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  • diamondia_by_diamondianbride-dbwakyr.jpg

    Welcome to Diamondia !

    The land of prosperity and happiness......... if you respect the tyrant King.

    Once upon a time there were 4 kingdoms - Diamondia, Spadia, Clubia and Heartia. The four lived in relative peace and harmony until Diamondian General took the reign in Diamondia. Three other rulers were shocked by that and worried, they tried to intervene, but it was futile. The new King took it as an attempt to undermine him - and soon declared war on other kingdoms. And won.

    Now that he has the former rulers under his heel he will soon be crowned the High King of the Four.

    So here you are in the castle, trying to find your place. Do you seek fame ? Glory ? Maybe you're a wanderer who grew tired of the journey ? Or perhaps you're a citizen of a former kingdom wanting to worship your new lord ? Or wanting to assasinate him.... ?

    Here, in the Diamond Castle, we're having more work than ever ! Since our King conquered the other three Kingdoms we are preparing for the coronation of the High King of the Four. The other three lords are now his servants...... and who knows what they are plotting.....
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