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Forums » Research District » [Lore] Research District




Also called the Grey District or Square District, this zone was where the original Control Group for the STEP Project resided. In the centre is Step Tower, a now-abandoned building that houses the radio antennae that caused the Vibe effect in the first place. No one is able to enter the building as it requires two key cards to unlock. As part of the 'deal' when the Factions split, one card is held by the head of Funk Mafia... The other by the head of the UG.


To Do:
>History (Foundation Experiment, Families, V-Day, Looting, Faction Formations, Current Day: Dito/Square)
>Relations (Dito and Square populations, Scientists) 'Populous' 'Residents'
>Venues of Note
>Governance (or lack thereof; expanding on Square/Dito relations, and the rudimentary/blockwatch-type mini governments that form)

Within Step City, there are two major Factions: The UG, and Funk Majesty. Defined by their territory, and their allegiance, and with codified regulations and membership. Where does this leave Squares and Roller Banditos?

Often defined by their lack of organization and lack of allegiance, Roller Banditos and Squares are often described as non-factions.



Venues are detailed here.

Moderators: AJ_89 Steven (played by Robo-Craig) QnQ Hide Miyagawa (played by Monoclejack)