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  • WS Did you Know?

    Beasts is actually a slang term of supernaturals.
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  • LMzsq4Z.png

    It's 2026. Humanoids are normal every days stuff
    you see. Furres and supernaturals, however, bipedal and quadraped
    recently discovered 7-8 years ago. To control the ever-
    increasing aggression they integrated segregation laws
    for beasts and humanoids to live peacefully

    Certain Magic has been lawfully accepted into the city,
    accepting of some spells as normal. Other magic has
    been listed as illegal, and has consequences if casted.

    Any "known" (up to you whether we know ICly or not
    supernaturals are not permitted in particular sections of the
    city. There are designated areas for them to live, socialize, est,
    learn, and so on. See Segregation Laws for more information.
    Thus the nicer end stuff is likely humanoid side if you see

    Neutral Zone is the park and also where registration happens
    for supernatural and where the Under Ground Rail Road
    Association work under. The supernatural side is the grungier
    older style with not such nice stuff!

  • jXci7RZ.png

    -Be an adult- having reached an advanced stage of
    mental or emotional development characteristic of an adult.

    -God-moding is completely prohibited. Every character or
    species will need to be reviewed and approved both by the
    executive owners of the dream.

    -Bullying, harassment, and discrimination has no place in
    this community
    . All instances will be treated with the
    most extreme prejudice, and depending on the level of the
    violation, can result in immediate expulsion from the community. Nice not Spice.

    -Cliquing is not encouraged in this dream. And it never
    will be. Everyone should feel welcome not only as a roleplayer,
    but feel welcome among the community as a friend.

    Furcadia Rules

    W6 is a strict (IC) or in character continuity with an adult environment.
    As such, there are the following rules to follow:

    1. Age; Character and Feral
    Characters, ICly must be at least sixteen (16+) years of age. For
    feral types, they must be mature/in their adulthood to avoid
    conflict as AP's environment may include sexual and violent
    situations. You may be asked to change your character based
    on this rule, asked to leave, or include a tag to clarify character
    age. It is Furcadians ruling, and we will abide by it since they so
    generously allow us to create this world.

    2. OOC Age
    As the dream is an adult dream with adult situations, it is strictly for
    ages eighteen and over (18+). There are no exceptions to this rule. It
    doesn't matter if you're located in another country and you're considered
    an adult at a younger age, 18+ is our restriction. If you are found to be
    underage, or questionably so, you will be removed/banned/banished
    from the dream. This includes websites and logs that may list your age.
    You may be asked for your birth date, or you may appeal at the time in
    which you become at least eighteen years of age.

    OOC Conduct
    4. OOC anywhere but in the OOC Room will be frowned upon and
    you will be asked to remove yourself. Any other area, since this is
    a strict roleplay environment is considered IC at all times. Whispers
    in OOC are fine, but not out loud in any other areas other then OOC

    Actions and Responsibility
    5. Actions to harm the WS items that the civilization needs to
    thrive on will earn your character a hefty crime payday over
    his head causing him to fall into Convict Status. Remember,
    IC actions have IC consequences, just like OOC actions have
    OOC consequences. Escaping will be accepted if it is REALISTIC.
    There will be no magic blowing the entire town up in one night.
    WS has thrived for a reason, and for the sake of the roleplayers
    who love the community, it will continue to struggle to thrive.
    Technology setting is flexible, but not to the point of Sci-Fi please.

    6. Spamming is not at allowed. Any signs of it and it will earn you
    a quick permanent ban. No warning.

    7. Harassment will also not be tolerated. This will earn three
    warnings, the third resulting in your permanent ban.

    16. OOC Racial discrimination is not accepted. OOC Sexual
    discrimination, again. not accepted.

    How to behave
    8. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Treat
    each other with respect. If you can't get along OOC? Then ignore/
    don't talk to that person. Any drama starters will be kicked out
    and warned twice before resulting in a permanent ban. This is a
    no drama zone, it's gonna stay that way.

    9. Consent to the dream rules, to furcadian rules, and everything
    should be hunky dory. Don't argue with Staff, with Dream Owner,
    with players about their characters. This is called starting Drama,
    and it won't be tolerated. As for Consenting to certain IC things,
    that is all up to you. We don't try to control your character. We're
    laid back, do whatever you want, long as it's within the guidelines.
    ((Considerable since there is a slavery trade in WS now, that slaves
    obviously have some IC restrictions if you were to play a slave in
    WS. Such as No rights, no weapons, they wear only the attire for
    any marked slave. They behave while in their pens and they get fed.
    They misbehave and they slowly die. Unless bought by a caring
    individual. From there it is between you and the player how the slave
    behaves. But until it is bought and is no longer owned by So and So,
    these are what Slave Trade expects out of its slaves.))

    10. All slaves in the Slave trade are fed, cared for, groomed, dressed,
    and set out to sell every day. The misbehaving ones will still be forced
    to do these regular activities other than being fed. They will be watered
    throughout the day. The slave trade business, for now, is small. So very
    few pens are open. The slaves that aren't in pens are usually placed with
    the convict cells if the WPD has any open cells that they aren't using.

    11. Sexual RP & Fighting
    Explicit violence and sexual activities are to be done in the privacy
    of your homes, or the rental rooms. Violence is encouraged to be done
    in the arena. As that is what it was made for. It is against Furcadian
    standards, and if seen doing it, you are making the dream a liability.
    You will be warned twice before a permanent ban is done.

    12. Upload Pads
    For now, there are no upload pads. Once the dream is established
    and we get some revenue coming in, we might allow uploading to be
    done if it fits with the continuity.

    13. Idling in the dream is ok for now. If we get crowded though, we
    might change this up.

    Ejection, Staff Rule
    14. You have been ejected for a reason. I do not hire staff lightly. If you
    wish to take it up with someone, take it up with the Staff Manager. If she
    is not available, then talk to one of the Owners. We will be glad to
    explain to you the reasons you have been ejected and what you need to fix. Continuing re entry doing the same offenses will result in permanent ban.

    15. Staff is the law. They will go through training and they will be trained
    to carry these out effectively. As such they have the right to exercise discretion
    in enforcing dream rules. If you think something isn't right or feel that the
    staff is abusing, provide logs of the account of such event happening and we
    will take care of it from here.

  • Group Announcements

    Opening RP Ideas for Dream Opening

    Posted By Michonne on Jan 18th 2018

    I already figure we're gonna get some quizzes on dream lore.

    Maybe a little bit of "what is your characters type rank?"

    But I also want to hear your thoughts on the actual IC event!

    I can't promise gifts, we're all three too poor for that, but I might speak to a few artists and see what they...


    Lore Change Retcon

    Posted By Oldtimer on Jan 16th 2018

    As the dream owners, we have heard your concerns about the segregation laws and how the lore change has met with some disdain. In order to meet a compromise that is more suited to a more community-friendly and lore-adaptive idea, we have discussed a more complex, comprehensive solution that will...


    Lore Change

    Posted By Michonne on Jan 16th 2018

    So, we are getting there. Guys! We are totally getting there. But.

    Some things did come up. And have changed.

    The Furres are not going to be treated like humans. They will be included in the segregation line. They will be placed WITH the Beasts and categorized the same as them. I know this effects...


    Progress report

    Posted By Michonne on Jan 2nd 2018

    Almost done with the patch adding, and hopefully by then we can dream weave after a few little edits of some medical equipment I'm gonna be doing as well...

    Hopefully, Aitsena is going to do some patches for us on the white house and other things the dream might need.

    What it looks like it's gonna...



    Posted By Michonne on Dec 31st 2017

    We live in a world that cares much about the future, one which neglects the present and focuses on the past. - Ryan Davenport

    We should instead focus on the present, forget the past and remember the lessons. And not at all worry about the future.

    If you need an ear; if you need sympathy. I'm always here.


  • 9lXO8FY.png

    Down the staircase SW of the Palace Courtyard