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Forums » Classrooms » Dueling Class (6th!)

Run by Ms. Eldreanore, the dueling class had all the standard equipment. Dummies for practicing against, Fighting rooms for one on one fighting, and some bleachers for people to sit on. There was also a special teachers room with a sign that said 'No Students Allowed', and a tiny post-it note under it said 'Without permission!'.

The ground was your standard gym floor with the lines, except that the lines were more like indentations and they made boxes for fighting arenas. Although this class was during 6th period, many people often came here to get rid of their anger and practice their skills. Some people even came here to fight someone else that they had a problem with. More often then not, the nurse had to rush down to heal someone's injuries. Though it was better than having someone break a wall while fighting. As long as no one got seriously hurt, the principal was fine with it.

((TL;DR Class is run by Ms. Eldreanore, people can fight someone whenever they have a break as long as no one gets killed.))