Terms to use while RPing.
Crow food= rotting food
Fox dung= and insult, stronger offense than mouse-brain
Fresh-kill= recently killed prey
Gatherings= a meeting in peace with other clans at full moon
Green cough= severe chest infection, which can be fatal in elders and young kits.
Greenleaf= summer
Greenleaf twoleg place= A place human go only in summer, campsite.
Halfbridge= a dock
Horseplace= fields and stables near the lake, there lives some horse and some kittypets.
Housefolk= house cat's word for the owner.
Kittypet= a house cat
Leaf-bare= winter
Leaf-fall= fall
Loner= a cat live by itself peacefully, but they don't defend the territory.
Monster= Human machines or cars.
Moon-high= the time of night when the moon is highest, often midnight.
Mouse-brain= not very smart
Mouse-dung= an insult, stronger than mouse-brain, but less offensive than fox-dung
Newleaf= spring
Nofurs= another word for human
One moon= one month
Half moon= two weeks
Rouge= very hostile cats live outside the clan, usually don't stay in a place for too long.
Sharing tongues= groom each other or talking together.
Silverpelt= The milky way
Sun-drown-place= the sea to the west, where the sun sets.
Sunhigh= noon
Thunderpath= a road
Tree eater= bulldozer
Twoleg nest= a human house
Twolegplace= a human town
Twoleg= clan's way of saying a human
Upwalker= another way of saying human.
White-cough= mild chest infection
Crow food= rotting food
Fox dung= and insult, stronger offense than mouse-brain
Fresh-kill= recently killed prey
Gatherings= a meeting in peace with other clans at full moon
Green cough= severe chest infection, which can be fatal in elders and young kits.
Greenleaf= summer
Greenleaf twoleg place= A place human go only in summer, campsite.
Halfbridge= a dock
Horseplace= fields and stables near the lake, there lives some horse and some kittypets.
Housefolk= house cat's word for the owner.
Kittypet= a house cat
Leaf-bare= winter
Leaf-fall= fall
Loner= a cat live by itself peacefully, but they don't defend the territory.
Monster= Human machines or cars.
Moon-high= the time of night when the moon is highest, often midnight.
Mouse-brain= not very smart
Mouse-dung= an insult, stronger than mouse-brain, but less offensive than fox-dung
Newleaf= spring
Nofurs= another word for human
One moon= one month
Half moon= two weeks
Rouge= very hostile cats live outside the clan, usually don't stay in a place for too long.
Sharing tongues= groom each other or talking together.
Silverpelt= The milky way
Sun-drown-place= the sea to the west, where the sun sets.
Sunhigh= noon
Thunderpath= a road
Tree eater= bulldozer
Twoleg nest= a human house
Twolegplace= a human town
Twoleg= clan's way of saying a human
Upwalker= another way of saying human.
White-cough= mild chest infection
Moderators: Hawkstar (played by UniqLibra) Addertail (played by MrTransWolf) UniqLibra