1. The group is for roleplay purposes for Spartan characters. If your character is an ONI member, Marine, ODST, or something else, you most likely won't have a place in the group. Sorry fellas!
2. The main Spartan program this will be based around will be the second, though I may also incorporate the S-III. S-IV is iffy, as I've found them to be little more than glorified ODST's.
3. Please try to be OC's! There are many gaps in the numbers with the S-II program, and while in canon many of those were deaths, many were also saved for possible resuscitation. I don't mind bending the canon a tad to fit these missing numbers in.
4. Please be respectful in any OOC chatter. You'll get one warning on rude behavior, and a repeated offense will have you kicked from the group. Period.
5. Please be realistic in RP. Spartans are awesome, we all know that, but they do have their limits, so please remember that. Don't try to powerplay every single event.
6. While never really explicitly stated, I don't have all that much of a problem with romance or anything. So canon sticklers may not like that, but Spartans are still human, even if a bit more machine like than others. The clearly still have emotions, and those can make roleplays even more intense. That said, keep any sexual activity to PM please. Thanks.
7. This will be a mature group, meaning graphic content, explicit language, and sexual themes may be present. If you are not 18+ OOC, please do not apply to the group.
8. Rules are subject to updates over time. Please try to be aware of any changes.
9. Have fun!
Group Announcements
Posted By AmericanLiaison on Dec 15th 2017
For the time being, Spartan I-018 ' Asclepius ' will be considered one of the so far missing "washouts" of the program until further notice.Getting Active
Posted By AmericanLiaison on Dec 11th 2017
Now that we have a good amount of people here, it's time to get active in the forums people. There's some OOC stuff for introductions, and a story post already up. Start getting involved please!Joining the Story
Posted By AmericanLiaison on Dec 6th 2017
Jumping into the story!Join the Fight
Posted By AmericanLiaison on Dec 1st 2017
Welcome to the group! -