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    1. Every Mun is appreciated. May you be new, may you be in for a long time: Everybody deserves the very same kind of respect and everybody is a legit memeber here right at the start.
    2. Every character is a good character. Fandom OC, unrelated OC, Canon Characters from Megamind or another Superhero Genres, or totally unrelated ones - we appreciate everybody.
    3. You write what makes you comfortable and write with whom you're comfortable with. When something doesn't work, it simply doesn't! It's fine. Just let your partner know. They're understandable, kind people and everybody's been there.
    4. You and only you decide which characters or places influence your part of the story. Fun elements attract your characters, ones you're not up to get repelled,
      It's how this universe works, so you can use that in your favor to write stories that excite you most.
    5. There is simply no way to pressure another mun into something that they're not up to. You and them have the very same say in what can happen and what not.
    6. Just because muns connected their characters with another doesn't mean you gotta play with the connected ones, too. Reality shifts here. All that's discussed between you and your partner is fine. Third parties have no say or influence when its not approved by all.