The Imperious (
Clan Leader: Formerly the
Imperator, currently
Prince Eloi
Clan specific powers:
Matter manipulation:
The ability to bend, swap, or change physical matter from one substance to another. Displace and materialize objects at will, material kinesis, and form kinetic barriers.
Time manipulation:
Control the current of time, whether forward or back in localized areas. This can both wither and reconstitute certain forms of matter. Stop, rewind, or fast-forward the flow for limited spans.
Reality bending:
The creation of tessers, or fissures in reality, bridge gaps between worlds or teleport from one location to another. Form or close anomalies and pull objects or people through with varying degrees of success.
Cosmic affiliation:
An intrinsic connection to the void and the stars above, the presence surrounding all material worlds. Access to forgotten knowledge, summon and become a conduit for celestial abilities, survive the vacuum without assistance. Used with extreme caution.
Precognition Supposedly. Didn't do him much good, did it!?
Defining color: Pink, purple, and blue)
The ruling bloodline and, formerly, the only member being
The Imperator himself. By many accounts, he was tall and remarkably beautiful. Under him times were more unified and decisive, his word mattered above all but he still had a sound mind to listen to input, be it agreement or opposition. His dominion was space and time, controlling the fabric of reality to the betterment of his people. His ultimate goal was their prosperity and a means to a brighter, unified future. To him, his people mattered over everything, including other worlds and races, because of this he was depicted as both a benevolent ruler and a heartless tyrant. His reign spanned the entirety of their known history and it was he, with the help of the other clan leaders, that liberated their race from the reign of another which recorded history intentionally wiped from the face of the planet.
With the help of the Arcanium Council and Brut'aus and his metal shapers, their combined efforts erected the
Or'borium Gate, a towering circular archway able to rip holes in time and space and allow travel to other worlds. Through this they staged exploratory expeditions, incursions, and raids; bringing back resources and knowledge from other planes for their benefit. His downfall is muddled in rumor and hushed accusations, much of which is suppressed by the council who came to prominence and power with his death. To their relief and annoyance, an imperious egg did manifest within the pillar several years after his death, but it were not fully
he that was born from it. Sadly, the horrific manner in which he died may have made it impossible for the Imperator to ever reconstitute, instead his mantle, and powers, are now passed down to his successor and his successor held firmly by the ruling council.
The Arcanium (
Clan Leader: The Council
Clan specific powers:
Arcane aptitude:
Naturally a member of the Arcanium is a wellspring of magical knowledge, even from a young age their understanding and ability to learn and weave vast amounts of spells and enchantments is on par with few others.
In cooperation with their ability to manipulate magic, they also know how to suppress the connection others have with theirs, rendering their abilities null. This is a practice generally kept to their ordained
inquisitors and
Blood magic and mind control:
The control of blood, both within and outside of a body. With this they can fuel greater and more occult spells, manipulate the bodies of others, or use more taboo methods to interrogate or torture would-be criminals or adversaries.
They say they don't but take that with a shaker of salt. Mind control is a rare sub-trait of their blood magic, allowing one to implant suggestions into the thoughts of others or, to more extreme extends, attempt to control their actions for limited amounts of time.
Defining color: Golden Orange to Copper spectrum)
The hands of the Imperator, his counselors, the judges, and the peacekeepers. It is their duty to maintain order, administrate and distribute knowledge, upkeep government, and give a voice to the people. In times past they were just that and more, a source of balance and temperance, but lately their majority have become callous and lofty, pride and power have warped their sense of inflated worth and purpose. Though they retain their duties and follow them to the letter, their hold on society comes off as tyrannical and absolute.
Within their ranks are the scholars, the politicians, the ambassadors, the inquisitors, and in the absence of the Imperator, the judges, the jury, and the verdict dealers. Nowadays, what they say is law, their base of operations is the Citadel, and they control whom and why anyone will ever go near the sacred pillar. The only authority higher than theirs is the word of the prince and they guard him jealously, trying to regulate as much of his life as possible.
The Prismatic (
Clan Leader: Aell'era the Hierophant
Defining color: Yellow spectrum)
Light magic:
Light and energy go hand in hand and when harnessed correctly, may be used as both defense and offense. Redirecting light particles in vast concentrations can be turned on enemies like precision beams, cutting just as well as any metal blade. Blooms of intense light to blind, or arching waves to repel back attackers.
Manifesting the power of their faith, the prismatic may call down the pillar's transcendental light to heal others and mend wounds; restoring flesh and bone like no other.
Auramancy and star reading :
A lot can be said about the energy others give off, their thoughts, their moods, maybe even their impending intentions. Like the Arcanium and their blood magics, this is a far less painful method of gathering information, anticipating another's motives, and judging whether they are trustworthy. Star reading is a form of precognition or soothsaying depending on the orientation of heavenly bodies or cosmic auras sending messages. Some would say this is the pillar's attempt to communicate, foretelling times of good and ill.
Defining color: Yellow (including pastel) spectrum)
The most compassionate and one of the check and balance branches to the Arcanium and the Imperious, the Prismatics are the healers, the seers, truth-finders, and the caretakers of home and body. There are no better miracle workers than those in their ranks, providing comfort and aid to those the most in need. They are also responsible for tending to the children raised communally at the citadel and are often sent on pilgrimages to the outcropping settlements to tend to the sick, the young, and the wounded.
When dealing in political matters, it was their duty to wheedle out more nefarious ploys by catching lies and exposing disingenuous information. Unfortunately, with the reign of the Arcanium tightening in the absence of their king, the Prismatic's more outgoing methods are less and less utilized for their blunt and altruistic intentions are easy to spot and bar from interfering. Nowadays they settle to be a voice of reason and counterargument, frequently taking on the roles of defense for accused criminals or victims of crimes depending. They speak for those who otherwise have no voice, a last line of hope before cruel judgement. A thorn in the side of the Arcanium and their plots.
The Obscurum (
Clan Leader: Orra'lay the Whisperer
Shadow manipulation:
Parallel to the Prismatics, the Obscurum delve into the usage of darkness; utilizing the shroud of the dark places to both obscure themselves and traverse the bleak spaces unhindered by barriers. Cloaked in shadows, they move undetected by light and vision, blending in and manifesting when they deem fit.
Manifest darkness and shadow puppetry:
Where some bend light, others give body to the lurking dark, conjuring shade beasts, weaponizing shadows, or barriers of negative space to cloak a deft escape or bar others from attacks. Unlike void magic, these creeping things are not some otherworldly force all their own but rather the users own will and purpose given physical shape through a seething medium.
Dream walking:
Using their connection to the dark spaces, obscurum may attempt to disconnect their consciousness from their physical body and use it to infiltrate the dreams of others. This is a dangerous power, especially if the dreamer becomes aware of their meddling presence, however it still proves an effective means to glean secrets so long as information can be understood and gathered from often abstract whimsical thought.
Defining color: Black to deep purple spectrum)
The rogues, the assassins, and the shadowflingers, the obscurum are considered scoundrels and ne'er-do-wells by the vast populace; untrustworthy and secretive. However, they too serve as a balance system both for and against the Arcanium. The unseen hand, the cloak and dagger, no matter their underhanded and often questionable methods of gaining intrigue, they are an integral part in keeping balance and exposing corruption without the more blatant use of pointed fingers.
Prince Eloi works with them closely, through discrete collaboration with Orra'lay under the table, he keeps in the know about how things
really are without his controlling guardians' notice. Outside of politics, they are a means to investigate disturbances or scope out new lands and peoples without raising alarms. Reconnaissance is their forte, the shadows are their friends, they are the best spies one would ever want.
The Warmongers (
Clan Leader: Brut'aus the Hellfire
Fire and Stone Affinity:
No one is better at controlling fire than a warmonger, the flames do not harm their forms, their hands weave the hungering flames as easily as another extension of themselves. The bare stone, magma, and noxious fumes bend to their will and they use this readily to carve out the deep places, harvest and smelt ores for their creations, and reduce their foes to cinders.
Metal working:
Almost every item made of metal was forged by the warmongers and their workers, slave or otherwise. Be it weapons, machine parts, armor, or the like, if it was designed for war than it no doubt came from them.
Physical prowess and immunity:
Since they live in one of the most hostile of climates, their bodies are generally more solid, heavier, and dense. Physical blows are not as devastating, they are resilient, brushing off the scorching temperatures and resisting the deadly affects of the noxious gases the many crags and chasms produce.
Defining color: Red spectrum)
Lead by Brut'aus, they are the warriors, the shock troopers, the pit fighters, and the keepers of the worst criminals and half the war spoils. Of all the ao'mora, they are the most unwelcoming, the grittiest, and the ones most in-tune with their more barbaric side. In their branch of society, you either work or you die, nothing is wasted and no one goes underutilized. If a fight must be fought, a siege given blades, or an adversary needing breaking, they are the ones to call.
In the past, Brut'aus was once the guard captain to the Imperator, the lead of their defenses, and the clenched and bloodied fist opposite the Arcanium's more bureaucratic approach to things. Of all their opposition, he is the one most vocal about his belief that they had something more to do with their leader's death and, to this day, has not forgiven them. There's nary a doubt that he was close to the Imperator and some dare to say they might of had an illicit relationship, but its neither proven nor brought up unless one has a death wish.
Currently, he and his ao'mora keep to
The Fist and only send delegates to the Citadel when he really needs to or when criminals and commodities both living or not need transporting to and from these two points. He and his ilk refuse to deal with the Arcanium, care little for the ostracizing they get for it, and will only ever open themselves up to communication with the capital as a whole if and when the royalty reach out to them personally.
The Dwellers (
Clan Leader: Tri'dorren the Steelmind
Water and ice affinity:
The waves move, freeze, and thaw at their beckon, their connection as natural as the roll of the glowing tides. When acting together they may summon typhoons, tsunamis, massive waves, and whirlpools. From open water to the droplets from the sky or the very fluid inside the body of others and themselves, the dwellers have unwavering dominion over it. This too gives them a form of blood bending, although by controlling another component than the Arcanium. Their prowess over blood is not quite on par but their potency does offer them some resilience to blood magic being used
on them, making any dweller a force best kept on the Arcanium's good side. Many oceanic animals are less likely to attack a dweller and may form bonds with them or be tamed for use of transport or protection. A protein in their blood keeps them from freezing solid in frigid depths or from being encased in ice.
Be mindful, you can still suffocate.
Pressure compensation and secondary breath weapon:
Only a dweller may travel to the abyss both unharmed and without aid, their body not taking penalties from rising and falling too quickly; a condition which could assuredly cause any other to fall unconcious or worse (
See the bends). Not only is their body adept at regulating and circulating nitrogen quickly from their blood and tissues, it is stored in sacks just beneath their lungs that can be compressed to expel at once in a short-ranged burst of pure nitrogen, potentially causing asphyxiation and black outs quickly and effectively.
Lost knowledge:
Much of the old world was sunk beneath the waves, well out of the hands of the majority of the ao'mora race. Despite plenty of it being inoperable and beyond recognition, some encrypted texts have survived the test of time and offered the dweller's gradual access to practices and insight that has spearheaded their pursuit down more scientific routes. As a race, the ao'mora need not the advancement of technology as some do thanks to their abilities but the dwellers have branched into some advanced methods simply because they could, giving rise to the classes of alchemists, flesh shaper, and
Defining color: Blue spectrum)
Tri'dorren, brother of Brut'aus, has always been his sibling's opposite. A steely chill contrasting his fiery brother's combustible demeanor. Their pursuits are similar but their methods couldn't be more polar. Unlike the warmongers who forsook any to do with the Arcanium, the Dwellers pursue close ties and in turn are looked upon as a branch of authority beneath the ruling classes' hand, handling petty to medium-level criminals as well as a share in any captured spoils of war, taking both beneath the ocean to
The Trench for detaining and
There are laws set in place to protect their own from more extreme experimentation but such moral restrictions are not present for other races, providing a steady flow of stock to further their scientific intellect and...
curiosity. In recent times, Tri'dorren has been elevated to the position his brother once occupied, assuring he works closely with the council, providing them with an extended policing force both obedient and loyal, securing continued loose regulation for his people and their internal interests. Even the more
macabre ones.
The Cultivators (
Clan Leader: Urn'bog the Harvester
Nature affinity:
Plants respond to their touch, grow the highest and brightest in their care, and may even come to their aid or be beckoned as weapons or defense when called upon. The cultivators may traverse the jungles and grasslands without fear of the predatory plants and are less likely to be ambushed by the roaming animals that dwell there too.
Not only are the cultivators able to form empathic bonds with
most non-sentient classified fauna and flora, they may also take the forms of different animals. Be warned, long-term shape-shifting without reversion can result in being
form-locked, the cultivator gradually slipping further and further from their original selves until they are no different than the beasts they became. This same connection offers them a means to commune with the
Overgrowth, the collective
conciousness of the living jungle and the planetary flora, giving them a sense of their health or if there are large-scale disturbances.
On the other side of the coin, the cultivators are the home of the necromancers, the re-animators, and the dead speakers. Utilizing their connection to nature once more, they may infuse dead or decaying flesh or skeletal remains (
at least semi-intact) with a type of rampant spore, causing rapid fungal growth around the afflicted creature, pulling their bodies back together for some semblance of functionality; an undead puppet at the total behest of the cultivator. The fragility of their creations depends on the original components they had to work with. The more flesh or intact said dead thing is, the more hardy their ghoulish thrall will be. Sometimes the cultivators are requested to infect the recently deceased in an attempt to glean the departed's last dying thoughts, pulled from their brains and transferred thanks to the implanted spores. A
usually effective method so long as the brain or stem is moderately intact and not missing.
Defining color: Green spectrum)
Lead by Urn'bog, he is perhaps the most enigmatic of the ao'morian leaders, a soft spoken and closed off individual whom typically sticks exclusively to his tribe and rarely reaches out. In ages past it is said he was integral in the plans of the Imperator to liberate their people from their former oppressors,
or so it is whispered. He was the first to cultivate the
plague spores, or the
Dia'morte, unleashing them on the fallen to turn their own against them and steal their knowledge from the departeds' minds.
With the Imperator's passing, he withdrew his presence from the citadel for good, choosing rather to take up permanent residence in the main off-site settlement for the cultivator's,
The Overgrowth, a large settlement nestled in the densest and most hostile heart of the jungles' depths. His representatives remain, keeping decent ties and upholding their status as the provider's of the ao'mora's main source of crops; various plant-based ingredients for a variety of things and undead fodder for their battles.
The Seekers (
Clan Leader: Anna'lo the Watcher
Air affinity:
The wind is their friend, the skies are their kingdom, none can hope to catch a seeker save another of their own. No ao'mora may sore as high as they can, as fast as they can, the breeze moves with their will, from a gentle blow to a flesh-ripping gust, it is at their beck and end. Tornadoes, surge fronts, and thunder storms will form at a seeker's call to the heavens. At times this brings them into contention with the dwellers, for their control over rain overlaps, but should two face off it becomes less a battle of elements and more a test of conviction for whose will is stronger.
Lightning at their finger tips, static to envelope their bodies, sending out bolts of arching electricity from their hands or mouths. Likewise their forms are immune to the destructive effects of electrocution, able to channel and ground the raw energy without worry of cooking their own organs or completely frying their nervous systems.
Survive the vacuum:
However dangerous for any other ao'mora, the seekers may not only fly high into the atmosphere, where it is frigid and oxygen deprived, they can leave it entirely and see the splendor of space for themselves; for limited ventures. Reinforced lungs and advanced regulation and storage of oxygen in their blood streams lower the risk of asphyxiation and air-pocket embolisms significantly. Special tightly fitted nictitating membranes close over their eyes to protect their vision from unhindered celestial bloom and negate their moisture from freezing over or forming air bubbles.
Defining color: White to modest cyan)
The watchers, the pursuers, those that mind the skies for invading threats, protect the people from the semi-frequent turbulent bouts of violent weather, and listen to the voices of change on the planet's breath. Anna'lo has always been the most stout warden for their world, a constant scrutinizing eye turned towards the stars, forever observing, her vigil unending. She prides herself on being the first to see, to know, to warn, and to act should threats ever dare to come.
When her mind is not on what hovers above, it is turned towards their people, looking down over them from their lofty perch on the highest natural peaks. A range of cold-topped mountains looking from the jungle to the distant ocean to the badlands at their back. From here they can see much and observe all. It was the Imperator's will that she do so and now she works closely with all leaders to keep the tenuous peace as best she can.