Mictlantecuhtli had checked all of the boxes. Everything was inside. He was pleased that his staff actually did something correctly. After taping the boxes up and adding an envelope with a number printed on it, he stood off to one side to wait on the students.
Mystique came back from the restroom to find that no one but that teacher was there. She found a seat in the back of the room for the last of the lecture.
Violetta walked towards the doors, making her tail behave all the way across the room so that it didn't hit anything. But once she was in the hallway, the tail was allowed to swish freely until she got to the lecture room. There she made sure that it would not hit anything. The tail began to droop as if it was sad. When she found a chair to her liking, Violetta sat down and the tail slowly went under the seat.
Violetta walked towards the doors, making her tail behave all the way across the room so that it didn't hit anything. But once she was in the hallway, the tail was allowed to swish freely until she got to the lecture room. There she made sure that it would not hit anything. The tail began to droop as if it was sad. When she found a chair to her liking, Violetta sat down and the tail slowly went under the seat.
Since Mictlantecuhtli had said he should go to the lecture room it took him a little bit of time to find it. Really the whole campus was a little difficult to navigate but he was getting better at it. He was good at memorizing things being the second born. He had wanted to outdo his older sibling.
Finding the room he held the door open for a young human girl who had been following him. She hurried past and settled into a seat. Xephan waited by the door holding it open for anyone else to come inside before finally finding his own seat in the first seat closest to the door. Any humans that passed he'd wink at teasingly. Resting his head in his hand on the top of the desk.
Finding the room he held the door open for a young human girl who had been following him. She hurried past and settled into a seat. Xephan waited by the door holding it open for anyone else to come inside before finally finding his own seat in the first seat closest to the door. Any humans that passed he'd wink at teasingly. Resting his head in his hand on the top of the desk.
Marian had been following the demon for a little bit when he stopped and held the door open for her. A flush filled her cheek and she hurried past him into the third seat in the first row. She was a good student and because of her terrible vision she like to sit in front in case she needed to see something closer.
There were other people in the room already and she looked around and smiled at the two other girls. Setting her book on the desk she looked up at the scary looking teacher before tilting her head back down and minding her own business for now.
There were other people in the room already and she looked around and smiled at the two other girls. Setting her book on the desk she looked up at the scary looking teacher before tilting her head back down and minding her own business for now.
Celestria smiled when her brother held the door open for her and some others.”Why thank you dear brother.” She said with a gentle smile. She walked in and found a seat up front.
Alec followed behind Violetta. He even took a seat next to her.”You don’t mind me sitting here do you?” He said to her.
Alec followed behind Violetta. He even took a seat next to her.”You don’t mind me sitting here do you?” He said to her.
Violetta smiles at Alec. She was curious about why he seemed to like her.
"No, of course not. I am more of an introvert than an extrovert. Besides that I like your company. I hope that Mictlantecuhtli will have a short direct lecture but with these laptops and with those boxes on the table, I rather doubt it." she spoke.
"No, of course not. I am more of an introvert than an extrovert. Besides that I like your company. I hope that Mictlantecuhtli will have a short direct lecture but with these laptops and with those boxes on the table, I rather doubt it." she spoke.
See more

Mictlantecuhtl spoke up.
"As soon as we get a few more students in here we will begin the afternoon lecture."
Few minutes passed....
“I am please to see each of you that have returned to this Afternoon Lecture. For attending and being on time, you will be awarded $100. However, if you decide to leave before it is done, you will not get the Bonus money. If you choose not to do the required paperwork, you will not get the Bonus money.
Now to get to the nitty gritty details of your stay here at The Elite Private Academy at Area 52. We are in the middle of an area where people are arrested for just stepping on the ground. You will see the map on your beautiful new state of art Personal Laptop. Inside the box is your password but you may change it. Instructions are in the manual. Please come up and get your laptop. You may open your laptop and fill out the Entry Questions.
“Here is some information for all of the attending humans. You do not need to fear these Demons and Demonesses. Their powers have been taken away.
All of their clothes have been left behind and your clothes will be stored for a period of time. The period of time will be how long it takes you to complete your first set of classes. Then you will get your belongings back.
I want each and everyone of you to understand one major thing from the start. You will stay here until I deem that you are ready to move to the next level. Then when I deem that you are ready to marry, you and your intended mate will move to the third and final move under my supervision. After that you will either return to Hades as a Kinglet and Queenlet or as a Royal Servant to a Kinglet or Queenlet. Those are you only choices.
I am not one bit sorry for the Royal Demons and Demonesses but I am sorry about misleading those humans who have joined this Academy under the vague promises made.
One last thing. You will refer to each other as My Lord or My Lady. Each of you at this moment are equals and will treat each other as equals. I will tell you when you have moved up in the Ranking. The only other time you may call each other by the given human names is when the individual has given the permission to do so.
Any questions?” Mictlantecuhtli asked.
“Last thing that I have to cover at this time is your box. In the box is your other Equipment you will get as you take a box with you as you leave:
Cell Phone- A Cell Phone will keep you in touch with everyone with a press of a button. It will not reach out of the Canyon Area nor will your cell phone work.
Tablet- Tablet will give you the information that you need to have on the go. It will also identify many things in the world from plants and trees to creatures if you take certain classes.
Special Belt to be worn daily and stocked with snacks and a drink
Virtual Bookbag- Virtual Bookbag is something that everyone will need so that you can carry all of your belongings with you to classes.
Clipboard- This clipboard has a side opening box where you can store needed items.
Pick up a box on your way out. All of them are the same and the numbered envelope is your apartment number and your mail box number.
I will be sending an email to you about your classes after I meet with the other teachers tomorrow.
You may leave when you wish.” Mictlantecuhtli ended the lecture. He wondered how many would stay to ask a question.
"As soon as we get a few more students in here we will begin the afternoon lecture."
Few minutes passed....
“I am please to see each of you that have returned to this Afternoon Lecture. For attending and being on time, you will be awarded $100. However, if you decide to leave before it is done, you will not get the Bonus money. If you choose not to do the required paperwork, you will not get the Bonus money.
Now to get to the nitty gritty details of your stay here at The Elite Private Academy at Area 52. We are in the middle of an area where people are arrested for just stepping on the ground. You will see the map on your beautiful new state of art Personal Laptop. Inside the box is your password but you may change it. Instructions are in the manual. Please come up and get your laptop. You may open your laptop and fill out the Entry Questions.
((Nothing to really do unless you want the bonus money. Then you will place it in your Personal Laptop. It is your character sheet completely filled with:
RPer’s Name:
Character Human Name:
Demon Name: (if you have a meaning to the name, please add it)
Age will be 20
Apartment Number:
Do you any classes that you wish to take?:
IE: English, Math, Literature, Art, Music
RPer’s Name:
Character Human Name:
Demon Name: (if you have a meaning to the name, please add it)
Age will be 20
Apartment Number:
Demons and Demonesses
Which Royal Off Spring do you want to be ( with definition):
Choose 1-3 Extra Characteristics ( with definition):
What Mortal Sin do you wish to have? ( with definition):
Which Royal Off Spring do you want to be ( with definition):
Choose 1-3 Extra Characteristics ( with definition):
What Mortal Sin do you wish to have? ( with definition):
What kind of hobbies do you have:
What animals do you like:
What kind of hobbies do you have:
What animals do you like:
Do you any classes that you wish to take?:
IE: English, Math, Literature, Art, Music
“Here is some information for all of the attending humans. You do not need to fear these Demons and Demonesses. Their powers have been taken away.
All of their clothes have been left behind and your clothes will be stored for a period of time. The period of time will be how long it takes you to complete your first set of classes. Then you will get your belongings back.
I want each and everyone of you to understand one major thing from the start. You will stay here until I deem that you are ready to move to the next level. Then when I deem that you are ready to marry, you and your intended mate will move to the third and final move under my supervision. After that you will either return to Hades as a Kinglet and Queenlet or as a Royal Servant to a Kinglet or Queenlet. Those are you only choices.
I am not one bit sorry for the Royal Demons and Demonesses but I am sorry about misleading those humans who have joined this Academy under the vague promises made.
One last thing. You will refer to each other as My Lord or My Lady. Each of you at this moment are equals and will treat each other as equals. I will tell you when you have moved up in the Ranking. The only other time you may call each other by the given human names is when the individual has given the permission to do so.
Any questions?” Mictlantecuhtli asked.
“Last thing that I have to cover at this time is your box. In the box is your other Equipment you will get as you take a box with you as you leave:
Cell Phone- A Cell Phone will keep you in touch with everyone with a press of a button. It will not reach out of the Canyon Area nor will your cell phone work.
Tablet- Tablet will give you the information that you need to have on the go. It will also identify many things in the world from plants and trees to creatures if you take certain classes.
Special Belt to be worn daily and stocked with snacks and a drink
Virtual Bookbag- Virtual Bookbag is something that everyone will need so that you can carry all of your belongings with you to classes.
Clipboard- This clipboard has a side opening box where you can store needed items.
Pick up a box on your way out. All of them are the same and the numbered envelope is your apartment number and your mail box number.
I will be sending an email to you about your classes after I meet with the other teachers tomorrow.
You may leave when you wish.” Mictlantecuhtli ended the lecture. He wondered how many would stay to ask a question.
Fantasy Guide to Addressing Nobility
It can be hard to remember how to properly address your noble or royal characters when writing a fantasy court. Here is a quick guide:
1. King/Queen:
Usually addressed as either “Your Grace” or “Your Majesty”. Consort (married to a ruler and not reigning in their own right) can be addressed the same. Sire or Madam can be used also.
2. Prince/Princess:
They are addressed as “Your Highness”. They are NEVER addressed the same as a King or Queen
3. Duke/Duchess:
These are addressed with “Your Grace”. This was a common term also used by royalty before Henry VIII got to big for his codpiece.
4. Earl (Count)/Countess:
Are almost never referred as the “Earl of Narnia” but “Lord Narnia”.
5. Lord/Lady:
An easy one. They are called “My Lord” or “My Lady”.
6. Emperor/Empress:
These may be equal to a King/Queen for status but the have a grander title. They are only addressed as “Your Imperial Highness/Majesty”
It can be hard to remember how to properly address your noble or royal characters when writing a fantasy court. Here is a quick guide:
1. King/Queen:
Usually addressed as either “Your Grace” or “Your Majesty”. Consort (married to a ruler and not reigning in their own right) can be addressed the same. Sire or Madam can be used also.
2. Prince/Princess:
They are addressed as “Your Highness”. They are NEVER addressed the same as a King or Queen
3. Duke/Duchess:
These are addressed with “Your Grace”. This was a common term also used by royalty before Henry VIII got to big for his codpiece.
4. Earl (Count)/Countess:
Are almost never referred as the “Earl of Narnia” but “Lord Narnia”.
5. Lord/Lady:
An easy one. They are called “My Lord” or “My Lady”.
6. Emperor/Empress:
These may be equal to a King/Queen for status but the have a grander title. They are only addressed as “Your Imperial Highness/Majesty”
The lecture was a bit boring but all good information. Xephan listened quietly once everyone showed up. Money, computers, marriage. There was at least one gasp. What is it they told the humans? Probably nothing about the whole getting married to demons. Leaning back in his seat he teased the end of his hair beside his right ear and grinned at the humans in attendance. This was going to be a lot of fun.
Getting up from his seat Xephan walked over to the table with the boxes and picked the third box on the table turning it this way and that. "I've got no questions. Other than why it matters what you call us." Xephan grinned and turned towards everyone in the room with a graceful bow and a cheeky grin. Playing it up as it were. "You all just call me Xephan,guess that's my permission. I'm here for fun and marriage not societal norms. I may be a demon but I know we'll get along just fine." Xephan had a fun and flirty nature that was clearly showing through.
Getting up from his seat Xephan walked over to the table with the boxes and picked the third box on the table turning it this way and that. "I've got no questions. Other than why it matters what you call us." Xephan grinned and turned towards everyone in the room with a graceful bow and a cheeky grin. Playing it up as it were. "You all just call me Xephan,guess that's my permission. I'm here for fun and marriage not societal norms. I may be a demon but I know we'll get along just fine." Xephan had a fun and flirty nature that was clearly showing through.
Celestria tilted her head at her brother. Were they supposed to introduce themselves and get a box from the teachers desk? Or was this the principal of the school? If that was the case her brother would most likely be in deep trouble.
She shrugged her brother’s actions off and raised her hand.”Excuse me mr… um are we supposed to introduce ourselves?” She asked not waiting to be called on by the man.
Alec rolled his eyes at the flirt. Though if he was a demon that meant he was the brother of Violetta. How many siblings did she have? How many humans in the school were there?
Was that girl who raised her hand a demon and if so was she a sister of Violetta’s? So many questions, not enough answers. Back to the guy, what was he thinking when doing what he did? That was something no one would know.
She shrugged her brother’s actions off and raised her hand.”Excuse me mr… um are we supposed to introduce ourselves?” She asked not waiting to be called on by the man.
Alec rolled his eyes at the flirt. Though if he was a demon that meant he was the brother of Violetta. How many siblings did she have? How many humans in the school were there?
Was that girl who raised her hand a demon and if so was she a sister of Violetta’s? So many questions, not enough answers. Back to the guy, what was he thinking when doing what he did? That was something no one would know.
Mictlantecuhtli raised an eyebrow as he spoke.
"Didn't you speak to anyone while you were at lunch, Miss Celestria? I'd assumed that everyone would be able to meet and greet on their own. After all this is not day care.
All of you will be one day soon be running a small kingdom. If you fail, you will be reporting to Hades, himself not to me. With that much said, I suggest that you start making good use of your free time or when the time is up, you will regret it."
"Didn't you speak to anyone while you were at lunch, Miss Celestria? I'd assumed that everyone would be able to meet and greet on their own. After all this is not day care.
All of you will be one day soon be running a small kingdom. If you fail, you will be reporting to Hades, himself not to me. With that much said, I suggest that you start making good use of your free time or when the time is up, you will regret it."
“Yes… well I’m sure we could tell it is not daycare. Probably way worse than daycare if I do say so. But another question, what are we here for? Besides a lecture.” Celestria said. She really never meant any harm when saying anything harsh.
Mictlantecuhtli stifled a sigh and held back his tongue before he spoke slowly.
"Did you see King Tielham Famzuhr and Queen Fraerusa Famzuhr? Or did you somehow escape your parent's lecture?"
Mystique frowned as she looked up from her very own laptop in surprised.
~Curiouser and curiouser.... says Alice to no one in particular. So much to understand and so little time to do so,~
Violetta slid down into her seat in embarrassment. Even she understood the lecture and was considered not so bright. See looked at her hands the keyboard as she sat there,
"Did you see King Tielham Famzuhr and Queen Fraerusa Famzuhr? Or did you somehow escape your parent's lecture?"
Mystique frowned as she looked up from her very own laptop in surprised.
~Curiouser and curiouser.... says Alice to no one in particular. So much to understand and so little time to do so,~
Violetta slid down into her seat in embarrassment. Even she understood the lecture and was considered not so bright. See looked at her hands the keyboard as she sat there,
“My point being, why are us demons here in the lecture room when we already had a lecture done by our parents. That is what I am actually asking.” Celestria said.
"Because you are not going back to your parents home. You will be staying here under my guidance until I have deemed that you are able to run your own life as an adult. You will be studying various classes of subjects. You will become in more control of your individual failings as residents.
This lecture is concerning what you will be doing while you are here at Academy 51. This is the first lecture that you will get from me. Let's hope that I don't need to pull you into my office for a private lecture. I was given a folder on each of you Demons and Demonesses as I came into the area. I have much to learn about each of you as well as the Humans. Which there is no folder made up on them.
Hades expects me to oversee this Academy and get all of you ready to be good little Kinglets and Queenlets. You will be given this last chance before you go into the Brimstone Mines. And that is not a threat but a warning. Hades no longer cares that you are of the Royal Family. Unless you can prove that you are responsible for your own actions.
Did I miss anything?" he asked quietly.
This lecture is concerning what you will be doing while you are here at Academy 51. This is the first lecture that you will get from me. Let's hope that I don't need to pull you into my office for a private lecture. I was given a folder on each of you Demons and Demonesses as I came into the area. I have much to learn about each of you as well as the Humans. Which there is no folder made up on them.
Hades expects me to oversee this Academy and get all of you ready to be good little Kinglets and Queenlets. You will be given this last chance before you go into the Brimstone Mines. And that is not a threat but a warning. Hades no longer cares that you are of the Royal Family. Unless you can prove that you are responsible for your own actions.
Did I miss anything?" he asked quietly.
Mystique looked about at the other students. She was ready to go and others might be s well, just hesitant to speak up.
"I have no questions at the moment so may I leave?" Mystique asks in a firm voice that she did not know that she had.
"If anyone does not have any questions, please come up to the far side of the room. There are boxes with handles. Inside are Virtual Bookbags. Choose a color and keep moving down the line to choose the type of cell phone and type of tablet. You will find a survival belt under the Bookbag." Mictlantecuhtli spoke.
"I will be emailing information to you, including when the next mandatory meeting with me will be. Be sure to check your email daily for news."
(( For a view of your equipment go to here:
https://www.rprepository.com/g/KingdomsDownUnder/topic/95825?page=1#5629271 ))
"I have no questions at the moment so may I leave?" Mystique asks in a firm voice that she did not know that she had.
"If anyone does not have any questions, please come up to the far side of the room. There are boxes with handles. Inside are Virtual Bookbags. Choose a color and keep moving down the line to choose the type of cell phone and type of tablet. You will find a survival belt under the Bookbag." Mictlantecuhtli spoke.
"I will be emailing information to you, including when the next mandatory meeting with me will be. Be sure to check your email daily for news."
(( For a view of your equipment go to here:
https://www.rprepository.com/g/KingdomsDownUnder/topic/95825?page=1#5629271 ))
Celestria shook her head. Man did this dude have problems? Also weren’t Royals supposed to marry other Royals to be a king or queen? Were these humans all the kings or queens of the world? She didn’t know. She decided to trust the info given to them from their parents. She stood and went to the no questions area.
Alec tilted his head. If they all knew this information why was he talking it over with them again? He had no idea. He shook it off and stood as well. He had no questions from what he could think of. Or that he wanted to ask outloud.
Alec tilted his head. If they all knew this information why was he talking it over with them again? He had no idea. He shook it off and stood as well. He had no questions from what he could think of. Or that he wanted to ask outloud.
Xephan had no questions and confidently strode over to everyone else putting his arm around Celestira's shoulders. "The demons will marry the humans. We'll be learning whatever we learn here. Its not that complicated." Xephan grinned at their teacher. "Does that mean the rest of today is a free day?"
Marian had several questions but that was how she was. She always liked to ask about everything. The loud mouthed confident, apparently a demon, guy was kinda funny. She was pretty curious about how many demons their were too. What if she didn't want to get married? Were there other male demons around? "I don't have any questions either sir." Joining everyone else she held her equipment to her chest opting to stay quiet for now. Maybe she'd make friends with some of the other women. She didn't mind if they were demon or not.
"All that is left is to choose your equipment and get your picnic basket. After that you are free to do what ever you wish within reason." Mictlantecuhtli replied.
Violetta's curiosity got the better of her and she asked:
"Why do you wear the sunglasses all of the time? I mean, we are inside and there is no bright light to bother your eyes."
"I wear them so that they do not bother others. Would you care to see them?" Mictlantecuhtli replied with a grin.
"Hmmmm..... Perhaps not yet but perhaps in the future I would like a look..... I am not as ready as I thought." Violetta decided as she moved on past the teach who chuckled softly.
Violetta's curiosity got the better of her and she asked:
"Why do you wear the sunglasses all of the time? I mean, we are inside and there is no bright light to bother your eyes."
"I wear them so that they do not bother others. Would you care to see them?" Mictlantecuhtli replied with a grin.
"Hmmmm..... Perhaps not yet but perhaps in the future I would like a look..... I am not as ready as I thought." Violetta decided as she moved on past the teach who chuckled softly.
Celestria grabbed her laptop, a smaller version of the laptop, the wrist phone and the rest of the stuff they needed. Her wrist phone was red. She loved pink and red was basically a very dark pink.
Alec had done what was being told. Unlike the demon girl he took a handheld phone versus the wrist. And then the rest of the equipment.”Thank you for your time.” He said kindly before finding his way out.
Alec had done what was being told. Unlike the demon girl he took a handheld phone versus the wrist. And then the rest of the equipment.”Thank you for your time.” He said kindly before finding his way out.