A mandatory meeting announcement was sent by Special Messenger to each Demon Prince who was escorted to the Royal Private Chambers. The Underworld Demon King of Mortal Sins was not eagerly waiting for his so called children to arrive while his wife, the Queen is sitting by with a table of ornate boxes.
She was patiently sitting there with her hands on her lap. She was way too patient for the Demon King now days. Which was ironically one of her prime qualities that he liked in her when they were first married.
When all of the Demon Princes and Princesses were finally gathered together, he made his simple ultimatum announcement.
“Listen up, all of you. I have received your monthly expense accounting. Every one of you have over spent your account by more than double and that does not include the damages that you have cause, the fines the you have incurred or the wrath of Hades himself! Which brings us to this meeting.
I have received a larger number of complaints against you this month from Hades himself. You have made yourselves a total nuisance of yourselves and have put me on probation. That is totally unacceptable!
Since none of you will take me seriously about your way of life, I must enforce a stronger hold on you. This means that you will suffer greatly! This is what shall happen today.
One. All of your powers have been revoked. You have misused them and will not get them back until you have proved yourself responsible enough to handle yourself.
Two. You will have a very restricted amount of money. None from me or your mother. No charge accounts either.
Three. You will have to go to school on the Surface.
Four. You will pass the classes that are given to you by your Advisor.
Five. You will date and marry one of the Humans that your Advisor has chosen.
Six. You will be given a Mortal Sin to rule over when you get back. Other words, you will be a Practicing King in Training. Your Advisor will oversee what is done in your kingdom.
I hope that all of you understand me because if you don’t, you will remain on the Surface as a human. I have this approved by Hades, himself after a very long prolonged discussion in his chambers.” The Underworld Demon King of Mortal Sins looked from one Prince to a Princess to another Royal Sibling.
((Once you have chosen your box, you will be instantly poofed to a new room.))
She was patiently sitting there with her hands on her lap. She was way too patient for the Demon King now days. Which was ironically one of her prime qualities that he liked in her when they were first married.
When all of the Demon Princes and Princesses were finally gathered together, he made his simple ultimatum announcement.
“Listen up, all of you. I have received your monthly expense accounting. Every one of you have over spent your account by more than double and that does not include the damages that you have cause, the fines the you have incurred or the wrath of Hades himself! Which brings us to this meeting.
I have received a larger number of complaints against you this month from Hades himself. You have made yourselves a total nuisance of yourselves and have put me on probation. That is totally unacceptable!
Since none of you will take me seriously about your way of life, I must enforce a stronger hold on you. This means that you will suffer greatly! This is what shall happen today.
One. All of your powers have been revoked. You have misused them and will not get them back until you have proved yourself responsible enough to handle yourself.
Two. You will have a very restricted amount of money. None from me or your mother. No charge accounts either.
Three. You will have to go to school on the Surface.
Four. You will pass the classes that are given to you by your Advisor.
Five. You will date and marry one of the Humans that your Advisor has chosen.
Six. You will be given a Mortal Sin to rule over when you get back. Other words, you will be a Practicing King in Training. Your Advisor will oversee what is done in your kingdom.
I hope that all of you understand me because if you don’t, you will remain on the Surface as a human. I have this approved by Hades, himself after a very long prolonged discussion in his chambers.” The Underworld Demon King of Mortal Sins looked from one Prince to a Princess to another Royal Sibling.
((Once you have chosen your box, you will be instantly poofed to a new room.))
So many rules. It was ridiculous that he was going to have to go to school on the surface. Not only did he have to go to school on the surface but he had to get married to some human? Why would he ever want to get married when there were all sorts of beauties in the world he hadn't met yet? His father never said when he had to get married only that he had to. Hmm, loopholes. Well, if he wanted to become a demon again he would have to get married.
What was an even bigger worry was that he was going to have to limit his spending. That just wasn't fair. Dates required money. He wasn't going to let a woman pay for a meal or anything while with him. That was just proper dating etiquette. Xephan rubbed his chin in thought as he continued listening to his father drone on.
Being the second prince of demons he picked his box second and found himself in his new apartment. Staring at the box he rolled his eyes and found a spot for it in the cupboards in the kitchen area. Then Xephan turned to look at the apartment taking it all in.
Xephan had a simple silver earring in his right ear, thick black hair that reached his shoulders and honey-gold eyes that one could easily get lost in. There was quite a bit in the apartment. Mayeb this wasn't going to be so bad.
Going into the bedroom Xephan changed out of his fancy clothing that he wore to meet his father and found a simple shirt and a pair of pants to change into. Returning to looking around the apartment he toyed with the silver earring in his ear and then opened the door to leave. Might as well get acquainted with the world he was now stuck in.
What was an even bigger worry was that he was going to have to limit his spending. That just wasn't fair. Dates required money. He wasn't going to let a woman pay for a meal or anything while with him. That was just proper dating etiquette. Xephan rubbed his chin in thought as he continued listening to his father drone on.
Being the second prince of demons he picked his box second and found himself in his new apartment. Staring at the box he rolled his eyes and found a spot for it in the cupboards in the kitchen area. Then Xephan turned to look at the apartment taking it all in.
Xephan had a simple silver earring in his right ear, thick black hair that reached his shoulders and honey-gold eyes that one could easily get lost in. There was quite a bit in the apartment. Mayeb this wasn't going to be so bad.
Going into the bedroom Xephan changed out of his fancy clothing that he wore to meet his father and found a simple shirt and a pair of pants to change into. Returning to looking around the apartment he toyed with the silver earring in his ear and then opened the door to leave. Might as well get acquainted with the world he was now stuck in.
Celestria shook her head thinking all the rules were just unbelievable. She thought what human boy would want to be with her of all people. One man? She didn’t think things would go well to plan. She felt sorta how her brother Xephan felt about it all.
She went to her apartment number four and changed from a flowing dress to a skirt and shirt. She also put on some more comfortable shoes to walk in. She peaked to see Xephan and went out of her apartment.”Xephan. Can you believe we actually have to do this?” She asked.
She went to her apartment number four and changed from a flowing dress to a skirt and shirt. She also put on some more comfortable shoes to walk in. She peaked to see Xephan and went out of her apartment.”Xephan. Can you believe we actually have to do this?” She asked.
Xephan heard a door open nearby and turned to look at the sound. Putting his right hand in his pants pocket he leaned back on his left leg and smiled at his sister. "Oh yeah..." Rolling his eyes he exaggerated the yeah as he spoke and then he smiled again. It sure could have been worse he guessed. "Think of it as an opportunity rather than the imposition that it is. That is how I plan to take it."
Turning away from his sister he started walking away from his room looking at each of the doors he passed. Three, two, one. "All we have to do is play by daddy's rules for now." Waving his left hand beside his head he called back of his shoulder clearly ready for a little mischief. "For now at least."
Turning away from his sister he started walking away from his room looking at each of the doors he passed. Three, two, one. "All we have to do is play by daddy's rules for now." Waving his left hand beside his head he called back of his shoulder clearly ready for a little mischief. "For now at least."
Celestria shook her head at her crazy brother. She knew exactly where he was going. She should’ve known that he wouldn’t be as bothered about it as she was but she knew that she shouldn’t show that kind of feeling towards her parents. Only hades would know what they would do to them if they tried to fight their parents on the choice that has already been made.
She went to her kitchen to get some food. She loved too cook but loved to eat as well. She only ate a lot when she was nervous or having anxiety about something. She decided to have leftovers from dinner the other night and ate it from the container. This food made her feel a little better.
She went to her kitchen to get some food. She loved too cook but loved to eat as well. She only ate a lot when she was nervous or having anxiety about something. She decided to have leftovers from dinner the other night and ate it from the container. This food made her feel a little better.
Leaving the apartment area Xephan found himself in the courtyard or what he thought was the courtyard. He saw a big building to the front and another two off to his left. So Xephan decided why not go to the one in front of him first. He didn't see anyone else around at the moment and soon found himself inside the academy.
Looking around this building he just kept wandering around getting a good look around the buildings and connecting places. Finding the stores, which didn't seem to be open at the moment and even more empty buildings. Stopping in the cafeteria for a bit he looked around interested. He wasn't hungry though. He was more curious to find other people.
Looking around this building he just kept wandering around getting a good look around the buildings and connecting places. Finding the stores, which didn't seem to be open at the moment and even more empty buildings. Stopping in the cafeteria for a bit he looked around interested. He wasn't hungry though. He was more curious to find other people.
Celestria got herself some snacks to take with her before taking a walk in the park and looking around. Not quite like where she grew up. How was she expected to get used to this? She decided as well to go to the outside of the school. She wondered if there were any teachers or even the principal around.
“Hello? Anyone here?” She said getting closer to the front steps of the school.
“Hello? Anyone here?” She said getting closer to the front steps of the school.

Mictlantecuhtli walked out into the Academic Area to find a young demon calling out.
"I am. Why were you not in the lecture room where you were to be sent? Any of the others found and if so, do you happen to know where they might be?" the stern no nonsense man spoke in frigid tone. In fact, it was so frigid that the air surrounding him was literally frosty.
((Remember that you were sent to the academy without your powers, clothes or money))
“Oh I uh… was just looking around actually. I had already gone to the lecture room… so. I was just checking out the school for a bit.” Celestria said and gave a smirk to the man.”Um… who are you?”
"I am Advisor Mictlantecuhtli and I advise you to go to the lecture room to sit until I get back. Now that I have introduced myself to you, perhaps you will introduce yourself so that I know which Royal Demon that you are. You may also answer my other questions while you are speaking." He spoke sternly.
“It’s not like we look like each other.” Celestria said.”My name is Celestria.”
He stood there simply waiting. Not that he was a patient man but because everything was not ready and in its place. No signage. No waste cans. The street was littered and sidewalks were unswept. He finally spoke.
"What about the rest of my questions?"
"What about the rest of my questions?"
“I don’t know where he went but I have spotted my brother wander out.” Celestria said.”And I know I saw him there as well.”
Xephan wandered back out of the main area. Really the place felt abandoned and he had to chuckle to himself at how unprepared this place seemed to be for the royal demons and whatever humans happened to be coming here. Kicking a small piece of rubbish he heard voices from around the corner. Seeing the tall man in the suit Xephan put his hands in his pockets and called out to the pair.
"Celestria, is my dear sister causing trouble already?" Xephan sounded delighted and I bothered by the other person's cold demeanor. "Hello, ice prince." Xephan had no idea who the guy was but wasn't bothered. His earring glinting in the sunlight. Putting his arm around Celestira's shoulder he gave the man a playful grin. "I'm Xephan. Just getting acquainted with the place. You gonna show us around or is this it?"
"Celestria, is my dear sister causing trouble already?" Xephan sounded delighted and I bothered by the other person's cold demeanor. "Hello, ice prince." Xephan had no idea who the guy was but wasn't bothered. His earring glinting in the sunlight. Putting his arm around Celestira's shoulder he gave the man a playful grin. "I'm Xephan. Just getting acquainted with the place. You gonna show us around or is this it?"
Celestria was a bit tense and stuffed her face with her snack. She heard a familiar voice from behind before feeling a familiar presence.
She seemed to calm a bit with her brother going over. But the way he was speaking to the man was a bit rude. No matter how harsh and cold the man was she didn’t like it much and tensed up again.”Yep… my brother.” She said pointing at him.
She seemed to calm a bit with her brother going over. But the way he was speaking to the man was a bit rude. No matter how harsh and cold the man was she didn’t like it much and tensed up again.”Yep… my brother.” She said pointing at him.
comes in nervelessly with a hoodie on. " im claudia star." sees xephan and just cant help but looking at his eyes entranced by his beauty.
Celestria looked at the girl who introduced herself. She looked back to the intimidating man.
smiles and reveals my face . "Its nice to meet you all."
“You don’t even know our names.” Celestria said. She looked at her brother.
sighs."well im just tring to be nice would you like me to talk french instead and puts hood back o and pulls out a book then goes and sits under a tree to read.