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Forums » Canonin Kirja (The Book of Canon) » Aielund/Feydwiir

Lore & Geography of Feydwiir, and of Aielund

(A (mostly)Fixed Reality.)

(Feydwiir, Aielund, and the included map, are all owned by Stephen L. Nowland, who created these amazing realms originally as a campaign world for Neverwinter Nights. Those game modules can still be downloaded from the Neverwinter Vault, and can be read about in his subsequently published novels of the same name.)

These realms, because of passing transits of the Paradigm Nexus, suffered an anomalous rift, whereby many of it's alternate and parallel realities were shoved unceremoniously together, causing strange time dilations and dualities. (This was decided in order to allow players who experienced the original adventure as it's protagonist to maintain parallel, if strangely overlapped, canons.)

If you have not played through, (or read,) the Aielund Saga, you are still welcome to play. It's essentially an AD&D 3.5 world, with geography, flora, and fauna, roughly parallel to Greyhawk.

(More information on Aielund to follow.)
On the (mostly) Fixed nature of the Aielund Paradigm:

While we allow, in this posting context, for the slight paradigm shift of Feydwiir to allow for multiple characters to have experienced the Aielund adventure series as the protagonist, in general, characters introduced to Aielund and Feydwirr should adhere to AD&D 3.5, and the Feydwirr, Greyhawk, and Blackmore settings.

Playable races include:
  • Human
  • Elven
  • Half-Elven
  • Halfling
  • Gnomish
  • Half-orc
  • Dwarven
  • Tiefling
  • Aasimar
-known subraces of the above are also welcome within reason, and subject to predictable prejudices. More advanced/exotic races may be considered in time, under special circumstances.

Playable classes are not subject to strict limitations, but please do refrain from bringing in characters with more than one or two professions. (ie: A rogue who's learned a bit of magic is fine, a rogue who is also a monk, a ranger, and a sorcerer is right out.)

Alignments only serve as a guideline for players, to assist in characterization. Racial alignments are not fixed- although creatures from the lower planes tend toward evil and chaos, Drow are culturally influenced toward evil, (and are not generally welcomed anywhere in the daylight,) and Aasimar who veer too far from Goodness (in the classical sense,) may be corrupted, and become ill, or mentally unstable.

Some professions are beholden to Alignment restriction, and will be held accountable for straying from those alignments in their behaviors. (Druids, monks, paladins, etc...)

Moderators: FathomsDeep