Hello and welcome! I would first like to thank you for your interest in the Rendine and coming this way on the internet to read all that I have wrote. I am truly humbled, I assure you.
You may be asking yourself,
what is a rendine? Well my friend, I am here to give you a quick overview. The Rendine came from an idea of mixing sea dragons or leviathans with felines. Culturally, they have aspects of Atlantis, as portrayed in much of the media and myths, Greece aesthetic and tradition, while also have nods to Pacific Islander culture and nomenclature. They are a socially and academically sophisticated society, enjoying the arts and the arena. These people deal heavily in trade with those upon land, having no issues with other species or their way of life. They feel learning about other cultures is a way to progress themselves, being very open minded to many things.
As you delve into the depths (pun intended), I hope you enjoy what you come to find. If you find yourself wanting or already having a Rendine, then I hope it continues to be a useful reference for you to come back to over and over. Even when things appear to be
done, I'm sure it will still be heavily a WIP, as I am always adding more details to lore and culture that I may have overlooked before. Also, I am very willing to listen to those who may have positive input and ideas!
Once again, thank you for stopping by and I do hope you enjoy your stay.