stood between you and that desire, was someone else with the same goal? Humans have a tendency to wage war over things they want, plowing through anyone who gets in their way, no matter who they are.
Here come the Revenants, people who have died and who's souls who cannot let go of the mortal realm. They reside in Purgatory, a blank, dead wasteland where they spend the rest of their time wasting away. Longing for something to fulfill themselves and to feel human once more, they looked to the mortal realm for a source of entertainment.
Finally, they came to an agreement. Every century, on the exact day, a little competition begins. One city becomes randomly selected for it to take place. Then, 15 pairs of randomly selected humans and Revenants become bound to each other's souls. The competition calls for each pair to eliminate each other, until one is left standing. Whoever survives, receives one single wish. -
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