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    The Ao'mora and the Astral
    [ Aow-more-ah/As-Trul ]

    Welcome to the official group page for the Ao'mora and the Astral, two beloved created races and the passion project belonging to Voidsquid. Here is where you will find all you need to know both ICly and OOCly regarding both species, their characteristics, lore, and attributes.

    "Far from here, across the ever expanding eternity, there hides an old planet covered in roiling land and deep ocean. A place of darkness speckled with alien light, watched over by three lofty sister moons. This is the home of extraterrestrial ilk, the seat of their powers, and the birthplace of their kin. They all originate from the mythical entity known as Yog, a monolithic world tree of flesh and wood so massive it's crystalline roots are said to extend straight through the core of Xorra'lei and breach out the other side of the sunless world as the crystal pillar. The two poles of the planet, and their similar but distinct inhabitants, are cutoff from one another by old secrets, savage elements, and consuming terrain. Yog's reaching bows breach the first cloud layer, her top leaves kissing stars, and the light of her core shining down like bright moonlight upon a flourishing bio-luminescent jungle of epic proportions. The Ao'mora and the Astral each covet this world and that which birthed them but beyond their home soil, their joint soul, others in the universe see them as either mythical voyagers or ruthless usurpers. "

    The Ao'mora are a more established civilization with a noteworthy but complex hierarchy encompassing numerous sub-tribes and established divisions. Their way of life is steeped in shaky truces, war, and political subterfuge hidden beneath the shroud of opulent decadence and scholarly thought.

    The Astral are less technologically advanced, less diversified, but more unified in their interpersonal structure, more fae-like and whimsical in their culture and politics. They rely more heavily on their natural power and their connection to the world around them. Just like their counterparts and their artificial dimensional gates, they travel through portals in Yog's branches, discovering new words to explore, exploit, or conquer.

    Are you interested?
    The project is still yet a MASSIVE work in progress but do check back from time to time for updates and new information! Below is some information about community rules, applications, and charges.


    I have expectations for my community if you choose to be a part of it.
    For promptness I'll condense and keep it as sweet and to the point as possible.

    1. All will be welcomed and respected
    No one is to be judged for past grievances, disagreements, and notoriety here. If you're willing to do what it takes to be a part, then you deserve to be given the chance just as much as anyone else. Likewise, I expect everyone to respect each other, be inclusive, open, and welcoming. We're all fabulous here, we're all stupid space people now.

    2. We're here to help you
    If something has happened, and talking things out with the person is either not working or not an option, then please come to me, or a mod, privately. We will help you and anyone else effected as best we can. We're adults, we can handle issues like them. OOC drama will not be tolerated.

    3. We are a community
    We aren't gonna force you to play nice if you honestly just can't but every member is still in the same boat, we're a community no matter how small, and every last one of you matters and has the right to be heard.

    4. Common sense
    If its not allowed anywhere else, its probably not allowed here either. Being creepy, hostile, or abrasive for no reason will be met with questioning or discipline if the offenses are repeated or grievous enough. We won't coddle paper skins but there's a limit.

    The Ao'mora are an application-based free to play closed species with purchasable perks and The Astral are an approved purchase based closed species, each intent to maintain a growing community in which to come together and create story both between one another and others inside and outside the group. All slots must be approved and some (all astrals and scions) must be bought through their creator as customs or won as premades in the auction blunderdome on Voidsquid's discord.

    The Astral and the Ao'mora are cousin species, conceived each from the two halves of the same eldritch planet-spanning entity. They are similar in some ways and entirely unique in others!

    Ao'mora Custom Base includes
    + A customizable adoptable doll!
    + Want hair? We can add some!
    + Design your own markings
    + Choose your applicable colors
    + Secondary horns (Scion only)
    + Add small unique details like scars, tatters, or physical variants. Make it your own!

    Using the default adoptable template PDF, compatible in Sai, Gimp, and Photoshop; you may design your own or have myself work closely with you to bring your little unique bean to life. The format is super easy and much of the work has already been done! The adopt is cutesy looking as is traditional in adoptable fashion and is in no way indicative to their actual age/appearance. Consider it like a chibi form so you have reference for later potential pieces!

    Ao'mora character and perk charges

    -Base Illumae price: BITCH IT'S FREE
    Application limit: Please only one with a max of two (special cases) per player at this time.
    Current status: Open but on an approval basis

    -Base Scion price: $30.00 USD
    Current status: PRIOR APPROVAL ONLY
    There is only ever a limited amount of scions at
    any given time depending on the total amount of active players.
    These are the nobility, they are meant to be rarer.
    You'd be paying for the rights of exclusivity!

    Purchasable perks:
    Some added bits and ends you can tack on for more variety and flare.

    -Pillar Born: FREE
    Application limit: EXTREMELY LIMITED
    Current status: TENTATIVELY CLOSED
    Not nearly as crème da la crème as Scion status but it is considered a
    very special sign for any ao'mora to simply come into being without the
    need of parents coming together to create them. Even Illumae born this
    way are inherently special and their treatment in society will reflect that.

    Additional accent colors: $5.00
    Accent color variants are visible ONLY on their fingers, feet, crests, wings, inner ears, and tails.

    Application limit: None
    Current status: OPEN
    Illumae have a limit of one.
    Scions have a limit of two.

    Ao'mora application
    This is required to be submitted if you wish to be approved. Please fill this out and send it in to me either through PM
    or on Discord if applicable. Please keep track of your application, you can find them on the discord channel in case they are lost. They
    will be posted publicly there for reference!

    1. What is your ao'mora's name?
    Anything goes but they do prefer fancier names, usually.

    2. What is their age?
    1-40 is considered a youngling, 50-100 is a young adult,
    110-600 is a mature adult, 610-1000 are elders, and 1500+ are venerable.

    3. Gender they present as outwardly?

    4. What is their height?
    6'0 is the shortest, 10'0 is the tallest.

    5. What is their tribe?
    Available tribes are Arcanium, Prismatic, Obscurum,
    Warmonger, Dweller, and Seeker.
    The Imperious is creator only and currently
    'Cultivator' applications are MAXED out. Will open up
    again as other tribe players come in.

    6. Are they Illumae or Scion?
    Keep in mind that Scions are a LIMITED SLOT.

    7. Who were their parents or are they a pillar born?
    Who were they? What were their tribes? If they're different
    please understand that such is a RARE opportunity and your
    backstory should reflect as such! Don't worry, we'll work with you.

    8. Any more bonus details?
    Be mindful that any accent colors should be
    used with sensible moderation.

    Astral Custom Base

    -Astral base price : $160
    -Any colors
    -Most types of Markings
    -Ethereal Hair
    -Any Gender (male/female/anything inbetween)
    -Simple face modifications (proportions)
    -Simple body modifications (proportions)
    -Simple accessories (piercings/jewelry)

    Complexity fee: Like regular commissions, if the colors, markings, or overall design is extensively detailed or complex, this could incur an additional fee. Please ask if you aren't sure, this can be discussed at the time of commission!

    Base Limits
    -No changing the pose or positioning of the doll
    -Wings, horns, and tail type are static throughout the species
    -The only design limit is your imagination, just please don't make it too similar to anyone else's prior approved design.

    1. What is your astral's name?
    Anything goes but they do prefer fae-like names.

    2. What is their age?
    1-40 is considered a youngling, 50-100 is a young adult,
    110-600 is a mature adult, 610-1000 are elders, and 1500+ are venerable.

    3. Gender they present as outwardly?

    4. What is their height?
    6'0 is the shortest, 10'0 is the tallest.

    5. What is their court? Seunoris or Lunaeta?
    Both courts are available!
    If one court starts getting too big it'll
    be limited or temporarily closed.

    6. Who were their parents or are they purely born from Yog?
    Who were they? Tell us more! Yog born astral are intended to be
    limited, if too many are approved this option will become temporarily unavailable.

    7. What's your nine chosen ability traits?