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  • Rules & Regulations

    Age Requirements
    Bainscliff is a mature community, by ways of violent themes and strong language that forces viewer discretion. It is required that players here are 16+ OOC. There are no exceptions to this rule.

    Bainscliff is a modern, survivalist community set in the present day, but secluded from society. Modern technology is offered at use for characters, but limited by availability. Roleplayers are expected to follow this guideline IC to maintain the continuity of the setting.

    Maintaining post-length is very important to us. One-liners are extremely difficult to work off of, which limits your fellow writers. We ask that your posts have a minimum of 2 paragraphs, to keep the story flowing and use as a general guideline for all members.

    Our community is werewolf-oriented, with very few exceptions. Although Bainscliff offers sanctuary from humans, roleplayers are to stay in mundane form unless otherwise specified. Shifting is a limited ability and players are asked to use it wisely.

    For a more in-depth guide to character creation within our continuity, please visit our character rules page.

    Players in Bainscliff must abide to the consent rule while roleplaying. Be clear about the terms of RP before you begin, and respect your partners’ boundaries. Do not engage with a thread you are uncomfortable with. If you or another member of Bainscliff violate this rule or the terms you agreed to, stop the RP and notify a staff member right away.

    Abuse of Power
    Staff has a zero-tolerance policy concerning abuse of power or god-moding. Your character is always allowed to be powerful and strong, but keep in mind that even superheroes have weaknesses. Failure to comply by these terms will cause your character to face IC repercussions and likely discipline OOC.

    Out of Character Conduct
    Above all else, we ask that you treat your fellow roleplayers with kindness and respect (including not spamming threads, staff, and other RPers). If you can’t handle this, Bainscliff is not the place for you. Homophobia, transphobia, racism, ableism, sexism is not tolerated whatsoever. Talking trash on other players is a disciplinary offense. We have a strict no-bullying policy, and there are no exceptions to this rule. If you do find yourself being harassed, contact a member of staff and they will help you right away.

    Disciplinary action is given in the three-strike policy. Your first offense will be met with a verbal warning and placed on probation. Committing a second offense on probation will prompt a second warning. Following this, you will be suspended and a prolonged probation. Receiving a third and final warning on probation will earn banishment from Bainscliff.

    The staff of Bainscliff maintain the right to place disciplinary action as they see fit. Offenses are looked over on a case-by-case basis and our moderators can bypass the tiers of this policy if it is deemed necessary.