RP Zones
OOC and Persona Play:
Carousel Bar
Indigo Icing
Nocturne Carnival
STRICT IC Roleplay:
Rave Cave
Garden of Romance -
Roles to Play
*** NOTE: You aren't limited to just one role! Feel free to mix and match! ***
Party Animal
Your objective is to have as much fun as possible, and encourage whoever is around you to join in! Characters who fall under this category are wild, vivacious, carefree, enthusiastic, and ready to socialize and play. Negative attitudes begone; it's time to have a smashing good time!
Your objective is to become the love interest of your (and hopefully someone else's!) dreams. Lovelorn bad boys, Prince Charmings, benevolent beauties, and chiffon-clad sirens are all welcome! This is a tailor-made position for long-term roleplayers who need a hearts-and-flowers love story for their OC's!
Visiting Royalty
It's not unusual for kings, queens, princes, princesses, sovereigns, emperors, and other forms of the high upper class to visit Club Nocturne! Maybe you're a princess who wants to sneak out and have a good time. Maybe you're the princess's parent looking to catch her and bring her home. Maybe you're a duke and duchess on your third honeymoon. The possibilities are endless!
News Reporter
Your objective is to interview and/or photograph any player you choose in the Carousel Bar or Rave Cave. Make up a publication name, and decide whether you're a pesky member of the paparazzi harassing a celebrity or a genuine journalist trying to cover stories about the moon's most popular night spot. No matter what, you must get that next hot angle!
Drag Performer
Your objective is to portray the most stunning, fabulous, and entertaining drag king or queen in the vicinity. In the presence of another drag performer, you may try to befriend them or one-up them (maybe even both!) Club Nocturne Drag Performers usually have themes, gimmicks, and pun names, although this is not a hard rule.
NOTE: You are also welcome to play as a non-competitive gender non-binary character, such as a femme boy or androgyne.
Your objective is to be a big strong badass who kicks out characters who are acting out of line. This includes ravenous paparazzi, brawls, drug dealers and takers, contraband holders, characters who are stealing or destroying property, streakers, and anyone engaging in public sex or eroticism. These are the ONLY reasons for bouncers to take players to the entrance. Players are allowed to return to the Club only if they agree to stop their bad behaviour. Otherwise, they must be sent home.
Bouncers are only to patrol the Entrance, Carnival, Rave Cave, and Carousel Bar.
NOTE: Bouncers are strictly IC staff, not OOC. You do not have to be Dream Staff to be a bouncer.
ANOTHER NOTE: Not all bouncers have to be gruff and rude. You can play gentle giant bouncers, too!
Your objective is to engage other players in humourous roleplay. You could do this by having a literal stand-up comedian character, or a character who is simply funny and enjoyable to play with.
Your objective is to keep the music in the Rave Cave going, whether you're at the DJ booth or playing instruments around the dance floor.
Space Pirate
Your objective is to drink, relax, enjoy the club, and buy, sell, or trade contraband without getting caught. Most pirates take the easy route and smuggle items between the Earth and the moon, while others may travel from other planets and galaxies. Illegal moon imports include chewing gum, fireworks, and catnip (which is considered both a drug and an invasive species.) Illegal moon exports include lunar helium, orichalcum, quartz batteries, and moonshine.
Your objective is to find as many secret surprises, hidden places, and Easter eggs as possible, both IC and OOC!
Casual Guest
OOC chats and occasional RP. These players typically hang out in the Carousel Bar and Popsyland! -
Prompts (by area)
Not sure how to start up a conversation? Want to liven up a quiet part of the dream? Here are some ideas on fun RP's for each area!
Carousel Bar:
1. You challenge the nearest player to an arm-wrestling match! Roll 1d20. Whoever gets the highest number is the victor!
2. You assert that one item on the bar menu is the best of all, going so far as to explain to everyone why you like it so much. You'll also fight with anybody who disagrees with you.
3. You have become absolutely, hopelessly drunk, and you start to sing as if you're in a musical. You don't care if anyone doesn't like your singing, or doesn't want to join you in your performance; life is a show, and you are the star.
4. A valuable item has fallen out of your pocket onto the floor, and you try to enlist other bar-goers to help you find it.
5. You decide to show off a cool party trick. Roll 1d6. If you get an even number, you succeeded in doing the trick! If you get an odd number, you fail hilariously.
Rave Cave
1. You are a news reporter looking for the next juicy story or eye-catching headline... will you interview someone as if they are a beloved celebrity? Twist something into an outrageous scandal? Take photos for the front page? The choice is yours!
2. You grab the hands of the nearest character and start dancing with them. You may even try to swing them around, dip them, or do some Lindy hop tricks!
3. Challenge someone in the rave cave to a dance competition. (If you can't decide on a winner, roll 1d6 to see who gets the highest number!)
4. You announce, either verbally or in :emote, that you are wearing a lampshade, a traffic cone, or another absurd item. Bonus points if you give that item to another character!
5. If the DJ booth is empty, start playing music! It could be the same music as the midis, the Official Club Nocturne Playlist, or it could be your own favourite jams!
6. You release a pinata on wheels into the crowd and chant, "Smash it, smash it!" (Bonus points if the pinata has something other than candy inside!)
7. You get so into the music that you remove your jacket or shirt and throw it on someone's face. How will they react? How will you get your clothes back?
8. You blow up some balloons or beach balls and toss them around!
9. Your character develops a crush on someone nearby! They decide to try and dance with them. Will they succeed? Will this lead to something more?
Garden of Romance
1. The dreamy atmosphere of the garden convinces you to lay out among the flowers and sniff them. You invite whoever is nearby to help you decorate your hair with them.
2. Impress a potential lover in the garden by serenading them!
3. Walk around with a watering can, giving the flowers and trees a drink.
4. Set up a picnic and invite someone in the dream to join you.
5. Like a siren or nymph, you decide to sit somewhere and wait for someone to come by so you can "lure" them into having a friendly or romantic encounter with you. "Yoohoo!~" -
The Canon of the Moon
In Club Nocturne Canon, the moon is a thick shell containing a reverse-gravity cavern system (similar to Hollow Earth theory.)
The moon's flag is dark royal blue with a depiction of the full moon on it surrounded by tiny white stars. There is a footprint in each of the four corners in pastel blue, pink, yellow, and green. The blue is a were-canine paw, the pink is a bat paw, the yellow is a kozavor hoof, and the green is a rabbit paw, representing the four main races of the moon.
Lungartha was the first city on the moon, and the former name of the entire internal cavern. There was a brief war between Lungartha and another city known as Alexandria II, in which a perceived water crisis caused the two factions (Lungarthans and Aqua Guardians) to fight over Spring Lake. In a surprising twist of events, the spring was disturbed during battle and became a large geyser storm for several years, bringing the Great Lakes of the Moon (Salty Shores, Big Bog Basin, and Lake Persephone) into existence. The ruins of Alexandria II are at the bottom of Lake Persephone, and are a popular destination for archaeologists and treasure hunters.
There are several smaller cities and towns near Lungartha, including:
Craterton: A mining boom town that once exported large amounts of copper, gold, and orichalcum. With mining on the decline, the denizens of Craterton now invest in sports. They have a successful football team called the Thrashers, whose mascot is the angry pickaxe that forms the T in their name. If you see someone with gold, copper, and red on, you can bet they're a Thrashers fan. (Lungarthans wear purple jerseys with blue flames to support their own team, the Spitfires.) Crime rates have lowered drastically since the football stadium and community center opened recently.
Astroville: If you love the retro-futuristic 50's aesthetic, Astroville is the place for you! Home of the best diners and drive-ins on the Moon, and a pretty great football team known as the Astronauts (silver and red with a space suit mascot.) Even though this town has a warm, cheerful disposition, a lot of crime occurs downtown in the trailer park district.
Glimm: This friendly city rests between Big Bog Basin and Lake Persephone. Glimm is known for its fairy tale scenery and architecture, which is heavily influenced by European cottages and chalets. It makes an excellent wedding and honeymoon location, as well as a place to settle down and start a family. Glimm has the largest hospital on the moon, with an expansive laboratory and healing herb garden located in the east wing. Many elderly and disabled people move to Glimm due to the hospital's stellar reputation. Fun things to do in Glimm include paddle boating, community gardening, frog catching, and shopping at antique markets. While their football team (green and orange with a cicada mascot) doesn't fare well, their anti-gravity hockey games are off the charts! Maybe some day, AG hockey will be just as popular (if not moreso) than football. Crime rates are extremely low here.
Electricity and lighting on the moon is provided by sun stones, solar panels in the craters above, crystal power plants, watermills, and bioluminescent animals.
Noteable non-anthro animals native to the area include:
Balloon Frogs: Amphibians that inflate their bodies to roll away from danger. They are known to cross streets like tumbleweeds. They come in blue, brown, and green, and have the ability to light their bodies from within. They eat insects and small fish.
Cicadas: Insects known for making a lot of summery sounds.
Crickets: The same as the ones on Earth.
Fireflies: Similar to the ones on Earth, but these ones can alternate between gold, blue, and white light. Moon fireflies are also larger and brighter.
Giant Moths: Ranging in size from banana to bicycle. Some fashion icons put sugarbutter in their mane so that they can "wear" their pet moths like bows!
Lunarkeets: Beautiful multi-coloured parrots resembling kestrels and birds of paradise.
Moon Mice: These tiny blue mice are pests. Owls, cats, and griffons are happy to catch them and eat them.
Owls: About the same as the ones on Earth. They eat mostly moon mice.
Spring Peepers: Tiny light green frogs that "sing" in trees in the spring.
The soil of the Lunar Caverns is generally mineral-rich and loamy, with the exception of the mines and Great Lunar Lakes (Salty Shores, Lake Persephone, and Big Bog Basin.)
Trees and other plants, as well as a ban on air pollutants, help keep the enclosed caverns clean and safe to breathe in. This arose due to an air crisis related to the most recent war.
Although the War of Poisons ended over 60 years ago, there are still parts of the Lunar Caverns which still contain toxic materials from the cobalt and mercury-based weapons and fuels used in battle. The toll of this war is still being felt in the present era. Thankfully, there have only been a small number of brief wars within the moon.
The longest war, the War of Gravity, lasted for almost a decade. The war began with a large group of drug dealers and gambling addicts who swindled major politicians out of their fortunes by taking advantage of the gravity differences between the earth and moon. The drug dealers then bribed their way to the top of the political food chain, and temporarily overthrew the government. The disgraced former politicians were then publicly massacred, leading to panic and chaos. A rebellion sparked by the families of the politicians (known as the Tears of Rage) rose up against the drug dealers, but they were met with fierce opposition. Using the increased fearlessness and stamina from the influence of illegal drugs, the Loyal High fought on behalf of their drug dealer "benefactors." Gas masks were worn by the Tears of Rage rebellion due to powdered drugs being shot through the air in an effort to cause addiction (the "gleeful loyalty" of the Loyal High.) This difficult and brutal war resulted in a Gravity Standard and strict drug ban to be issued around the entirety of the caverns. The political scene on the moon also changed dramatically, with new measures being taken to avoid the corruption that led to the war.
While the moon began with emperors and empresses, it has gradually become a democracy over the course of a thousand years. The President of the Moon (a stern and serious black bat with brown eyes named Freya Koda) travels around the different cities and communities of the moon on a constant basis, accompanied by her secret service. Her locations and schedule are randomized to prevent assassination attempts.
Despite her cold logic and boring speeches, President Koda is largely considered to be the most effective and efficient president in history. After former president Rocko Rey was impeached for a variety of offenses, and president Uri Total before him resigned two years into his term "to spend more time teaching his son the noble sport of golf," Koda is a both a breath of fresh air and a sigh of relief. She is expected to be re-elected for a second term.
By far the worst president in the moon's history was Fritz Getter, whose campaign slogan was "My Middle Name Is Go!" Though at first he seemed like the perfect maverick cat to run the planet, he instead raised taxes astronomically and fought to ban any activity that he deemed non-traditional (this included same-sex marriages, cross-dressing, and modern cuisine.) He ran for president during the Great Crystal Rush, which was about 40 years ago.
The Moon has a few mines left from The Great Crystal Rush, but is otherwise filling in abandoned shafts and passageways to prevent cave-ins. Quartz, fire crystals, sun stones, amethyst, labradorite, copper, orichalcum, gold, coal, and diamonds are all common on the moon. Though there used to be a single oil well near Craterton, it has since been depleted.
Vehicles on the Moon are affectionately called "rovers," and consist of electric cars, trucks, buggies, and mopeds. Bikes and trikes are also common.
Though the moon used to have one religion (worshipping The Lunar Goddess, or Luna Herself), it has become wildly diverse in its faith. Temples dedicated to Mother Luna are still standing, and were-creatures make pilgrimages to the moon to replenish their magic at their altars.
The main language of the moon has become a mixed Earth English, with heavy influences of Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Swahili, German, French, and Coastal Salish. Originally, the Ancient Lungarthans spoke an obscure form of Chinese. This changed with the globalization of Earth and increased lunar immigration.
After centuries of enduring war, drugs, corrupt politicians, and unfair laws and taxation, the people of the moon are due for a break! It's the perfect time to cut loose and enjoy the night life! There is no better place for recreational activities than the capital city of the moon, the luminous Lungartha! -
Lungartha, Capital of the Moon
Lungartha is the Capital City of Earth's Moon. This sprawling urban paradise is home to a booming fashion district, beautiful parks, indie film studios, and of course, Club Nocturne. Lungartha's architecture is an eclectic mixture of gothic, art nouveau, and ancient Egyptian. The two pyramid-shaped crystal power plants are an iconic landmark for those entering the city on the North side.
Lungartha also has a lot of celebrities who live there, including:
Axel Grease: This non-binary hyena is the bassist and backup vocalist of Trippernurse. They are also known to be the most mature member of the group, and ipso facto leader (especially when it comes to negotiations, plans, and finances.) In certain songs, Axel and Cheesewrap provide stomp percussion, giving songs like "Back to My Old Ways" and "The Grind" an industrial sound. Axel is known for wearing jewelry made from gears, bolts, and wrenches as a tribute to their supportive construction worker dad.
Cheesewrap Nyx: This feisty bat boy is the drummer and ukulele player of the moon's most popular band, Trippernurse. Though the rest of the band got together in Craterton Middle School, they wouldn't be the same without Cheesewrap. A certifiable class clown, he is most famous for smashing a drum set on his head and falling off the stage, calling the police because he got lost in a hedge maze, and being able to diffuse any situation with a heartfelt statement or a good joke. He supposedly earned his nickname in college, when he was caught smuggling nacho cheese packets in his wings.
Crescentina Stoss: A 100-year-old werewolf actress who attributes her longevity to her residence on the moon (she doesn't look a day over 50!) Crescentina is silver and white, and often wears elegant royal blue clothes decorated with silver stars. She is a prestigious and highly respected celebrity.
Dr. Chuma Kamuzu, PhD: This elegant and intelligent sha is the head of the ENT service line at Glimm Hospital, and the face pictured on all the Medicinal Marshmallow products sold at lunar grocery stores. Dr. Kamuzu is a regular guest on local news stations when flu season rolls around, explaining the health benefits of ginger-honey-lemon-marshmallow puffs and tea. They've also been featured in Hottest Lungarthans of the Year for the past decade. Even though their job is at Glimm Hospital, they moved to Lungartha to distance themself from their ex-wife.
LUSK: A kozavor drag queen and designer who only wears white, gold, and black (the same colours as their body.) LUSK has an exquisite diamond-tier line of cosmetics and clothes, all fashioned in a modernized French rococo and art nouveau style. Many citizens of the moon look forward to LUSK's over-the-top theatrical infomercials, which usually feature acrobats and fireworks.
Mangetsu M'Wezi: This jackalope was once a deadpan comedian and action film star. Now, he's the mayor of Lungartha! Mangetsu has jade green fur and piercing blue eyes. He is a trans man who carries himself like a wise old wizard (a very "speak softly and carry a big stick" vibe.) Though he's come under fire recently for allegedly being involved with pirates and the mob, it seems as though he's got the city's crime under control. He is known to be good friends with President Koda.
Marco McKnight: The suave cello and violin player of Trippernurse stirs up fangirl fantasies of intellectual dates with a fine red fox in a well-tailored suit. Marco at first seems like he's in the wrong band, often sticking out like a sore thumb in band photos due to his formal attire. However, upon listening to their albums, it's clear that he belongs with his friends. His skills on classical stringed instruments bring a soaring effect to many of Trippernurse's best songs. He also has a deep voice that complements Zabdyr's alto and tenor tones.
Rocktavia: This fierce and electrifying kozavor is an independent musical artist who specializes in pop, EDM, disco, and punk rock. She is known for wirelessly powering her instruments and special effects with her magic. Her fashion sense is meant to create shock and awe, often taking notes from avant garde and surrealist designers. Her most famous outfit was a dress made of live snakes and condoms, which many parents became outraged at. Rocktavia recently released a smash hit album called Lightning Grin, with cover art depicting a portrait of her smiling with white electricity dancing around her lips and teeth. Lightning Grin includes popular songs like, "Pay Up," "Thunder Thighs," and "Dare Me To."
Zabdyr Zabdyr: A compulsive liar who constantly has to correct himself, Zab struggles with honesty. However, in his music, he feels free to express his true feelings without any constraints. This black and grey fox is the dreamy "bad boy" guitarist, vocalist, and lyricist of Trippernurse. He sports a punk/emo/androgynous style that is very popular with youth and young adults.