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  • The Superbats

    Mess with one and you mess with all; same with people they consider family or friend.

    The Siblings:

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    Bruce - Local Hero and Candy Maker

    Forest - AU, fearless Bruce. Most active (and capable) bat hero.

    Belle - Flirty mom who's usually the first to welcome other heroes.

    Their Children

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    Damien (Bruce' kid), Dae (Forest's), Reese, Madeleine and Mars (Belle's)

    The Spacebats

    - also all written by Baegels. Alien bats that try to get all alien orphans back home.

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    Manda, Sugar, Oreo and Pie

    The Villains

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    Bun - Magic Anon that causes havoc now and then and puts magic on characters.

    Michelle - The crazy catwoman. Copies other people and lives their life for a while.

    Aqua Man - Basically a puddle that can grow the more water it can hold on to.

    Nica - A talking, pirate fish. Will fight and steal your shiny things.