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  • Bramford is an adult community. Some of the material you find here may be considered offensive. Discretion is advised.
  • Introduction

    Welcome to

    //////////Bramford is a New York City inspired, modern roleplay environment with emphasis on the Gothic and Noir. A gruesome history of witch hunting and intolerance sees the supernatural as an affliction to be purged, its current climate heavily influenced by past events. Paranormal and secret, underground networks and societies pervade society. Corruption and nepotism run rampant in the city's elite, subjugating all the rest under a silent veil of a hierarchy slanted in favor of humanity and wealth.

    Bramford has always suffered from an epidemic of organized crime. More recently, however, there have been whispers of an uprising among those with knowledge of the supernatural; the city's historically targeted faction has found power in its new head. The city is haunted, both by the ghosts of its past, and the rising tension between those in power and their subordinates.
  • About Us

    • Bramford is an 18+ community with content that may not be suitable for those under age. Discretion is advised.

    • This RPR group is to be used in congruence with our group on Discord and Furcadia and contains all official community information.

    • Please take a moment to peruse our RPR, read our rules and guidelines and discover Bramford for yourself!

    • Don't be afraid to approach one of our staff with questions or comments; your feedback is very important to us.
  • Announcements

    Incoming Updates!

    Posted By konnie on Apr 15th 2021

    April showers bring May flowers and with that they also bring me coming in with fresh muse to drizzle over the RP forums!

    Expect a new event week to coincide with Epic Week. :D

    And do remember to join our discord to sling us with any suggestions you might have! <3 We’re very excited to be back...


    Re-Opening Our Gates

    Posted By pidge on May 24th 2020

    Just what it says on the tin!

    No, but seriously, it is my absolute privilege to announce that Bramford is re-launching as an RPR and Discord-based roleplay community. We have revitalized the lore and made some amendments to the continuity (including the introduction of a new fighting and leveling...