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  • Species Information

    The Kotai

    A catch-all term for a collective species of outer-universe beigns which are directly descended from Krem herself, they are a semi-divine race which prides itself on genealogy and physical prowess. They are noted for their strength and pride, often looking down upon those who they deem to be lesser than themselves.

    As with any species that has been around for millions of years, the Kotai sport a large amount of diversity. Coming in all shapes and sizes and in varying forms, some even having multiple forms.
  • Primary Sub-Races

    The Primary races aboard the GAL are the most prominent and powerful of all Kotai, each one having their own district within the ship which is controlled by their race's respective leader.
  • Pure-Blood Kotai:

    The Pure-blooded Kotai are a race of dark skinned elves with hulking physiques, they are the offspring of interbred Kotai and are considered to be the most divine of the various sub-species. Generally crueler than their kindred species, the Pure-bloods are often feared by the houses within the GAL due to their incredible strength.

    There is currently a race war between the Pure-Bloods and the Teh-kash over which species is the most pure of the Kotai Bloodline.

    District: Gul

    Racial Leader: Utt

    Common Traits in Pure-Bloods

    Average Height:

    6-8 feet

    Average Weight:
    200-400 pounds

    Female/ Hermaphrodite

    Skin Pigmentation:

    Pitch Black - Soft Caramel

    Eye Color:
    Any natural color.

    Hair Color:
    Any natural color.

    Second Form:
    When in extreme distress Pure-Bloods take on a monstrous form, a hulking bestial visage which is completely covered in muscle with thick burly hair. The teeth of these forms are known throughout all districts of the G.A.L. due to the phosphorescence which line the enamel of Pure-blood teeth.

    Naming Convention:
    The Pure-Bloods have harsh, guttural names birth names. Typically, the child of a Pure-Blood is named after the sound the mother made while pushing the child out of her body during birth. The birth name of a Pure-Blood is precious and only ever shared when traded with an intimate partner, this is usually done during a pairing ceremony.

    Second Names:
    Second names are the titles which a Pure-Blood will have earned over the course of their life, while many titles can be attributed to a single Pure-Blood they can only ever choose one which they will respond to.
  • Teh-kash

    The Teh-Kash or the "Kash" for short. Are the race of pale Kotai which live in the Linoua district, The ability to use magic runs deep in the veins of the Teh-Kash, earning both fear and disdain from the other Kotai races. They are also among the shortest and most human-like of the Kotai, thought to have been birthed by a union between Krem and a holy goddess. This however, has never been verified.

    There is currently a race war between the Pure-Bloods and the Teh-kash over which species is the most pure of the Kotai Bloodline.

    District: Mene'Tul

    Racial Leaders: The Triumvirate

    Common Teh-Kash Traits:

    Average Height:

    4-6 feet

    Average Weight:
    90-140 pounds


    Male/ Female

    Skin Pigmentation:

    White - Dark

    Eye Color:
    Any color imaginable.

    Hair Color:
    Any color imaginable.

    Magic Usage:
    The "Kash" are renowned and feared for overcoming the Kotai immunity and inability to use magic, having learned to harness it for themselves. Their newly found skill of weaving spells is not only key to the everyday life-style of an average "Kash" but is deep routed in the culture as well.

    Naming Conventions:
    The names used by "Kash" are lofty and pristine, they see the rest of their kin as little more than beasts and feel that the names given to their children should reflect their ascension. Their names are long and readily flow off the tongue.
  • Kotai of note

    • You all are spawned from my blood, do your best not to disgrace it.