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Forums » Seeking Roleplay » How to Post a Seeking Thread

How to Post a Seeking Thread
A Guide

A seeking thread is for anyone looking for roleplay. Anyone within the Bramford community is allowed to search for plots and roleplaying companions within this forum. Please refer to Character Creation and the Rules of Bramford before posting here.

When it comes to seeking threads, there are a couple things to keep in mind:

////// 1. Relevance. Make sure you clearly state what you are looking for. This applies to both the original poster and anyone responding. Have fun, but make sure that you keep responses on topic.

2. Respect. There will be no trash talking, bullying, or insulting of anyone's characters. Hard work and dedication are put into every species, concept, and character.

3. Reposting. You are allowed to change your posts/edit them as much as you want, and bump them when you've added new concepts, however, limit the number of individual threads to one per character. Alternatively, you may elect to create a single master post for all the characters you’d like to find RP for.

- Happy hunting!

Moderators: konnie pidge