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So It Has Begun

Posted by Michonne December 27th 2017, 2:21am
Well. I was offered a chance to make my own modern dream. You see, I never had the finances. But certainly had the willpower, determination and ideas all running through my head.....

And now I've been able to due to my generous friends I have.

So. Without further adue!

If you look around on this page, you'll find some VERY interesting information. This dream is based on Washington D.C. Ward Six specifically because let's face, it Washington IS a big city. Take a look around on the Areas. You'll find blank spaces. Know what those are?

That's your position to fill the city.

But you have to earn it, via Roleplay and activity. Same with anything else in this dream, that's how I plan on you earning stuff. You don't pay actual money for it. No no, you can choose to donate that's fine. But you WILL earn a spot in the dream, by roleplaying in it. You will earn an IC position in the dream, by roleplaying it.

We have all kinds of areas, PD. Fire Department. Hospital. EMR. But guess what makes it all the more fun and complicated for me as a dream weaver? Segregation...

Between humans and supernaturals. It's lovely folks. It's gonna be a fun little twisty not only physical but also mental war. And of course, you still have that main plot of Adam vs Jean. So join in on the fun, sign on up, PM me or Oldtimer to bet your spot. We'll have 'er up and running soon for forum rp at the least!