This is where you can check out what the equipment looks like. Feel free to look about. There is no charge for any of the required equipment. I will post more in the near future. I have a few interesting ones to investigate.
If you have found some kind of new equipment that you would like to use, please tell everyone about it!
If you have found some kind of new equipment that you would like to use, please tell everyone about it!
Your Laptop

PLTS which is a Personal Laptop system or PLTs. Your Personal Laptop System or PLTs will be a valuable tool.
They are super sensitive to touch. In fact, believe it or not, these PLTs are sentient. That means that it can think and feel on its own. I want to have you to be the first ones to touch them barehanded and imprint your aura on your own laptop by typing up your first assignment.

PLTS which is a Personal Laptop system or PLTs. Your Personal Laptop System or PLTs will be a valuable tool.
They are super sensitive to touch. In fact, believe it or not, these PLTs are sentient. That means that it can think and feel on its own. I want to have you to be the first ones to touch them barehanded and imprint your aura on your own laptop by typing up your first assignment.
Your Phone


Aura Phone- When you pick up the phone it will register your aura. It will become yours exclusively. The phone has my number in them. If you want to add someone to your call list, all you have to do is to touch the heads of the 2 phones and they will register each other as a friend. You may register each other at lunch. It will prove to be a valuable tool.


Aura Phone- When you pick up the phone it will register your aura. It will become yours exclusively. The phone has my number in them. If you want to add someone to your call list, all you have to do is to touch the heads of the 2 phones and they will register each other as a friend. You may register each other at lunch. It will prove to be a valuable tool.


A smaller version of your laptop.


A smaller version of your laptop.
Survival Belt

Virtual Bookbag

It is a Void Product and will hold everything that you need for class and more. There is a place to place a
bottle of drink on the side of your Bookbag.

It is a Void Product and will hold everything that you need for class and more. There is a place to place a
bottle of drink on the side of your Bookbag.

You have a large dry goods area, smaller fridge and freezer compartments.

You have a large dry goods area, smaller fridge and freezer compartments.