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    • Be kind to your fellow roleplayers! Bullying or otherwise pestering other players will not be tolerated.
    • Be at least semi-active. Everyday posts are not required, but ghosting us all isn't very fair.
    • NO sexual roleplays. I feel as though this should be a given since we're playing as cats here, but better safe than sorry.
    • Romance between characters is allowed, but don't treat this as a dating service.
    • Don't ask to be a mod!

    The Warrior Code

    These are the rules your character must follow in order to remain a Clan cat. Depending on the severity of the offense, punishments will range from a mild reprimand to exile. (Paraphrased from here.)
    1. Defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life. Cross-Clan friendships are permitted, but romance between Clans is forbidden.
    2. Do not hunt or trespass on another Clan's territory.
    3. Elders, kits, and weak or sick cats must be fed before healthy warriors.
    4. Prey is killed only to be eaten.
    5. Kits must be 6 moons old before becoming apprentices.
    6. New warriors must sit vigil for one night until sunhigh.
    7. A cat cannot be made deputy without mentoring at least one apprentice.
    8. Deputies become leader once the leader dies, and new deputies must be named before moonhigh.
    9. A truce exists during the full moon, during which cats may meet in peace to exchange news.
    10. Borders must be checked and marked daily.
    11. All kits in need must be aided, even if they are from another Clan or outside the Clans.
    12. A leader's word is law.
    13. Practice mercy on your enemies. Killing a cat does not win a battle.