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Forums » Research District » [Lore] Venues


The Research District is shared by two factions, as well as often utilized by the larger factions to house Neutral Venues. As such, these venues have a range of allegiances and rules of who are allowed inside (whether or not they're able to enforce those rules is another matter).

Venue: Court Luxe

This is a seedy(ish) strip club located in the Research District within a renovated industrial building. There is a trashy classy vibe to the venue, with tacky decor and neon lights. It is owned by Noir and Renard, and employs a few folks from RD including Vel and Dwight. There is an open door policy on the venue, which means anyone from any faction can enter, but if they start shit they will get hit. As a result a lot of throwdowns happen there. However, the club mostly caters to Ditos, and is often a meeting spot to socialize and conduct business. In the basement there is a facility to produce drugs, and selling these substances at the club pads Noir's cred income. Currently, he is trying to make the venue into a defensible position in case the factions decide to push their weight around in RD.

Moderators: AJ_89 Steven (played by Robo-Craig) QnQ Hide Miyagawa (played by Monoclejack)