Universal and Individual Abilities
Aspects both shared and not shared between both species. As closely related as they are they share a lot of similar abilities, however the two kins are currently NOT aware of one another nor can they interbreed. Some shared/similar traits are a bit different between the two and will be labeled as such for distinction!
Their bones are dense, resilient, but honeycombed to allow for flight.
Water breathing
All ao'mora and astral may breath underwater and use their wings to swim effectively, but none as well or as gracefully as the ao'morian
Mystical composition
Despite being undeniably flesh and blood, their physical beings are also inherently magical what with their ability to change their gender and body type at will and channel vast amounts of elemental magic innately.
Elevated awareness
Through their intimately connected sense of self and their peoples, they have a higher level of perception and may detect others of their kind or similar on an empathic level.
Healing and regeneration
Both ao'moras and astrals may bounce back from some surprisingly devastating injuries given extended time. This includes loss of limbs, blood, and large portions of flesh, bone, and organ tissue. The rate of healing/regeneration depends on their health, the world they are on, the level of devastation to their physical bodies, and the method used to hurt them. Healing can take anywhere from several days to numerous weeks. True death requires complete obliteration and such is considered a most unforgivable crime against either of their kind.
Despite having a written and verbal language they unknowingly share, called
Eumena, the mass majority may also communicate telepathically between members of their kin, keeping their conversations private from
most. If individuals wish to share in an even more personal conversation, they may curl their tendrils together (Ao'mora) or join hands (Astral) and share an intimate link for as long as they touch; this connection is not just the mere transfer of thoughts but also sensations and emotions. Docked (the removal of an Ao'mora's tendrils or the solidifying of an Astral's limbs) individuals are robbed of their ability to communicate telepathically and must communicate verbally or in written word should they wish to be heard.
Aging and Reincarnation
Children grow quickly to start, about twice the rate of human children, but after reaching teen years, will begin to slow and eventually stop physically around the time of mid to late adult life. After that, their physical forms cease to age but they can still change certain things like build and weight to their liking. They may live indefinitely, never aging, unless killed or sickened. If they grow tired of their current life, they may opt to have a death ceremony arranged. The ceremony is an elaborate style party were closest connections gather to celebrate their life, regale tales of conquest and intrigue, and finally escort the deathee to the pillar (Ao'mora) or Yog's stem (Astral) so that they may place their hands upon and be de-materialized, returning them to the planetary structure. Their consciousness dispersed, memories joining all those that came before. Should an individual be killed or choose to rejoin the pillar, they may eventually reincarnate without the need of parents but will have extremely little, and vague, or no memory at all of their time before.
An ao'mora or Astral born without parents is considered a child of the world itself and are both rare and highly valued.
Thick lashed, often doe-eyed with sharp almond shape but still plenty of room for diversity; their eyes are as expressive as they are. Reptilian pupils (only Ao'mora have visible pupils) can expand and contract with the same visual acuity as a feline. They can see in total darkness thanks to the naturally night-ridden world they originate from. On the flip, extremely bright lights can disorientate, harm, or even render them blind for a variant time depending on the severity of exposure. The color of their eyes is always the color corresponding to their markings. All ao'mora and astral have a secondary set of eyelids called nictitating membranes but only an ao'morian Seeker's are specialized enough to guard their eyes from long-term exposure to the extreme conditions found in true vacuum (space).
Perhaps one of the most striking and diverse of features is their glowy patterning. For the Ao'mora; the amount of, aesthetic, and overall design of their marks depends on their lineage and the element they belong to. By their color alone anyone can tell which tribe an ao'mora belongs to. For the Astral, their bodily markings are less distinct in design from each other with variances
only appearing on their wings, however colors are much more diverse and individualized.
Horns, claws, tail teeth (Ao'mora Only)
Sharp and crystalline, the color is determined by their element. Horn types come in several specific shapes, most common is a single pair but
scions on occasion exhibit a varying dual pair.
Horns, claws, tail teeth (Astral Only)
Sharp and metallic claws and teeth, the color is determined by their personal metal color. Horns are the same throughout the species.
Inner flesh, blood, mouth teeth
All interior flesh is black, gums and inner cheeks included. Their blood is the same, although its sheen is reflective with the colors of their corresponding element(Ao'mora) or metal color(Astral). Their teeth are ivory(Ao'mora) or metallic(Astral), with a human-like orientation of position and structure but all ending in a variable point for a jagged, sharp smile. Tongues are broad, flat, chipped with a chunky serpentine fork, and gradient from black to whatever color their markings are.
Tails (Ao'mora Only)
The most bizarre of traits has got to be their peculiar tails. Instead of ending in a usual tip, fray, or spade, there is a separate functioning mouth and single eye. The structure is identical no matter what but the elemental markings are just as unique as the rest of them. The tail has some degree of sentience in a similar manner as an octopus and its tentacles, they are on the same neural network, but have some small capability of individualism. They have no stomach of their own but sport a long esophagus that travels all the way up to the ao'mora's; very muscular, both inside and out, and their throat is coated in a thick, viscous acid to help break down and digest swallowed material as it travels. When threatened, the tail can bite, batter with its dense skull, gore with its short horns, and spit a dual stream of stomach acid from two small pressurized sacs on its lower jaw on both sides of its broad forked tongue.
Wings (Ao'mora Only)
Large and velvety, the ends look frayed and feathered but are actually membranous; tipped with smaller vestigial mantis-like limbs no one quite remembers the purpose of anymore. Their design is star-pocked with glowing dots and the inner colors are also representative of their tribal affiliation. The
illumae have one pair,
scions have two, but only the
royal line has three.
Shade ombres are possible!
Wings (Astral Only)
A velvety combination of insectoid and dragon qualities in several pairs both functional and vestigial all over their bodies. Their design is star-pocked with variant designs and colors.
Dopey, big, and full of pose and emotion. Their hearing is quite acute and very sensitive to the point extremely loud noises may stun or do them harm. Each ear extends into peculiar sensory organs (shorter, almost vestigial looking in Astrals), the longest of which glows at the tip and is used to detect vibrations, electrical currents, tell temperature changes, and salinity levels when under water. Very tender to the touch and a very personal part of their bodies.
They shiver or vibrate when expressing certain emotions like joy or anger.
Hair (Ao'mora Only)
Comes in a variety of shades, from pure white to pure black, natural colors like copper, blonde, brown, or brunette. Ombres or more vibrant hues are not uncommon either, although the wilder shades, such as green, blue, or pink are determined by a individual's element.
Plasma Hair and limbs (Astral Only)
Comes in a variety of nebulous colors both light and dark, composed of a substance similar to a hard gel or soft silicone; impossibly smooth, pliant but holds its shape, and cool to the touch. Glows faintly innately but may brighten when experiencing strong emotions, capable of
phasing through solid objects.
Fur (Ao'mora Only)
Same as their hair, from monochromes, naturals, to more vibrant shades. Also like their hair, the crazier shades are determined by the color of their element but some recessive accent color variants are visible on their fingers, feet, crests, wings, and tails.
If non-natural colors are chosen, the majority must be in the spectrum of their tribe. Illumae may have one accent color, scions may have up to two.
Skin tone
Ao'mora are Human-ish in hue with just as much diversity. No shade is more common and no group is more known for any one specific tone. Diversity is their spice and they accept them all. Astrals come in all kinds of colors, both humanly and whimiscal!
Females are the only ones with visible external genitalia, their setup identical to that of human women underneath their protective outer labias. Males will have smooth and featureless groins as their junk is kept internally. When aroused, a vertical seam becomes visible, allowing their
penis to slip out. The colors of their genitals is determined by their personal colors.
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