The ritual of scarring oneself is one that is sacred to the ku’vai above all else. It is used to mark runes of one's accomplishments, bearing their trophies upon their bodies. Some use it to carve runes for enhanced magical ability. When the initial cuts heal, the scars are in the color of their blood types.
A form of punishment that can be inflicted upon a ku’vai is senseless scarring. These scars have no rhyme or reason. Those ignorant to ku’vai culture may think it is aesthetically pleasing, the scars looking like marble veining upon the entire body, but other ku’vai and those aware of their traditions would know they had greatly embarrassed their family or committed a particularly heinous crime. Scarring in this way strips them of the use of their sorcery and prevents them from getting enhancement runes. If they were scarred previously, they are cut through, breaking the bonds of magic. Many Anodized, though not all, carry these scars, as it is the only way to reclaim their magic, even if it is unstable sorcery.