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World info

  • Alternate History Information

    In this world, it has always been known that there is more out there than just humans. They have lived side by side, although not always peacefully, with vampires, lycanthropes, witches, fae, and others. However, it wasn't until the last fifty years or so that any government actually gave rights to those who were not quite human.
    In this world some countries have given rights to all, in others they are still treated as having no rights and are hunted by hunters. The United States leads the world in how many rights are given, but they still have not decided that all should have the same rights. New Orleans is the only place in the world where not only are full rights given to all, but the 'others' reign. One thing to note here, New Orleans itself is sentient , it often tries to pull those it wants to the city, and it helps take care of those that are there, guiding them to an open home to take over and live in.
  • Religion

    Basically the same as this world, although in New Orleans it probably isn't quite as prevalent as it is in the world you and I know. The catholic church especially, as they have deemed that non humans or magic using humans are unable to be part of the church, and thus has almost no presence at all in our New Orleans. There are also religions that are designed more for those that are left out of other churches. Feel free to be creative with this.
    I should also mention that the mythology of gods and goddesses is very much real. Although not always quite as you'd find it. For a god(ess) to be able to continue to thrive they must have worshipers. Many times they do not stick to one Parthenon , instead taking on the guise to fit into other beliefs and cultures. (see lore page for a bit more)
  • List of owned NPCs

    The following is a list of characters who are owned by a player but are being played more as an NPC. I'll list where they normally are, so that you can reference them as being there if you want. I am sure as we continue playing others will be added.
    At The Sun
    Chris- head chef at The Sun, Rat King.
    Nessa- Owner of The Sun, and tattoo artist , vampire
    Blue- Guitarist at The Sun - appears half fae
    Lando- Guitarist at The Sun- vampire
    At Taste of Pleasure
    Erin- Bartender at Taste of Pleasure- witch
    Dani- Manager at Taste of Pleasure- witch
  • Maps