Locked abilities Gain renown for being active in the community and completing
story points to potentially unlock these abilities.
X. Matter manipulation:
The ability to bend, swap, or change physical matter from one substance to another.
Displace and materialize objects at will, material kinesis, and form kinetic barriers.
X. Time manipulation:
Control the current of time, whether forward or back in localized areas.
This can both wither and reconstitute certain forms of matter.
Stop, rewind, or fast-forward the flow for limited spans.
X. Reality bending:
The creation of tessers, or fissures in reality; bridge gaps between worlds or
teleport from one location to another. Form or close anomalies and pull objects
or people through with varying degrees of success.
X. Cosmic affiliation:
An intrinsic connection to the void and the stars above, the presence surrounding
all material worlds. Access to forgotten knowledge, summon and become a conduit
for celestial abilities, survive the vacuum without assistance. Used with extreme caution.
Approved Abilities You may choose up to NINE of these abilities to further customize
your Astral. Please keep in mind that some abilities have conditions
and cannot be paired with certain other abilities.
1. Arcane aptitude:
Become a wellspring of magical knowledge. Even from a young age their
understanding and ability to learn and weave vast amounts of spells
and enchantments is on par with few.
2. Nullification:
They know how to suppress the connection others have with their connection
to magic, rendering other's abilities null for a time. This is a practice generally
harbored by those who take on guard or protector roles.
3. Blood magic:
The control of blood, both within and outside of a body. With this one can better
fuel occult spells, manipulate the bodies of others, or use more taboo methods to
interrogate or torture would-be criminals or adversaries.
4. Mind control:
Mind control is a rare sub-trait of blood magic, allowing one to implant suggestions
into the thoughts of others or, to more extreme extents, attempt
to control their actions for limited amounts of time.
5. Light magic: (These abilities are more likely to crop up in Seunoris astral but may be otherwise approved.)
Light and energy go hand in hand and when harnessed correctly, may be used as both
defense and offense. Redirecting light particles in vast concentrations can be turned on enemies
like precision beams, cutting just as well as any metal blade. Blooms of intense light to blind or
arching waves to repel back attackers.
-Light abilities may not be mixed with Shadow abilities without expressed approval.
6. Light Healing: (These abilities are more likely to crop up in Seunoris astral but may be otherwise approved.)
Manifesting the power of their will or perceived faith, one may call down Yog's
transcendental light to heal others and mend wounds; restoring flesh and bone like no other.
-Light abilities may not be mixed with Shadow abilities without expressed approval.
7. Auramancy: (These abilities are more likely to crop up in Seunoris astral but may be otherwise approved.)
A lot can be said about the shine of energy others give off; their thoughts, their moods,
maybe even their impending intentions. This is a less painful method of gathering information
from those around you, anticipating another's motives, and judging whether they are trustworthy.
-Light abilities may not be mixed with Shadow abilities without expressed approval.
8. Shadow manipulation: (These abilities are more likely to crop up in Lunaeta astral but may be otherwise approved.)
Delve into the usage of darkness; utilizing the shroud of the dark places to both
obscure and traverse the bleak spaces unhindered by barriers. Cloaked in shadows,
they move undetected by light and vision, blending in and manifesting when they deem fit.
-Shadow abilities may not be mixed with Light abilities without expressed approval.
9. Manifest darkness: (These abilities are more likely to crop up in Lunaeta astral but may be otherwise approved.)
Where some bend light, others give body to the lurking dark, conjuring shade
beasts, weaponizing shadows, or barriers of negative space to cloak a deft escape
or bar others from attacks.
-Shadow abilities may not be mixed with Light abilities without expressed approval.
10. Shadow puppetry: (These abilities are more likely to crop up in Lunaeta astral but may be otherwise approved.)
Unlike void magic, these creeping things are not some otherworldly force all
their own but rather the users own will and purpose given physical shape through
a seething medium of darkness.
-Shadow abilities may not be mixed with Light abilities without expressed approval.
11. Star reading:
Star reading is a form of precognition or soothsaying depending on the orientation of
heavenly bodies or cosmic auras sending messages. Some would say this is Yog's attempt
to communicate, foretelling times of good and ill.
12. Dream walking:
Using their connection to the dark spaces, one may attempt to disconnect their consciousness
from their physical body and use it to infiltrate the dreams of others. This is a dangerous power,
especially if the dreamer becomes aware of their meddling presence. However it still proves an
effective means to glean secrets so long as information can be understood and gathered from
often abstract whimsical thought.
13. Fire Affinity:
No one is better at controlling fire and lava, the flames and heat do not harm their form.
Their hands weave the hungering flames as easily as another extension of themselves.
14. Stone Affinity:
The raw stone bends to their will and they use this readily to carve out the deep places,
harvest and smelt ores or crystals for their creations, and reduce their foes to pulp
with seismic attacks.
15. Metal working:
Almost any basic item made of metal may be forged by their hands. Be it simple weapons,
machine parts, armor, or the like, if it was designed from metal, they are the best at forging it.
16. Hardiness:
Thriving on a hostile world, their bodies are generally more solid and strong. Physical blows are
not nearly as devastating, they are resilient to harsh conditions, and brush off fluctuating temperatures
and the deadly affects of the noxious gases and harmful fungal spores. You are renown for
your superior physical strength and agility and immunity from illness.
-You are immune to the effects of necrotic spores and do not take ill-effects from being in the presence of fungalmancers.
-WARNING; you may not take the Hardiness trait with Fungal necromancy trait.
17. Nature affinity:
Plants respond to their touch, grow the highest and brightest in their care, and may even
come to their aid or be beckoned as weapons or defense when called upon. One may
traverse the jungles and grasslands without fear of the predatory plants and are less
likely to be ambushed by the roaming animals that dwell there too. This same connection
offers a means to commune with nature, the collective conciousness, offering them
a generalized sense of the world around them and its current condition.
18. Druidism:
Not only can they enter empathic bonds with most non-sentient classified fauna
and flora, they may also take the forms of a few different animals. Be warned, long-term
shape-shifting without reversion can result in being form-locked, the wielder
gradually slipping further and further from their original selves until they are no
different than the beast they became.
19. Fungal necromancy:
Fungalmancers, re-animators, and the dead speakers. Utilizing their connection to another
side of nature, they may infuse dead or decaying flesh or skeletal remains (at least semi-intact)
with a type of rampant parasitic spore; causing rapid fungal growth around the afflicted carcass,
pulling their bodies back together for some semblance of functionality. An undead puppet at
the total behest of the user. The fragility of their creations depends on the original components
they had to work with. The more flesh or intact said dead thing is, the more hardy their thrall will be.
Sometimes the recently deceased may be infected in an attempt to glean the departed's last dying thoughts,
pulled from their brains and transferred to the user thanks to the shared spores.
A usually effective method so long as the brain is moderately intact and not missing.
-Caution, taking this ability means your body has a higher concentration of harmful spores and others that do not have this trait, or the hardiness trait, may become very sickened from prolonged contact with you. You are more likely to be a social pariah for this power.
-WARNING; you may not take the Fungal necromancy trait with Hardiness trait.
20. Air affinity:
The wind is their friend, the skies are their kingdom, none can hope to catch you when
you fly. No other may sore as high as they can, as fast as they can, and the breeze moves
with their will. From a gentle blow to a flesh-ripping gust, it is at their beck and call.
Small tornadoes, surge fronts, and fogs will form at one's request.
21. Electricity:
Lightning at their finger tips or static to envelope their bodies; send out bolts of arching
energy to fry your enemies. Likewise their forms are immune to the destructive effects
of electrocution, able to channel and ground the raw electric force without worry of cooking
their own organs or completely frying their nervous systems.
22. Survive the vacuum:
They not only can fly high into the atmosphere, where it is frigid and oxygen deprived, they
can leave it entirely and see the splendor of space for themselves for limited ventures. Reinforced
lungs and advanced regulation and storage of oxygen in their blood streams lowers the risk of asphyxiation
and air-pocket embolisms significantly. Special tightly fitted nictitating membranes close over their eyes
to protect their vision from unhindered celestial bloom and negate their bodily moisture
from freezing over or forming deadly air bubbles.