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  • At a Glance


    The Village of Nasmara is a RP group styled after the 15th century and located in the Imaginarium of Furcadia.

    The atmosphere includes conservative dress conforming to gender roles, no electricity or modern plumbing, a lack of technology in favor of magical developments, highly limited medical care and literacy rates, and a large dependence on self-reliance including trade-skills or farming.

    A well-suited character to the dream will either have a solid grasp of this kind of lifestyle or be willing to be taught it by the natives.


    The Village of Nasmara is on the island of Dandria's Rest, and is in a tropical climate, meaning that it never really gets chilly. It can get chokingly humid and hot during the day. The jungle presses in from all sides, full of bugs, birds, lemurs and highly dangerous terrain - and that's before the monsters come out.

    The farm grows tropical fare, resulting in the local dishes sounding quite fancy and foreign to many visitors. There's a lot of fruit to eat here, even if quite a lot of that fruit is spiny, spiky, hairy, or huge. Fish come readily from the ocean, and wild chickens overpopulate the island. While there are many dangers to the jungles of Dandria's Rest, starvation is not one of them.

    More information on the dream can be found on our forums ->
  • Did You Know?

    Lady Tathok is the name given to the Island's magical forces. Sometimes you might see her face in a tree or a wall!
  • Arrival to Island

    The island of Dandria's Rest can not be mapped. Arrival only happens one of two ways.

    The Atrox Ventus, arriving Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, may bring in passengers who have purchased tickets. These tickets are rather costly, rare, and must be purchased while the Atrox Ventus has docked in the foreign port. All passengers have firearms confiscated from them, valuables are often wrested away and left on the foreign shore, and any produce that was not ordered by the Trade Minister is left on the foreign ports. Stowaways are eaten. It is a cargo ship and the ride is often uncomfortable due to the sheer speed of the magical ship.

    The Enchantment, curated by magical forces largely out of control of the Lords' discretion, will also sometimes bring people in. This teleportation is a one-way trip, involuntary on the part of the person taken. Usually the people taken will have little in the way of people to miss them back home. They will also either need the succor of the island in some way, or have a skill that the island needs. People arriving by the Enchantment have no warning that this is about to happen to them and are often shocked to find themselves across the world from where they were a blink ago.
  • Upcoming Events

    There are currently no upcoming events.

  • Group Announcements

    [OOC] Changes to Idling Policy!

    Posted By Illiandi Bondsmiller (played by Kaji) on Nov 28th 2014

    In which we see what happens when we allow idling.


    [OOC Note] Updated DS

    Posted By Illiandi Bondsmiller (played by Kaji) on Jun 29th 2014

    A Public ChangeLog of Updates


    [OOC Note] Ghost Dream

    Posted By Illiandi Bondsmiller (played by Kaji) on Jun 21st 2014

    Be sure to re-enter the dream from outside.


    The Birds Take Flight

    Posted By Illiandi Bondsmiller (played by Kaji) on Mar 26th 2014

    [This Plot Has Concluded]


    Mission Away

    Posted By Illiandi Bondsmiller (played by Kaji) on Mar 23rd 2014

    [This plot has been concluded]