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Forums » Seeking Roleplay » Emily's Garbage

Not exactly garbage, but sometimes they're little trash gremlins. Below, I've divided up my characters in terms of the amount of muse I have for them. Just because I do not have as much muse for Some of them, doesn't mean that I'm not still willing to plot with them if anyone is interested. Additionally, I like to mention that I do not romantically plot my characters -- not because it makes me uncomfortable, but because I've noticed that it cuts down on a lot of OOC drama. I'm more than happy to consider Say We Did situations, or past relationships, but with the understanding that, in layman's terms, all of my characters are already spoken for.

Also, it is fair to note that I do have characters set to anonymous that are also available for roleplay. If you know about them, don't be afraid to seek me out for roleplay with them!

High Muse

BAdKxpy.png Cato Benedetti
(profile) - La Mano Destra
A younger member of the Italian family, but no less dangerous in his ability to keep up with his older relatives -- when he feels like it. Goofy and independent, he's often seen annoying his brother in Mama Antonia's Trattoria or picking his guitar for pocket change on the curb outside.

⮩ Looking for tension with other gangs/factions, law enforcement, and really just anyone. Fight club.

⮩ Not interested in knowledge of the supernatural. Romance.


Moderators: konnie pidge