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Forums » Public Roleplay » How to Start a Public Roleplay

How to Start a Roleplay
A Guide

Thought of a scene you want to start up with a character you have within the community?
Not sure how to go about getting it going? Don't worry, it's easy!

////// 1. Prompt. After selecting the character you want to host the scene with as the one to post as, write up a short description of the scene. Generally only a few lines at most, to give people an idea of what they're about to join. Italicized, please. This blurb will be what you'll use when cross-posting into our server! We also suggest to use this to put if you are wanting to real time rapid fire post for this scene or not as an OOC note.
2. Title, Status. Title your thread with something relevant to the scene, or puns, as long as it's appropriate, we really don't ask for much. Once the roleplay is complete, which is up to the host, there's no time limits here, please update the title to addendum it with '- Closed', so staff knows to count those points! We will automatically close roleplay after a week of inactivity!

3. Opening Post. After titling and describing your scene with the prompt, go ahead and write out your opening post below it! There's no limit to how big or small, it is wholly up to you as a player - set the scene and give something for people to jump into! Public roleplays are not made for something like IC dates, unless you want them crashed. You're inviting the community to join in - we welcome private roleplay on our forums as well, if you want us to host them, just tag it as such in the title!
- If you're hosting something that goes above the RPR PG-13 rating, please post it within our Mature Roleplay sub-forum. This is locked to members only, so you're welcome to be as explicit as you and those who join are comfortable with. Once again, please remember the consent rule.

4. Emitting. Time to post to the discord! Head over to #roleplay, tag @Roleplayer, paste the prompt, then the link to the thread using < brackets > ! You're also welcome to ask a staff member in the server to post for you if you're unsure how, just DM one of them over discord and they'll get it up for you.


- See you on the forums!

Moderators: konnie pidge