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  • It's Safer Here: We're all adults here, so let's act like it. When out of character, there's no need for hateful slurs, toxic behaviour or bullying; we want a safe space for creative writers to flourish. If you feel targeted by a specific person, please contact a member of staff.

    Freedom! Forever!: Our focus is on player creativity, so feel free to create whatever character you like: a citizen, a civil protection unit, a rebel, an alien...anything. At the same time, however, we want to keep a consistent world vision in mind, so please do try to respect the source material and keep some degree of realism. If you're unsure whether a character will be suitable, please talk to us. The only hard and fast rule is that all characters must be at least eighteen.

    Lore Flexibility: We have a selection of lore guides available in the tab; for the sake of consistency, you can use these to guide your roleplay, but don't feel restricted by them. As long as it's realistic, reasoned and seriously-intended, we'll help you along to tell the story you want to tell.

    IC/OOC Divide: Most experienced roleplayers know this, but for newcomers it's important to remember to keep identity, knowledge, and feeling separate in the course of roleplay. What a character says, does, feels or knows, doesn't equate to what the roleplayer would say, do, feel or know out of character, and vice versa. Using OOC knowledge to influence an IC situation is called metagaming and is a big no-no. Recognising the IC/OOC divide ensures that there are no hurt feelings, animosity, or misunderstandings between players.

    Roleplay Consent: This community is to be a safe space, welcoming players from all walks of life. To ensure this, we ask that players remain mindful of others’ identities and beliefs; players cannot be forced to roleplay in scenarios or with characters that they find upsetting or offensive. C12 is a serious science fiction setting, so characters should fit that setting. Deliberate stereotypes or completely unrealistic persons or creatures are not allowed.
    Powergaming: The simple explanation of powergaming is “respond reasonably”; this is collaborative storytelling so in delicate situations, such as combat, be careful not to take too much power away from your partner(s). Don’t write “Bob hits Dave on the noggin”, instead try “Bob tries to hit Dave on his bonce”.