Important to note
I M P OR T A N T If not soaked in sunlight for sun kitsunes, or not soaked in moonlight for Moon Kitsunes, their psionic abilities will fade away and become unusable.
Both Kitsunes have psionic powers. A normal nonroyal Kitsune will have one power to choose from. A royal kitsune will have two powers to choose from.
All Kitsunes of this species CAN shapeshift into a fox. Though their fur remains the same and that tattoo shifts over. (unless of course, you choose optional. Then only tattoo shifts over.)
Common Q&A
I suspect, there will be plenty of questions over these species, as such, I have laid out some answers in a predetermined manner so I don't have to repeat myself over and over.
who wants to do that right?
1. Do Moon Kistunes and Sun Kitsunes mate? Good question! Although they are of the SAME tribe and definitely at times, intermingle. It is not very often that they are able to conceive a child.If they did, it would likely be called a solar eclipse kitsune, and since I have not created those nor wish to not explore the depth of that mess, I would say that for now...Moon Kitsunes and Sun Kitsunes are UNABLE to procreate together.
2. Are Hybrids of other nature possible? Possible but rare. I created this unique hybrid species and took plenty of time to make it very interesting, and very rare to even see or know about. I'd appreciate it if you didn't ruin that story. So just..don't even ask please. Obviously, if they are of HUMAN or Kitsune nature, then we can talk. Otherwise any other species? I'm going to look at you in utter frustration.
3. How do we determine if we have a Sun Kitsune or a Moon Kitsune? Were they born closer to a lunar eclipse? Or a solar eclipse? This, in fact, does determine what origin they would be. Or you could just...I don't know, simply choose. I'm not gonna force your hand one way or another.
4. Can Sun and Moon Kitsunes learn magic? Absolutely. They can indeed! They have mana, just like anybody else. But they must learn the art from SOMEONE else. The tribe did not actively "practice" other magic. And thusly in their background better have had a mentor or something. The only exception to the rule is, Moon Kitsunes cannot do fire-based magic. And Sun Kitsunes cannot do water-based magic. It goes against their very creation.
5. Are some of them gonna be enslaved? Yep. You can choose the background for your character, I'm not going to be picky. I assume about 50 years since the invasion, so really anything is a go. I wanted this to be open and breathable for the characters, but aware of their background before the invasion as well. If you wind up on Alyria, be aware they will no longer have their star crystal. (star ball). It will have shattered upon arrival there. Thusly all memories would be gone wiped clean. For those wishing to play slave characters in this dream. Please read over their Slave trade information.
6. Just how rare are they? You have to understand the story. They weren't rare...at first. Now after 50 years of being apart from their homeland and heart crystal that is the mainline source of their people living and thriving on....it is causing effects. Effects of wasting away with no more longer life. They at first lived to 500-600 years. But now they might die around say with 50 years passing...and no getting closer to the Heart Of Heaven, likely 400-500 years. It will change, intermittent with the time apart from their homeland. But since it is my sole duty as creator, I will gladly inform you of the limit changing every time. Guarantee. Can they intermingle with other people? Only humans and Kitsunes. Otherwise no, I won't be trying to figure out how to make a human/cat/fox mix. Or a Human/dog/fox mix. I didn't sign up for that thus refuse. It is HARD for them to get pregnant? Nope. It's just like any other kitsune on that regard.
7. The Moon and Sun Kitsunes do share a "sky" language with the Heaven Kitsunes. (copied over from Disney not gonna lie to you. Credit goes to them for creation) All Sun and Moon Kitsunes would know of it unless born after the 50 years of the invasion.
8. What if I create a Kitsune AFTER the invasion? Then your kitsune would not have a star crystal. These are hybrids, not full kitsunes. Without the Heaven Kitsunes influence, most of the sun and moon kitsunes would not even have their special abilities extra. They would simply shapeshift and look like one, but not have anything more but telepathy and divination. Which your character couldn't do anyway as it takes a ritual that only the Solar Eclipse tribe knows.
9. I want my Kitsune to gain more levels in her abilities! Great! And you can. With each use of the ability, you can roll a 1d20 and tell me or the moderators the #. We will, together, as a team, decide on how much you gain from said RP log provided as well as the roll showing on said log. We will then allow you to add it to your total #. As far as CRYSTAL based abilities, I'm afraid that will have to be taught by one of the 7 royals.
10. What would I be playing 40 dollars for? Good question! As you see some ranked species are in fact, pay to play. There's a very good REASON for that, and I will gladly tell you it. For one: Royals, Shamans, Warriors? Were all very high up in the ranking ladder of the tribe before it fell to pieces 50 years ago. Due to this not only "power and age and high ranking" leadership roles, I want you to PAY to play these! Because it shows that you are willing to play an active leadership role and willing to be active itself to pay to play, rather then just play one for free and let it sit on the dust!
After choosing your two or one ability, you must roll the dice for each of them, including shapeshifting and altering self. This allows us to determine the time and space that you can control/use to limit your character so you are not playing an OP Kitsune hybrid.
Tier for Abilities-Rolling Chart
Inept 1-5
Adept 6-12
Trained 12-19
Mastered 20 -
Basic Abilities
These are basic abilities that all Kitsunes share
Moon Kitsunes cannot do well during the day time when the sun is out. To kin, it's called "Sun Sickness." It means that any spells or any abilities you try to cast/use will fail, automatically especially if out in the sunlight or if it's during the day. And it means that anything minus telepathy and thoughtography, will fail. It also means that you cannot see during the day. You can still smell and hear.
Sun Kitsunes cannot do well during the night time when the moon is out. It means that any spells or any abilities you try to cast/use will fail, automatically especially if out in the moonlight or if it's during the night. And it means that anything minus telepathy and thoughtography, will fail. To their kin it is called "Moon Sickness." It also means you cannot see during the night. You can still smell and hear.
Both Kitsunes share a “normal” psionic power of Telepathy and Thoughtography and Divination and Shapeshifting
Moon Kitsunes cannot shapeshift during the day.
Sun Kitsunes cannot shapeshift during the night.
Limitations on the shapeshift for tiers is simple:
Inept means it will last an hour and that it is very painful and tiresome.
Adept means it will last two hours and that it is slightly less painful and tiresome.
Trained means it will last four hours and that it is moderately painful and tiresome.
Master means it will last up to six hours and can do twice a day. It is lightly painful and tiresome.
Limitations on the telepathy for tiers is simple:
Inept means one person and becomes painful after two hours of use. After four hours cannot use it any more. May send a max of five mental pictures a day. Range 25 feet.
Adept means two people at max. Becomes painful after six hours of use. After eight hours cannot use any more. May send a max of 10 mental pictures a day. Range 75 feet
Trained four people at max. Becomes painful after eight hours of use. After twelve hours cannot use anymore. May send up to 20 mental pictures a day. Range 150 feet
Master eight people at max. Becomes painful after sixteen hours of use. After eighteen hours cannot use anymore. May send up to 40 mental pictures a day. Range 300 ft May influence the emotions of others and force them to feel their emotions once per day. Uses ability entirely up.
Inept means you simply cannot do it. You are still studying on how to do it and how to use it and when to do it. (For Moon Kitsunes, under the full moon in a lake. For Sun Kistunes, afternoon and in at least 50 ft of sand surrounding.)
Adept means you can look ahead of one month. Accuracy is determined by players and other players involved. Once a day.
Trained Means you can look ahead three months. Accuracy still determined by players and other players involved. Twice a day.
Master Means you can look ahead six months. Accuracy determined by you (minus player of divination targeting refusing your ability) Three times a day. Can see a solution to possible nightmare vision if seen.
Ritual includes
Moon Dust (For Moon Kistunes)
Sun Ash (For Sun Kitsunes)
Sky Language that should read:
Time Moves Ever Forward
Let my Eyes Fly
As Fast as time goes
If only for a brief twinkle
in the sky.
Inscribed in a circle.
In a bowl:
Vixol Fin
Quartz Shards
Tree Sap
Chant in Sky Language:
Let that which should not be revealed ahead of its time
Be granted to your kin Inari for a brief moment.
Guide us in your light
To see the raw truth before us. Chant 7 times.
Star Crystal
These are special abilities that you may choose via drop down list based on what you choose to play. Please remember, you get one if commoner or anything but a royal. Two if a royal.
Moon Kitsune Special Abilities
Moon Kitsunes mana for the abilities and or energy is sourced by the status of the moon phases and the time it is at its peak rising hour and when it's at it's lowest. Special Kitsune abilities can be done 3x a day on Full moon and last longer. Or on a solar eclipse. A reminder that during the day. From 8 am to 8 pm you cannot use any magic or abilities.
Ability Chart according to Moon Phases
For Charting, use IRL today time for moon phases please
Full and Solar Eclipse -3x a day (Full Mana)
Waning + Waxing Gibbous- 2 x a day (Third Quarter full mana)
First Quarter and Third Quarter - 2 x a day but halved parameters and time. (Half full Mana)
Waning and Waxing Crescent - 1 x a day. (One-quarter full Mana)
New moon and Lunar Eclipse - Unable. (Empty)
A lunar eclipse renders any abilities listed below useless until it ends.
Dimesional Shifting – Allows the character to phase out of reality partially, allowing a 50% mischance of hitting or not. Can do this up to an hour max for masters in one day.
Mass Bending- can effect pressure or size on a MOVING object or energy. Akin to the ability to push against someone else’s force and direct their intentional path elsewhere or shirk its mass to make it ineffective. Masters can squeeze up to (250 GPa) of pressure on any one object or energy or extend up to that total on any number of things in a 20 ft area of effect.
Reflection Manipulation – user can shape and manipulate reflections by controlling and or using mirrors/or reflecting surfaces that can be used to reflect/redirect attacks. Users can turn the reflections into real objects/beings, turn mirrors and reflections into prisons, storage places or dimensions of their own use. Masters can create solid objects that interact through the mirror to grab pull yank and "lock" them into place. Only 20 attacks can be reflected at one time by a master. Storage places last a lifetime.
Hydrokinesis – The ability to create and manipulate water with the mind. Masters can use the elemental nature of water and bend it to their will up to a 20 ft radius of effect for 20 minutes. Ice is also available for use.
Conjuration - The ability to materialize physical objects from thin air. Must be MOON based objects with ice effects only. And can only create during the night, not during the day. Masters can create up to 10 ft tall and 6 ft long of an object for 20 minutes. Or multiple objects that add up to said dimensions.
Dowsing -Ability to tell where waters are, as well as where a crystal source for their own kin might be near in the waters. Masters can breathe underwater. Their senses can extend out 100 ft for their crystal sources.
Sun Kitsunes Special Abilities
Sun Kitsunes mana for the abilities and or energy is sourced by the status of the Sun and the time it is at its peak rising hour and when it's at it's lowest.
Sun Kitsunes mana for the abilities and or energy is sourced by the status of the moon phases and the time it is at its peak rising hour and when it's at it's lowest. Special Kitsune abilities can be done 3x a day on a new moon and last longer. Or on a lunar eclipse. A reminder that during the day. From 8 pm to 8 am you cannot use any magic or abilities.
Ability and Mana Chart
For Charting, use IRL today time for moon phases please
New moon and Lunar Eclipse - 3 x a day (Full Mana)
Waning and Waxing Crescent- 2 x a day (Third Quarter full Mana)
First and Third Quarter - 2 x a day but halved parameters and time (Half Mana)
Waning and Waxing Gibbous - 1 x a day (one quarter full)
Full moon and Solar Eclipse - unable (empty)
A solar eclipse would render them useless for any special abilities listed below
Photokinesis – The ability to create light or light-like objects. The light color IS ONLY yellow/bright white. Sun Kitsunes cannot control the color nor the brightness of it.
Pyrokinesis – The ability to create and manipulate fire with the mind. Masters can use the elemental nature of fire and bend it to their will up to a 20 ft radius of effect for 20 minutes.
Sun Sense – The ability to perceive people, objects and locations. Masters extend a 20 ft radius up to 30 mins long.
Conjuration – The ability to materialize physical objects from thin air. Must be SUN based objects with fire only. And can only create during the day, not during the night. Masters can create up to 10 ft tall and 6 ft long of a object for 20 minutes. Or multiple objects that add up to said dimensions.
Clairsentience – The ability to psychically feel, that is to receive messages from emotions and feelings and or return said feelings of your own to the receiver. Masters can affect others emotions and manipulate them into feeling only their own for 20 minutes long.
Apportation- The ability to undergo materialization, disappearance or teleportation of an object, or allow their crystals from a nearby desert to pop into their hands for their use. Up to 20 lbs per object for Masters. Only can be done at full mana 5 times max in one day.
Due to the complications of having to know moon phases and times with fluctuation. I have opted to give you another choice that will make sense story-wise still. Heaven Kitsunes crystals have overridden the natural powers aka "enhanced" the natural powers of the sun and moon kitsunes.
The natural underlying powers that do not require crystals which will mean that in your characters appearance and or objects, no special psionic crystals will be in their make up nor DESIGN nor will they have a concave where a crystal should be in their forehead in fox form.
You will get one ability if not royal. A light attack, once a day. For Moon Kitsunes, they are called Moon Beam. For Sun Kitsunes they are called Sun Beam.
This is a once a day attack, that will burn opponents either with a moon beam or a sun beam, and cause minor damage.
Royals will have an extra ability called Photokinesis which means you can manipulate light and control it. 3 x a day no matter the time of day or the sun and moon phases.
Obviously can be nulled and void if having a magical inhibiting object or enchanted item on them. Anything anti-magic, essentially, will void this unusable.