Here, read this book!
I wrote it... and, I don't mean to brag, but it is rather fetching!
Inside you'll find what you're looking for on your Zodiac!
Remember... I'm still working out the kinks of the Chinese creatures but they'll come in due time!
"The Ram"
The person who falls under the possession of Aries is a strong fighter but not very vocal. Considering Aries is one of the dimmest constellations with only four bright stars, the holder of Aries tends to be in the back.
Aries's weapon is a double 2-pronged staff- each point used to represent the four bright stars.
After obtaining the power of Aries, the symbol will appear as a tattoo on the person's body.
Zodiac Signs of greatest overall compatibility: Leo, Sagittarius, Libra
Zodiac Signs of greatest overall incompatibility: Cancer, Capricorn
Zodiac Sign most helpful to career: Capricorn
Zodiac Sign most helpful for emotional support: Cancer
"The Ox"
The person who falls under the possession of Taurus is a rambunctious and strong fighter. Taurus is not quite a leader but more of a sub-leader.
Taurus's weapons are 2 ninjato- short ninja swords- used to represent the horns of a bull.
After obtaining the power of Taurus, the symbol will appear as a tattoo on the person's body.
Zodiac Signs of greatest overall compatibility: Virgo, Capricorn, Scorpio
Zodiac Signs of greatest overall incompatibility: Leo, Aquarius
Zodiac Sign most helpful to career: Aquarius
Zodiac Sign most helpful for emotional support: Leo
"The Twins"
Now, Gemini could either be one person with dual weapons or two people (typically siblings. if not twins) each with one weapon. The Gemini is rather fun and joyous but also keen and quick.
Gemini's weapons are two long swords- one with a white blade and one with a black. The white blade is lighter and used for more quick attacks while the black blade is denser and used for blunt force attacks- typically jabs and stabs.
After obtaining the power of Gemini, the symbol will appear as a tattoo on the person or persons' body.
Zodiac Signs of greatest overall compatibility: Libra, Aquarius, Sagittarius
Zodiac Signs of greatest overall incompatibility: Virgo, Pisces
Zodiac Sign most helpful to career: Pisces
Zodiac Sign most helpful for emotional support: Virgo
"The Crab"
The person who falls under the possession of Cancer is short and to the point. Some could misconstrue that the person is cold or snide but, in all actuality, Cancer is loyal and modest.
Cancer's weapon is a double bladed scythe- one on each end- that separates in the middle to create two mini-scythes; much like Cancer's pinchers.
After obtaining the power of Cancer, the symbol will appear as a tattoo on the person's body.
Zodiac Signs of greatest overall compatibility: Scorpio, Pisces, Capricorn
Zodiac Signs of greatest overall incompatibility: Aries, Libra
Zodiac Sign most helpful to career: Aries
Zodiac Sign most helpful for emotional support: Libra
"The Lion"
The person who falls under the possession of Leo is bold and brash- sometimes jumping into things without thinking- however, Leo proves to be the best fighter of the Zodiac.
Leo's weapon is a pair of spiked knuckles that can shoot out and retract by a chain- representing the ferocious bite of a lion.
After obtaining the power of Leo, the symbol will appear as a tattoo on the person's body.
Zodiac Signs of greatest overall compatibility: Aries, Sagittarius, Aquarius
Zodiac Signs of greatest overall incompatibility: Taurus, Scorpio
Zodiac Sign most helpful to career: Taurus
Zodiac Sign most helpful for emotional support: Scorpio
"The Virgin"
The person who falls under the possession of Virgo is naive and sweet but with an underlying cunning of persuasion and lust. Many think the Virgo is innocent and pure but, studies show, that Virgo is the most aware of its sexual surroundings. Some even confuse Virgo for a vixen.
Virgo's weapon is a chain-sickle- a weapon in which the user swings a chain attached to the handle of the sickle and sends it out to wrap around their enemies, bonding them so that they may strike with the blade. It's thought that the use of this weapon is derived from Virgo's hidden bondage agenda.
After obtaining the power of Virgo, the symbol will appear as a tattoo on the person's body.
Zodiac Signs of greatest overall compatibility: Taurus, Capricorn, Pisces
Zodiac Signs of greatest overall incompatibility: Gemini, Sagittarius
Zodiac Sign most helpful to career: Gemini
Zodiac Sign most helpful for emotional support: Sagittarius
"The Scale"
The person who falls under the possession of Libra is smart and agile. The Libra tends to think most about situations- "weighing" the good and the bad outcomes.
Libra's weapon are a set of metal razor disks- thrown much like throwing-stars- and used to represent the scales.
After obtaining the power of Libra, the symbol will appear as a tattoo on the person's body.
Zodiac Signs of greatest overall compatibility: Gemini, Aquarius, Aries
Zodiac Signs of greatest overall incompatibility: Cancer, Capricorn
Zodiac Sign most helpful to career: Cancer
Zodiac Sign most helpful for emotional support: Capricorn
"The Scorpion"
The person who falls under the possession of Scorpio is the most hostile of the Zodiac. Scorpio tends to over-react to ways of war- loving the feel of the fight and kill. Scorpio, however, is always the first to help a fallen comrade- believing in brotherhood.
Scorpio's weapon is a spiked chain-mace that is swung over the head and often impaling from above much like the guillotine chop of a scorpion's tail.
After obtaining the power of Scorpio, the symbol will appear as a tattoo on the person's body.
Zodiac Signs of greatest overall compatibility: Cancer, Pisces, Taurus
Zodiac Signs of greatest overall incompatibility: Leo, Aquarius
Zodiac Sign most helpful to career: Leo
Zodiac Sign most helpful for emotional support: Aquarius
"The Serpent-Tamer"
The person who falls under the possession of Ophiuchus is seen as the leader of the Zodiac- aside from being the newest addition. Ophiuchus is the largest constellation and represents taming. Ophiuchus is a sign of little words and speaks most with actions that tend to be quick- much like the bite of a snake.
Ophiuchus's weapon is a long spear with a poison-tipped blade at the end. It can be thrown or used much like a sword and shield combination.
After obtaining the power of Ophiuchus, the symbol will appear as a tattoo on the person's body.
"The Archer"
The person who falls under the possession of Sagittarius is seen as the most charismatic and common sense smart- rivaling Libra slightly. Sagittarius seems to follow Leo in the sub-leader category- proving to be a rather respectable sign.
Sagittarius's weapon is a bow and a set of arrows, of course. The arrows are made from metals and the string of the strong bow is known to never snap. Sagittarius's arrows have the longest firing range of all the zodiac weapons.
After obtaining the power of Sagittarius, the symbol will appear as a tattoo on the person's body.
Zodiac Signs of greatest overall compatibility: Aries, Leo, Gemini
Zodiac Signs of greatest overall incompatibility: Virgo, Pisces
Zodiac Sign most helpful to career: Virgo
Zodiac Sign most helpful for emotional support: Pisces
"The Sea-Goat"
The person who falls under the possession of Capricorn is silly and bubbly but also hard to defeat in battle. Capricorn has hidden knowledge about its sign that not even Libra can diagnose.
Capricorn's weapons are mini-bombs that it slides out into a group of attackers- being one of two of the only signs to use gun-powder in combat- representing its small constellation and being the least expected to pack such a powerful punch.
After obtaining the power of Capricorn, the symbol will appear as a tattoo on the person's body.
Zodiac Signs of greatest overall compatibility: Taurus, Virgo, Cancer
Zodiac Signs of greatest overall incompatibility: Aries, Libra
Zodiac Sign most helpful to career: Libra
Zodiac Sign most helpful for emotional support: Aries
"The Water-Bearer"
The person who falls under the possession of Aquarius is calm and reserved but can mood swing to insane and back very quickly- much like changing tides.
Aquarius's weapon is the fukiya- or blowgun. This sign can shoot poisonous darts to incapacitate an enemy while also using it as a whip for closer combat since it's made of sturdy but bending metal.
After obtaining the power of Aquarius, the symbol will appear as a tattoo on the person's body.
Zodiac Signs of greatest overall compatibility: Gemini, Libra, Leo
Zodiac Signs of greatest overall incompatibility: Taurus, Scorpio
Zodiac Sign most helpful to career: Scorpio
Zodiac Sign most helpful for emotional support: Taurus
"The Fish"
The person who falls under the possession of Pisces is bubbly and borderline psychotic. Pisces is known to be rather clingy to the other zodiac but the most alone during combat for fear of getting in the way/hurting other zodiac with its rapid-fire technique.
Pisces's weapons are two fully automatic Steyr M1912 pistols- being the other of the zodiac to have a gun-powder powered weapon. The weapons are meant to symbolize the two fish that shoot out from the water.
After obtaining the power of Pisces, the symbol will appear as a tattoo on the person's body.
Zodiac Signs of greatest overall compatibility: Cancer, Scorpio, Virgo
Zodiac Signs of greatest overall incompatibility: Gemini, Sagittarius
Zodiac Sign most helpful to career: Sagittarius
Zodiac Sign most helpful for emotional support: Gemini
(OOC: seek this website if you want to know more about your zodiac: )
I wrote it... and, I don't mean to brag, but it is rather fetching!
Inside you'll find what you're looking for on your Zodiac!
Remember... I'm still working out the kinks of the Chinese creatures but they'll come in due time!
"The Ram"
The person who falls under the possession of Aries is a strong fighter but not very vocal. Considering Aries is one of the dimmest constellations with only four bright stars, the holder of Aries tends to be in the back.
Aries's weapon is a double 2-pronged staff- each point used to represent the four bright stars.
After obtaining the power of Aries, the symbol will appear as a tattoo on the person's body.
Zodiac Signs of greatest overall compatibility: Leo, Sagittarius, Libra
Zodiac Signs of greatest overall incompatibility: Cancer, Capricorn
Zodiac Sign most helpful to career: Capricorn
Zodiac Sign most helpful for emotional support: Cancer
"The Ox"
The person who falls under the possession of Taurus is a rambunctious and strong fighter. Taurus is not quite a leader but more of a sub-leader.
Taurus's weapons are 2 ninjato- short ninja swords- used to represent the horns of a bull.
After obtaining the power of Taurus, the symbol will appear as a tattoo on the person's body.
Zodiac Signs of greatest overall compatibility: Virgo, Capricorn, Scorpio
Zodiac Signs of greatest overall incompatibility: Leo, Aquarius
Zodiac Sign most helpful to career: Aquarius
Zodiac Sign most helpful for emotional support: Leo
"The Twins"
Now, Gemini could either be one person with dual weapons or two people (typically siblings. if not twins) each with one weapon. The Gemini is rather fun and joyous but also keen and quick.
Gemini's weapons are two long swords- one with a white blade and one with a black. The white blade is lighter and used for more quick attacks while the black blade is denser and used for blunt force attacks- typically jabs and stabs.
After obtaining the power of Gemini, the symbol will appear as a tattoo on the person or persons' body.
Zodiac Signs of greatest overall compatibility: Libra, Aquarius, Sagittarius
Zodiac Signs of greatest overall incompatibility: Virgo, Pisces
Zodiac Sign most helpful to career: Pisces
Zodiac Sign most helpful for emotional support: Virgo
"The Crab"
The person who falls under the possession of Cancer is short and to the point. Some could misconstrue that the person is cold or snide but, in all actuality, Cancer is loyal and modest.
Cancer's weapon is a double bladed scythe- one on each end- that separates in the middle to create two mini-scythes; much like Cancer's pinchers.
After obtaining the power of Cancer, the symbol will appear as a tattoo on the person's body.
Zodiac Signs of greatest overall compatibility: Scorpio, Pisces, Capricorn
Zodiac Signs of greatest overall incompatibility: Aries, Libra
Zodiac Sign most helpful to career: Aries
Zodiac Sign most helpful for emotional support: Libra
"The Lion"
The person who falls under the possession of Leo is bold and brash- sometimes jumping into things without thinking- however, Leo proves to be the best fighter of the Zodiac.
Leo's weapon is a pair of spiked knuckles that can shoot out and retract by a chain- representing the ferocious bite of a lion.
After obtaining the power of Leo, the symbol will appear as a tattoo on the person's body.
Zodiac Signs of greatest overall compatibility: Aries, Sagittarius, Aquarius
Zodiac Signs of greatest overall incompatibility: Taurus, Scorpio
Zodiac Sign most helpful to career: Taurus
Zodiac Sign most helpful for emotional support: Scorpio
"The Virgin"
The person who falls under the possession of Virgo is naive and sweet but with an underlying cunning of persuasion and lust. Many think the Virgo is innocent and pure but, studies show, that Virgo is the most aware of its sexual surroundings. Some even confuse Virgo for a vixen.
Virgo's weapon is a chain-sickle- a weapon in which the user swings a chain attached to the handle of the sickle and sends it out to wrap around their enemies, bonding them so that they may strike with the blade. It's thought that the use of this weapon is derived from Virgo's hidden bondage agenda.
After obtaining the power of Virgo, the symbol will appear as a tattoo on the person's body.
Zodiac Signs of greatest overall compatibility: Taurus, Capricorn, Pisces
Zodiac Signs of greatest overall incompatibility: Gemini, Sagittarius
Zodiac Sign most helpful to career: Gemini
Zodiac Sign most helpful for emotional support: Sagittarius
"The Scale"
The person who falls under the possession of Libra is smart and agile. The Libra tends to think most about situations- "weighing" the good and the bad outcomes.
Libra's weapon are a set of metal razor disks- thrown much like throwing-stars- and used to represent the scales.
After obtaining the power of Libra, the symbol will appear as a tattoo on the person's body.
Zodiac Signs of greatest overall compatibility: Gemini, Aquarius, Aries
Zodiac Signs of greatest overall incompatibility: Cancer, Capricorn
Zodiac Sign most helpful to career: Cancer
Zodiac Sign most helpful for emotional support: Capricorn
"The Scorpion"
The person who falls under the possession of Scorpio is the most hostile of the Zodiac. Scorpio tends to over-react to ways of war- loving the feel of the fight and kill. Scorpio, however, is always the first to help a fallen comrade- believing in brotherhood.
Scorpio's weapon is a spiked chain-mace that is swung over the head and often impaling from above much like the guillotine chop of a scorpion's tail.
After obtaining the power of Scorpio, the symbol will appear as a tattoo on the person's body.
Zodiac Signs of greatest overall compatibility: Cancer, Pisces, Taurus
Zodiac Signs of greatest overall incompatibility: Leo, Aquarius
Zodiac Sign most helpful to career: Leo
Zodiac Sign most helpful for emotional support: Aquarius
"The Serpent-Tamer"
The person who falls under the possession of Ophiuchus is seen as the leader of the Zodiac- aside from being the newest addition. Ophiuchus is the largest constellation and represents taming. Ophiuchus is a sign of little words and speaks most with actions that tend to be quick- much like the bite of a snake.
Ophiuchus's weapon is a long spear with a poison-tipped blade at the end. It can be thrown or used much like a sword and shield combination.
After obtaining the power of Ophiuchus, the symbol will appear as a tattoo on the person's body.
"The Archer"
The person who falls under the possession of Sagittarius is seen as the most charismatic and common sense smart- rivaling Libra slightly. Sagittarius seems to follow Leo in the sub-leader category- proving to be a rather respectable sign.
Sagittarius's weapon is a bow and a set of arrows, of course. The arrows are made from metals and the string of the strong bow is known to never snap. Sagittarius's arrows have the longest firing range of all the zodiac weapons.
After obtaining the power of Sagittarius, the symbol will appear as a tattoo on the person's body.
Zodiac Signs of greatest overall compatibility: Aries, Leo, Gemini
Zodiac Signs of greatest overall incompatibility: Virgo, Pisces
Zodiac Sign most helpful to career: Virgo
Zodiac Sign most helpful for emotional support: Pisces
"The Sea-Goat"
The person who falls under the possession of Capricorn is silly and bubbly but also hard to defeat in battle. Capricorn has hidden knowledge about its sign that not even Libra can diagnose.
Capricorn's weapons are mini-bombs that it slides out into a group of attackers- being one of two of the only signs to use gun-powder in combat- representing its small constellation and being the least expected to pack such a powerful punch.
After obtaining the power of Capricorn, the symbol will appear as a tattoo on the person's body.
Zodiac Signs of greatest overall compatibility: Taurus, Virgo, Cancer
Zodiac Signs of greatest overall incompatibility: Aries, Libra
Zodiac Sign most helpful to career: Libra
Zodiac Sign most helpful for emotional support: Aries
"The Water-Bearer"
The person who falls under the possession of Aquarius is calm and reserved but can mood swing to insane and back very quickly- much like changing tides.
Aquarius's weapon is the fukiya- or blowgun. This sign can shoot poisonous darts to incapacitate an enemy while also using it as a whip for closer combat since it's made of sturdy but bending metal.
After obtaining the power of Aquarius, the symbol will appear as a tattoo on the person's body.
Zodiac Signs of greatest overall compatibility: Gemini, Libra, Leo
Zodiac Signs of greatest overall incompatibility: Taurus, Scorpio
Zodiac Sign most helpful to career: Scorpio
Zodiac Sign most helpful for emotional support: Taurus
"The Fish"
The person who falls under the possession of Pisces is bubbly and borderline psychotic. Pisces is known to be rather clingy to the other zodiac but the most alone during combat for fear of getting in the way/hurting other zodiac with its rapid-fire technique.
Pisces's weapons are two fully automatic Steyr M1912 pistols- being the other of the zodiac to have a gun-powder powered weapon. The weapons are meant to symbolize the two fish that shoot out from the water.
After obtaining the power of Pisces, the symbol will appear as a tattoo on the person's body.
Zodiac Signs of greatest overall compatibility: Cancer, Scorpio, Virgo
Zodiac Signs of greatest overall incompatibility: Gemini, Sagittarius
Zodiac Sign most helpful to career: Sagittarius
Zodiac Sign most helpful for emotional support: Gemini
(OOC: seek this website if you want to know more about your zodiac: )
Professor Stella (played anonymously)
Topic Starter
Sanguis Professor of Astronomy
February 10 2013

Everything circled in blue belongs to the Sanguis.
Everything circled in green belongs to the Tenebrosi.
And, that means, everything circled in red belongs to the Advena.
Each region has 13 major cities. Anything in between is called a Post. So, say you live 8 miles to the North of the Sanguis city of Playbirth- you would call your village or gathering "Post 8N Playbirth". Now, no one said this was a flawless system for some places are in between major cities. The choice of which city to identify with is entirely yours- example: since Playbirth is North of Eridan. Any Post that falls in between has 2 options- identify as "Post 8N Eridan" or "Post 20S Playbirth". Regardless, the rough coordinates of where you live is available.
Below is the key of what each major city is named in each region
1- Kawstas
2- Belle City
3- Playbirth
4- Eridan
5- Smokethy
6- Puerto
7- Janova
8- Luz City
9- Carnival
10- La Costa
11- Jokullin
12- Bord Flamme
13- Edgar's Point
1- Mirrland
2- London
3- Zentrum
4- Daleko
5- Ricco City
6- Palaios
7- Neira
8- Duo Flamina
9- Port Indi
10- Chengbao
11- Xue City
12- Plantino Isle
13- Port Nan
1- Svarga City
2- Port Isla
3- Cairo
4- Atrosi
5- Cape Dlo
6- Karisa
7- Moniq City
8- Ember City
9- Sunoti
10- New Ilumina
11- Isogashi City
12- Port Sundville
13- Edgland
Professor Stella lives in Kawstas.
The Sanguis capital is Belle City.
The Tenebrosi capital is Chengbao.
The Advena capital is Svarga City.
What was Antarctica is a free-land; no region controls it... as of right now.
Professor Stella (played anonymously)
Topic Starter
Sanguis Professor of Astronomy
April 4 2014
So far... we've uncovered:
ARIES - Oswald
TAURUS - Niu Tengokuno
GEMINI - Ayame
CANCER - Erune
LEO - Daemon
VIRGO - Thane
LIBRA - Zech
SCORPIO - Otrova Rancor
OPHIUCHUS - Yngve Baem
CAPRICORN - Alexander Smith
AQUARIUS - Erythrean
PISCES - Ayl Victus
ARIES - Oswald
TAURUS - Niu Tengokuno
GEMINI - Ayame
CANCER - Erune
LEO - Daemon
VIRGO - Thane
LIBRA - Zech
SCORPIO - Otrova Rancor
OPHIUCHUS - Yngve Baem
CAPRICORN - Alexander Smith
AQUARIUS - Erythrean
PISCES - Ayl Victus