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  • Still working on what all may need to be placed here.
    • There are forums here to post your ideas for improving the group and suggesting new lore and species. Just because you share a new species or lore does not mean it will become a part of the world. All new ideas will be sorted through with care and consideration. A notice will be posted if any of the new species or lore is added.
    • The obvious, please be friendly and courteous to others.
    • No God Modding and no OP characters.
    • Rps here are turned based and partial dice use is allowed but not mandatory.
    • If you are going to be gone for over 24 hours, please let those in your rp know ahead of time.
    • Gruesome scenes are allowed and expected. Make sure everyone you are role-playing with are ok with the specifics or give warnings. If not, put gorey scenes in a collapse.
    • Erotic scenes are allowed but please put them in a collapse tag or take the scene to a private message.
    • Themes in this group may rub you and others the wrong way. Remember to keep OOC and IC interactions separate at all times. If things get out of hand AFTER you've tried to resolve the issue let me or a future admin know.
    • Please read all the info relevant to the character you plan to create. ( Until I get things organized better, you may ask me questions about the race your interested in if it's too long or not filled in yet )
    • Any questions and/or suggestions you may have please pm me ( LunarValravn )
    • No more than 2 characters per person. If things go well I might raise the cap.
    • Present new lore and species ideas to me please. I will check to see if it fits before adding it in.
    • World changing events are determined by me or any future admin. Do not start wars ( attacking cities, commit genocide, etc without our permission )
    • Slavery is common among the nyctorans of the cities and mandatory in the elite clans. Lowest classes don't own slaves while some middle class clans might own slaves. Beware punishments served to misbehaving slaves may be harsh depending on the race and family they belong to.
  • Rules of Magic

    This is what I have so far but more may be added as things crop up.
    • Every Nyctoran is born under a specific element. Their magic is limited to whatever element they are born under. ( Ex. Valra can only use dark elemented magic. Levias, water and so on ) The only exception are hybrids which may use two elements, the elements of their parents.
    • Every Nyctoran has a dream or beast form. These forms are only seen in the dreams and cannot be summoned into the real world without consequences. The common side effects of summoning it outside the dreams are loss of mana and energy up to one week, pain, passing out, extreme hunger, migraines, and brain fog. Severe side effects are bleeding, broken or cracked bones, and death.
    • Mana comes from their spirits/dream forms and dreams. Many Nyctorans feel refreshed under the moonlight and after spending plenty of time in the dream realm.
    • Dreams feel real and can have effects on reality. Assassinations can be performed through dreams and rumors exist suggesting more powerful offspring can be conceived if the act is performed in the dreams and reality at the same time. Messages can be passed along, friends and enemies made, even new locations and secrets could be discovered through dreams.
    • Magic isn't infinite! Tribal Nyctorans deem the study of magic important for their spiritual growth as it's said when the dream form has matured, it's ready to leave this world and join Lumerin's side. The faster they gain magical knowledge and skill, the sooner they will die. This believe is backed by a condition known as Vasia Hitur.