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Forums » Events » Player Select! Reopens

Host's IC name: Tomas
Event date: 1/5/20
Event time: 4 PM
Event location: Player Select! Barcade
Event description: With visual updates as well as much needed repairs and brand new additions to the games available in the bar, Player Select has closed it's doors for a short period. We're bringing you our latest and greatest, and to celebrate what we consider a huge success with this project we're offering you Free Games and a special All Night Happy Hour the day we open the doors back up. Come check us out and enjoy the opportunity to kick back and relax without the worry of breaking the bank!

Please note that gamer etiquette is still in effect; a quarter on the machine from the person behind you indicates that they have the next round. Just because it's free doesn't mean you shouldn't let others have a turn!

Moderators: BRJRusso