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The Secretary

  • Bespectacled Cobra

    Full Name: Ankita Parvati Lachman
    Aliases: Kitty, Kit, Miss Lachman
    Scales: Speckled brown on cream, with pale underbelly
    Markings: Black and cream spectacle marking on upper back
    Hair: Very dark brown
    Eyes: Pale blue
    Height: 5'5'', 6'1'' during threat display, 15' full length
    Build: Pear-shaped, with a heavy tail
    Species: Naja naja, Spectacled Cobra
    Race: Indian

    Alignment: Lawful Neutral
    Resistances: Poison
    Weaknesses: Cold, Nearsighted
    Phobias: Snow, Mongooses

    Position: Ankita serves as Queen Tarandelith's personal secretary and the Royal Translator, when the need arises. She is also the Royal Librarian and Historian.

    Combat Statistics
    Strength - Medium
    Constitution - Medium
    Dexterity - High
    Agility - High
    Intelligence - low
    Wisdom - Low
    Fortitude - Medium
    Reflex - High
    Will - Low

    - Venomous - As with all members of her species, the cobra has fangs with potent venom.
    - Eidetic Memory - Self-explanatory.

    - Translator - It can be assumed that whatever the language is, with very few exceptions, she has learned to read and write it with a skill that is little short of magical.
    - Cryptographer - Codes, for her, are a little like puzzles to jigsaw enthusiasts. Some are more difficult than others, challenging, even! But none of them have foiled her yet.
    - Organizer - It exists, she organizes. This is not unlike having created a Dewey Decimal System for the universe, which she follows to great effect. It is rumored that the naga is literally incapable of losing anything with the possible single exception of her glasses because without them, she can't see.

    - Spectacles - A lovely set of wire-framed spectacles, made with rather heavy wire to support the thick ovals of glass that allow her to see. The earpieces curl almost completely around the back of the ear to prevent being knocked off.
    - Pince nez - Back-up spectacles. When one is as nearsighted as she, it helps to keep a spare set for emergencies, in this case a small gold pince nez in an embroidered bag kept on her person at all times.
    - Chatelaine - An ornate clasp done in tiny gems and fanciful enamel on gold that she wears clipped at the waist of her sari, the chatelaine includes a small sewing kit, tiny scissors, a number of keys, a tiny pen, a miniature inkwell, and a small file.