Disclaimer: Positions filled on an application basis. Meaning that these positions don't necessarily have to be earned through RP unless you want to RP the Prospect - Patch Holder plot (which can be a lot of fun).
Ephram Holt
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Riding Position: First right or left, their preference
To preside over the club and it's meetings.
To judge items not covered in the bylaws(constitution) in a democratic manner.
To be the official spokesman of the club in the area of public relations.
To represent the club in any club business. For example, at meetings where other clubs are present.
To assist the other officers in the interpretation of their club responsibilities, and to promote and maintain club life among members in general.
Vice President
Thomas Cooper II (NPC)
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Riding Position: Second right or left, P's preference
To assume the responsibilities of the presidency when the president is unable to do so. In practice, the Vice President needs to walk "hand-in-hand" (so to speak) with the President, so that he is always fully in a position to take over when required. This requirement usually results in a very close relationship between the President and the Vice President and they should talk in one voice.
To assist the President in the execution of his duties and responsibilities.
Sgt. At Arms
Jameson Porter
2nd gen SA and an immovable force in the club. He knows the bylaws inside & out & he's not afraid to let a brother know when he steps out of line, officer or prospect. He'll always have your back as long as there's a patch on it.
Riding Position: Second right or left behind P, P's preference
To maintain strict discipline within the club and ensure that members follow the bylaws and protocols.
To maintain strict order at club meetings.
To resolve problems between members.
To ensure that members adhere to correct policies when dealing with other members or outsiders.
To defend club members, property, or territory from outside threats.
Road Captain
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Riding Position: First right or left, P's preference
To plan the travel routes and organize the basic itinerary of the club prior to going on a 'run' or tour.
To brief the Club prior to leaving on a run regarding route, formation, speed, passing, stops, refueling, break down procedure and any other important "must knows".
Together with the President to lead the club in formation while riding as a club.
To ensure that new prospects are fully briefed before they may ride with the club.
To ensure riding position protocol is maintained when riding in formation as a club and to enforce club bylaws and procedures for group riding.
To ensure members bikes are roadworthy before they are allowed to participate in a club ride. A maintenance supervisor may optionally be designated to help with this requirement.
Thomas Cooper
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Riding Position: Third right or left
To maintain all relevant information regarding the club members records.
To record, safeguard and make available the minutes of club meetings.
To maintain the bylaws, recording additions, deletions, or changes.
To advise on the implementation of the bylaws, when required.
NOTE: This does not mean that the secretary enforces the bylaws - it means that he/she will approach appropriate officers and advise them when the need arises.
To handle all correspondence and keep appropriate records thereof.
To liaise with the members regarding important club announcements and events.
Castus Hawthorne
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Riding Position: Third right or left
To monitor and record the club's income and expenditures.
To collect the dues and fines owing by members.
To ensure the Club's financial obligations are timorously paid.
To make the financial statements available to the Club at meetings.