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Frankie and Quinne do some work, unwind with dancing

Quinne — 05/10/2021
It'd been a relatively quiet night, so Quinne didn't see much need to stick around the bar for the entirety of it. Perhaps he'd find something more interesting elsewhere, since him feeling restless tended to be disastrous for most other people (outside FM).

It'd likely end up in him prodding the Boss through mobile, and he stood outside the Aqualux, braced against one of the walls. It'd be the usual inquiries towards Frankie.

'Have you anything interesting for me?'

As he waited for a response, he stared down one of the alleys, as if willing some trouble into existence. Wouldn't that be nice?

Frankie — 05/10/2021
"Sorry, willya fella's give me a minute?"
Frankie wipes the blood off this phone screen when it rings it's crunchy melody.
@Lawson <u offrn ur srvices? cld use sm help wrappn' up sm bsns @ South Cavetown Tram entrnce. UG>
Frankie leaps, narrowly avoiding an oncoming attack.


@Lawson <call 4 info>


Quinne — 05/10/2021
Quinne didn't take long to start moving after reading the first response, while inwardly wishing transportation wasn't always on foot. If anything, he admired the Ditos for being a little more mobile, while also hating them for it.

As Frankie prompted, he'd call and quicken his pace.

"I'm hoping you all are waitin-, ah." If the sounds of the others yelling reached him over the phone, the Interrogator sounded amused. Briefly. "I guess not."

Once he got there, with his information gained, his phone was tucked away and he took a moment to create some of the floating glass-weapons. Some like knives, others as thin, almost arrow-like projectiles. "I'm here." A comment after he stepped into the fray.

Frankie — 05/10/2021
Over the phone, Quinne gets the rundown. UG trying to take territory that isn't theirs, worse than that, a strategic tram entrance. Rude, honestly, Frankie says over the sounds of thunder, wet thudding, and heavy bass boom of .

One of them's got fucking unicorns, another is doing barriers, another doing snow, all three are fonked up to high heaven and getting progressively more irate as Frankie explains it all cooly.

"Welcome t' the show, Mister Lawson~ Sadly th' music isn' ta our taste, but ya know ya can't always have disco'n jazz, can'ya?" he asks jovially as a massive unicorn made of strange, solid blue light races for the newly arrived Quinne, horn first.

Rook — 05/10/2021
The takeover attempt didn't surprise him, but the unicorn was something else. It'd almost be impressive if it was on their side and obviously not there to be a nuisance.

"A sad thing, but not everyone's going to show up with great taste." The unicorn's charge was met with two of those thin projectiles, aiming for the head and he would move regardless of the chance it'd hit home. "A decent number tonight. Do you want any of them to remain standing at the end?"

If not, Quinne was happy to wipe them out.

Frankie — 05/10/2021
"So heres the thing, Mister Lawson," Frankie says before leaping high in the air over an stream of killing winter ice, and landing solid and graceful in a burst of sparks at Lawson's side. The projectiles, aimed perfectly, fall from the vibe beast like rain.
"One'a them's shielding. Fucking nuisance-"
"You're the nuisance you asshole!!"
"-nuisance. Could take'm out easy-"
"JESUS- The *thing *Mister Lawson is that motherfucking barrier vibe is a fucking pain in my *goddamned *ass and I have *better shit to do *than dance around these *clowns *all night-"
Their fonked-up opponents break into loud cursing protests. The unicorn makes another lap for both men.

"I don't need'm dead, less they do something stupid-"
"We clear Lawson?"

Quinne — 05/11/2021
Shields were always a nuisance, especially when one's vibe weapons also shattered like glass. Finding the weak point was the main focus then.

"Well, I'll see about shattering said shields if you want to do the rest?"

Frankie didn't want them dead, so that was fine. He nodded his understanding and conjured up more of those weapons, sending them off in various directions in hopes that shield-bearer would have a harder time keeping them away.

"Not a fan of the unicorn myself."

That manifestation got a few shards directed towards its legs.

Frankie — 05/11/2021
"Yea, yea yea I make a mean distraction, if ya wanna do me th' honors takin'm outa commission, Lawson," he grins and begins a lively tap, sharp clacks against the asphalt accompanied by a distant rumble that grows louder as Frankie picks up the pace. The night sky begins to fill with heavy dark clouds, and the air grows humid.

The shield barer is a pro- or heavily fonked up. Vivid purple shields appear in an instant, then fade as soon as the glass impacts. Lawson is given room to move as a lavender snowstorm an the blue-purple unicorn rush for the mafia boss.

"You fellas ready for the big finale??" he asks, tapping unhindered as he leaps and weaves around the oncoming vibes.
"Shit shit shit get him GET HIMMMM"

Quinne — 05/11/2021
"No argument here." He could certainly get those shields, perhaps the unicorn if need be.

And move he would, mostly to heighten his vibe power to take out shield without taking so much out of himself so soon. The glass shards rained down as well, appearing more like a shattered stainglass window than the weapons he usually preferred to turn them into.

It'd be the shield-bearer he'd seek out personally, and as Frankie requested, he wouldn't kill him. Instead, he'd get cut up if Quinne managed to take him by surprise. He'd live, but he'd ache the entire time he got to a vendy.

Frankie — 05/12/2021
The purple shields raise and fall as fast at Quinne can throw his glittering rain. Quinne spots the fonked-up UG at the mouth of the tram station, krumping frantically for her life, determinedly catching the glass, though her purple-glowing eyes keep darting to the Mafia boss and his oncoming storm. There is a purple bubble shielding her, though it's light wavers as she throws up the protection against Quinne's attacks.

"SHUT UP SHUT UP I can't hear the music-!"

The first flash explodes from the sky, washing out the street in blinding light and deafening noise.
The UG stand, stunned and unharmed, a thick purple shield forming a translucent ceiling above as the lightning strikes it, again and again and again.

The protector's own personal bubble has vanished.

Quinne — 05/12/2021
She was easy enough to spot, as well as the way her personal bubble wavered. A smirk followed his assessment and he made his way closer, just as the lightning strikes repeatedly. Good, a distraction.

With the shield-bearer's protection gone, Quinne didn't waste time in sending shards towards her. Instead of aiming to cut her up, his intentions were to create a ball of glass to send towards the spot between her eyes with the intentions of knocking her unconscious.

"I think I've got her!"

Frankie — 05/14/2021
At Quinne's voice, the next cascade of electricity connects just shy of the now-unguarded UG dancers. Frankie leaps into the air before disappearing- in a bright flash, he's at the ice steppers side. He pulls them into a waltz form, swirling and laughing, the UG shrieking in anger- before another crackling flash sends them tumbling to the ground, a branching burn across their unconscious face.

The unicorn manifestation stands between the two mafioso and it's UG creator, head low, horn jutting up in warning. The UG is softly cursing as they dance, pulling some genuinely gorgeous moves. A herd of animals appear, some mishapen, monstrous, all varying shades of blue-purple.

"Wellll I dragged ya out hear, Mister Lawson? Would you like ta do th' honors, or shall I?"

Quinne — 05/14/2021
Quinne didn't mind the show, but he protected his eyes from flashes of light from the strikes. Down the lot of them went and he'd look to the herd, eyebrows raised. "Fascinating, too bad you're on the wrong side." That sort of vibe would be a nice addition to FM.

"I haven't had any fun, yet, really." He got to show off, but little else came of it. "One last show, Boss." The next shards were multiple, long and the equivalent of spears. Quinne sent them raining down on the group, but the Dancer himself wouldn't be killed. No, instead, Quinne sought to trap him in place by a few of the spears. There'd be no dancing if he didn't have the space for it.

Frankie — 05/14/2021
"I know, it was really not'a big job, cept the barrier stepper, y'know? Two man job when th' likes'v em are fonked up, but the after that it's all easy. Sorry 'bout that. We'll make it a real challenge next time, mmm?"
One of the animals turns for the boss as Frankie is straightening his bowtie. "SHUT UP YOU SMUG ASSHOLES, THE RIZZLE IS BACK NOW AND YOU CAN'T FUCK WITH US ANYMORE-"

The horse passes through Frankie in a burst of light. The animal crashes down like it's made of flesh and blood, but through the translucent vibe, a ghostly nervous system glows with the boss's electricity."Well, isn' that somethin?" he asks quietly, settling back to watch Quinne's performance.

They are furious. They try ignoring the shards, but end up with a massive cut down their arm that breaks their routine. The herd begins to thin, but not entirely before the mass rushes the prison, breaking the shards across the street. The UG leaps from the trap in a flashy Forró move that reinvigorates the creatures, which turn on Quinne. For better or worse, the UG had a very mobile dance style.

Quinne — 05/14/2021
"I'll hold you to that." The snap from the UG was met with a roll of his eyes, but Frankie managed well enough and he didn't follow up with concern. Frankie was still standing, and that was all that mattered.

The continuous use of his own vibe promised a nosebleed, but Quinne's only indication of that was a quick a sniff which he played off as an unimpressed sound towards the dancer. "Wasting your time there." He stated simply, but it would be the dancer that had the focus of the glass shards.

He could move well enough, but so could the Interrogator and he went for his legs this time. Injury there wouldn't be fatal, and as a plus, he wouldn't be so damn mobile.

Frankie — 05/15/2021
Standing, and looking a bit bored. Frankie is texting, though he glances up to watch occasionally.

"Oof, that should be th' end, I imagine-?" he mutters as the glass pierces the dancer's foot- but at once, the animals rear up into the air, screaming with their master's pain. The wavering herd rushes Quinne in one last desperate attack as the UG stepper falls, screeching in agony.

Quinne — 05/15/2021
"You're certainly making a poor point for confidence." It was a jest, but directed towards Frankie being bored and texting. Down the UG dancer went, but in came that herd and Quinne's last display was to guard himself from a possible onslaught by making a spear wall and he stepped back.

"I think we're done."

Frankie — 05/15/2021
The vibe animals shriek like a broken music player, the monstrosities impaling on Quinne's power, crashing into each other, all before melting into dark silent nothing.

"God that was'a ugly noise. Alright. Damn-"
The dj bot's music fades out, only to suddenly bellow-


It does a little spin mid air, before landing back down to play the usual disco instrumental.

"OK clowns. You gonna go bandito an' keep fightin', or thank Mister Quinne an' me here for draggin' you to vendy up?"
Only Quinne's opponent is conscious, and they are howling in pain.
"Rude, ya know? Jus'a whole faction'a little shits." Frankie sighs and drags the electrocuted ice stepper up into his arms.

"I'll get th' one you conked. You be real careful n' delicate with our special purple unicorn boyo there, yea?"
UG shouldn't go against the dance battle rules, but who knew what to expect with their wayward divine fucking martyr faction leader allegedly returned. Ugh.

Quinne — 05/15/2021
"It was fun to watch." Quinne commented, but he was glad for the end. He brushed a hand across his upper lip, but finding no traces of blood, was content. Still, he was seconds away from the detrimental part of overusing his vibe.

"Please go Bandito. See where it gets you." A threat and a promise, but the Interrogator wouldn't mind if they tried. "Well, there's consequences for rudeness, and we've dealt that."

At the order, he nodded as he stepped over to the Unicorn fellow. "Bear with me, here." Quinne would request and helped him up, letting the man brace against him so they could walk a bit easier. So long as he didn't give any trouble. He'd no qualms against dragging him.

Frankie — 05/15/2021
"I hate bringin' out the storm for amateur hour," he sighs like he's just been turned down at a dance. That was a little harsh, and definitely melodramatic, as the UG had managed some pretty spectacular performances , but then again.. Fonk.

The boss carries the two off, heading with certainty to the nearest vendy a few blocks away. Quinne's UG curses at him and then just curses as he's forced to walk oh his impaled foot. By the vendy, they are practically hanging off Quinne, tears streaming.
"I hate you both," he mumbles tearfully, limping into the glowing Dr. Vendy.

"Aw. Lawson, I'm hurt. Are you hurt? I dunno if I'll ever recover." Indeed, Frankie is pouting, though the gold glitter surrounding him ruins the routine.

Quinne — 05/15/2021
"I enjoyed the show, got to admit." Only because all that show from the UG was ended in the face of a storm and glass raining down on them. "I wonder if we can combine our vibes into something interesting."

How, though, was the real question.

"I mean, if you want, you can walk on your own and I can just watch you." Quinne offered to that declaration of hatred and he'd patted him on the back when he limped into the vendy, digging out his cigarettes after. "Just downright crushed. There's something to be said about the ungrateful, we outright carried them here!"

Frankie — 05/17/2021
"Oh?? Are you askin' me ta dance, Mister Lawson? Ya know it'd be my pleasure, a course," he laughs, winking at Quinne like the man was flirting rather than strategizing.

The UG snarls and flushes, but finally goes silent. In the vendy, he looks angry and humiliated. Frankie swipes a card in the machine, covering the cost of the non-life threatening treatment, before snaping a photo for StepBook. The UG starts cursing him again.

"Shut up.. Can you drag these two with ya when yer healed?"
The dancer looks like he might try to fight again, but Frankie is already shoving the next one in the Dr. Vendy. The UG ends up helping before he even realizes what's happening.

"Alright. You tell yer idiot friends. Terms of yer throwdown loss.
No steppin' in purple for three months. I don't care if it's an accident. Stay out of my fuckin' district, you piece of shit."
He looks around for the nearest DJ bot, though he suspected telling the DR. bot would have the same effect-

The nearby bot rattles to life.
"Affirmative. Terms of Frankie M. Valentine throwdown win recorded. What are the terms of Quinne Lawson win?"

Frankie looks to Quinne expectantly while he and the bot wait for the answer.

Quinne — 05/17/2021
"A conversation for another time." Quinne said with the faintest smirk, and he'd ignore the grumbling of the UG for now. In they'd go, and he checked his outfit for any blood, only to dig out his cigarettes.

He listened as Frankie gave his terms, which he silently agreed with and just as he lit up, the question was directed towards him. "Creds. I don't care how much, but don't try to give me some cheap amount. Frankie's already covered the best of it."

He held his cigarette to the side, and leaned against the nearest wall, a look given to the other group.

Frankie — 05/17/2021
All three UG, now clean of Fonk, groan at both terms, one moreso at Quinnes.

"This is bullshit..."
But Quinne is treated, one by one, to what definitely constituted a 'cheap amount' as the UG hand him barely enough for a drink.

Frankie is back on his phone, texting some unknown party without paying the transaction any mind.

Quinne — 05/17/2021
The amount was unexpected.

"I'm not surprised this is all you can give me."

A dispassionate way of calling them broke. He moved away afterwards, standing next to Frankie after. "I think it's safe to just leave them here now. I'll walk back with you, if you'd like."

Frankie — 05/17/2021
They growl, but the unicorn stepper holds the other two down. Reluctantly, he gives Quinne a wad of cred.
"We ain't banditos. Nice dancin'," He growls, bows, and pulls his companions away, towards orange district. They try and fail not to pout and scowl.

"Yea. We got some repair-bots on th' way. You need th' vendy? Na? Alright. Scheduled for'a club appearance in an hour. We can get'a bit warmed up, if yer feelin' more dancin'. Sure ya are."

Quinne — 05/17/2021
The mention of Banditos earned an annoyed look, though not directly at them. "Thanks." The creds taken, and he stepped in line with Frankie, pocketing it all. "I'm good. Not much of a scratch on me." He'd gotten lucky, but he was clever with his glass.

"Back to work, then. Same as it ever is." At the offer of a dance, Quinne looked amused. "And here I would've declined, but I'm glad you're here to make my real choices." It was a jest, of course.

Frankie — 05/18/2021
"Hmph. Well if you plan to make poor choices, then yes, of course I'll make ya do th' right thing," Frankie shrugs.

"If ya like I 'spose you can pick th' style," he grins, knowing perfectly well Quinne and he liked the same dances, at least in part.

Quinne — 05/18/2021
"That's fair. So, where are you taking me off to?" If it was going to be Frankie's decision to dance, he'd make the location his to choose as well. "Swing? It's been a while."

Likely because Quinne was a little too picky about dance partners.

Frankie — 05/18/2021
Frankie notes that Lawson declines Ballroom, tucking that info away.

"Grooveline's the best swing club in the district. You lookin' ta be seen, Mister Lawson? We got private rooms, an' very public floors." He sideeyes Lawson, watching thoughtfully.

Quinne — 05/19/2021
"I've been there a couple of times." Not as often as the others, but he preferred the Aqualux for biased reasons. He checked his phone briefly, attention back on Frankie.

"You're making the choices tonight." Another smirk. "It's been a hot minute since, but I don't care if people are around at the time."

Frankie — 05/19/2021
No flattery about his club. That was fine too. Tucks it away.

"Ah yer really givin' me the reigns? What trust! What responsibility!" Frankie closes his eyes, sets a hand to his temple, offering Quinne hammy over the top solemness.

"Well stick t' the main floor. You want yer moves plastered on social media t'night, forget about little life-n-death showdowns in th' middle'a nowhere."

The disco music from the towering club on they approach is booming. Across from UGHQ, whose own music blares, it's like the buildings themselves are fighting.

A bouncer salutes them both. As Frankie crosses the threshold, the building lights up like the Vegas strip, and the upbeat disco shifts sharply towards electroswing.

The club is packed, powerful vibes flying everywhere in maddening controlled chaos. As Frankie guides Quinne in, the crow explodes with cheering.
Frankie smiles easily, bows, and performs a sparking spin for their benefit. The music is briefly drowned in their enthusiasm.

"You wanna drink before we hit th' floor, Lawson?"

Quinne — 05/19/2021
"Maybe I am. Do you want me to take them back?" Quinne asked with another smirk, and he'd straighten his vest, an oversight from earlier. "Too much responsibility can wear a man out, afterall." A jest....perhaps. It was true in a way. "If you plaster them, I might never get a moment's peace."

Even if he was sure Frankie would get more of the attention, being who he was.

A glance was given to the other building, but once inside, his inner thoughts were confirmed. The crowd was ecstatic at the entrance of the Boss and Quinne merely watched quietly, hardly bothered. The noise he could handle, atleast, that night. A more muted smile was offered, and he'd turn his attention back to Frankie.

"A Sazerac would be fine."

Frankie — 05/19/2021
"Oh it's far too late for that." He offers his own smirk, a parody of Quinne's
"And it's not my doing, social media wise, ya know? We gotta manager, sure, but you don't come ta the Purple tower across the street from UGHQ ta hide out. Everyone's postin. Family, UG losers think they're spyin-"
Frankie waves to a couple nearby who turn obscenely red and try to duck out if sight-
"Squares tryin' ta make a name for themselves... a bandito or twenty, if they ain't flashin' their colors. All just here ta dance and be seen~"
Frankie sighs like he's describing paradise to Quinne.

A tiny little gogo dancer hands Quinne his drink only a few minutes after he'd said the words. Frankie is handed a glass of his own.
"Did you want me to stick around, Boss?"
"Aw yer'a good one, sweetheart. You go have fun."
He takes her hand, kisses it, and she disappears into the throng.

Quinne — 05/19/2021
"Well, I tried." Did he?

"Yeah, that's fair." His demeanour changed only for a moment when Banditos were mentioned and he looked to the couple, but otherwise dismissed them. It wouldn't due to emphasize his distaste in public, if only to avoid being bothered by it on the regular.

"Thank you." He said to the dancer and held his drink near his stomach, not bothering to partake quite yet. "I very much enjoy quick service." If Frankie had hoped for a compliment for this flashy club, that was about it from the Interrogator. Short and simple.

"I didn't even realize she'd been close enough to hear me."

Frankie — 05/19/2021
Frankie sips his drink and sighs appreciatively.

"We gotta good helpful family, don't we Lawson. Hah. HM. You want ta lounge fer a bit? I'm itchin ta get to the floor, but if you want'a rest, I got a private spot, don't I. You can watch the dancin' from there, ye?"

Quinne — 05/19/2021
"No doubts about that from me." When Frankie offered the chance to lounge instead, Quinne looked amused. "Am I boring you?" It was a jest, made known by him accepting afterwards. "I wouldn't mind, no. Just don't forget you have your appearance soon."

How long it'd been since? He hadn't been keeping track. As he watched the crowd, he'd take a sip from his glass.

Frankie — 05/20/2021
Honestly, Frankie couldn't get a read on Lawson's enthusiasm for the whole endeavor.

"Ya know? I always gotta remind myself, Frankie boy, I says, Frankie you gotta remember not everyone can jus' recharge, ya know? Not polite, runnin' my dance partner ragged. You did a fine job back there, came when I called, put on a goodamned show! Ran em right outta town. I wanna be good ta ya, see? Grateful like."

Lawson reminds him of his own schedule and the friendly smile twists.
"We got time fer a dance, r two if ya don't need a break," he says curtly.

Quinne — 05/20/2021
"It did take a bit more than I'm used to, but I'm fine. Please don't assume I'm disinterested, because of my whole.." Lack of energetic response, that was it. Still, he mostly gestured to himself as if that'd articulate the entire meaning. "I appreciate it."

Another drink from his glass, and Quinne turned towards him. "One for me, one for whoever might want to cut in?"

Frankie — 05/20/2021
The last vestiges of Frankie's smile shrivels. One of those 'no fun allowed and proud of it' family.

"OH? Yer gonna share me? How generous'v ya, Lawson,"
Frankie laughs, and downs his own drink.
He taps a foot, eyes snapping to the dance floor. Another faceless mafioso takes the empty glass, offers a fresh one, which the boss declines with a 'thank ya, darlin'.

Without a drink, Frankie' countenance changes. He radiates eager impatience, though he doesn't say anything to rush Quinne, just stares longingly at the masses like a dog waiting for a walk.

Quinne — 05/20/2021
"I've been told I'm a generous man, yes." No fun allowed? Hardly. It just took one a bit longer to get there. When Frankie seemed impatient, the fellow Mafioso dealt with his own drink and sent the glass away immediately.

"I think I've made you suffer there long enough, but you know what they say about waiting and good things." He said, amused, and headed for the dance floor. "Whenever you're ready now." And a hand was offered, while his pale gaze remained focused on his boss.

Frankie — 05/20/2021
"Sufferin'? Who said anythin' about it? I mean, it has been nearly half an hour since we last danced, and that was some schlock they picked jus' so I wouldn't have a good time," he muses softly, barely audible over the club's noise. Blue eyes fall on the offered hand in a heartbeat.
By the next, Quinne is eagerly lead to the floor, Frankie nearly sprinting in time to the music.

The crowds cheer as they pass, and sure enough,, dozens of disembodied cameras flash from every angle.

Quinne — 05/21/2021
"Sounds like suffering to me." He said with a chuckle, but then they were off and he said nothing in regards to all the flashing lights. It was a little disconcerting, but as Frankie, part of the scene there.

"Well, we've got them riled up, let's give them what they've been waiting for, yes?"

Frankie — 05/23/2021
"Impossible ta do anythin' else," Frankie laughs, and grins his prettiest grin as the flashing continues.

The previous song wraps up quickly as Frankie leads Quinne to the floor, readying the club for the performance.

The lead in starts, slow, building anticipation radiating from the massive crowds. Amid the lights and noise,, Frankie smiles, a private thing just for Quinne.
"Let's have some fun~"

Quinne — 05/23/2021
"Well, let's change that then." Frankie's grin, while directed to the crowds, was met with a smirk. He'd glance to the rest, so they'd get shots of more than just the side of his head. Once the other song finished, his attention was redirected towards his Boss. "I did suggest swing, afterall, for the fun factor."

"Lead away." Quinne offered and he'd smile in return, though the expression would settle into something more relaxed. He'd tap his foot to the beat, just for the sake of getting a proper feel for it.

Once Frankie moved into the dance, he'd follow into it fluidly.

Frankie — 05/23/2021
As they move to the heart of the floor, Quinne catches a catty murmuring of
"-never seen hum around-
"-just some bartender-"
"-did the boss pull in another square-?"

But Frankie has pulled Quinne into the dance before he can get a good look at his accusers, kicking up sparks and clearing a bubble around them as steppers move to watch.

Quinne — 05/23/2021
Had he lacked confidence, Quinne might have been insulted that they dare call him a square. Instead, he was stopped from getting to see who said what by Frankie's actions.

"Anyway." Said comments were dismissed.

Back to it. Whereas Frankie kicked up sparks, Quinne's contribution while dancing was to create glass. Not outright weapons, but the stained glass appeal to better make the room shine.

Frankie — 05/23/2021
Frankie grins apologetically to Quinne. But Lawson knew how they were, he'd been here longer even than Frankie.
He crows in triumphant approval at the brilliant vibe display, and Quinne receives a small- "That's how it's done, HAH!"

The milling dancers around them back off, some to look up nervously, but many more in awe at the glinting art piece forming above their heads, catches the light all around the club.

One dancing couple, however, stays near. Perhaps they wanted to get a good look at the show up close?

Quinne — 05/23/2021
"I'm glad you think so. A little aesthetic seemed a great addition!" Still, Quinne paid attention to how high the glass remained, even as he focused on the dance and keeping up with Frankie. Any small show of slowing down was not in the cards!

At this other dancing couple, the Mafioso looked their way and smirked faintly. "Think they'll upstage us?"

Frankie — 05/24/2021
"Makin' a fuckin' cathedral in my discotheque~ anyone with eyes'd love that," he breathes appreciatively. It's a struggle not to look up at the floating artistry himself, but the dance is still more compelling.

The other dancers watch them, watch the glass.
"More like trip us, or somethin' else nasty. Banditos. They ain't hidin' it well, not tryin. Colors underneath those fancy clothes. Already motioned th' bouncer ta leav'm ta us. Wanna see what they think they're gonna do in the heart'a my club," Frankie laughs, the exertion from the wild swing barely noticeable in his voice.

Quinne — 05/24/2021
"Well, whenever I come around to wander the place, I'll make an effort to do this on a more regular basis." Maybe. It wasn't as tiring as the fight with just having them hover, but he was also dancing.

When Frankie revealed their colors, Quinne wasn't very impressed and had it been any other setting, he might have utilized the glass a little more cruelly to send them further away. "I'm curious, I must admit. Think they'll bother with the glass over their heads?"

He asked, and once their dancing became a bit more energetic, Quinne had a section of the glass spin directly over the other couple's heads. A fair warning, perhaps.

Frankie — 05/25/2021
"How longs th' stuff last?" He asks disinterested, and not like he hasn't been trying to catch a proper glimpse of Quinne's handiwork for the last two minutes of their dance. Ahh, it moves lower.

"Gorgeous. Haven't seen stained glass since I was'a kid," he laughs loudly, for the benefit of the banditos looking nervously overhead.
"Aren't we the lucky ones t'night?" He calls as he spins them ever so closer to the couple.

The feminine of the two glare ahead furiousky. Their partner shakes their head at her without missing a beat. She snarls and does a high kick-
Something pushes against Quinnes ankle, like a leg come out to trip him, though there is absolutely nothing beneath them but the polished dance floor.

Quinne — 05/25/2021
"As long as I can manage to keep it lasting. Something like this doesn't take a lot out of me, especially not when dancing." There were no signs of too much fatigue, or a bleeding nose (or eyes...or ears). A relief, right? "Stars of the show."

He'd agree, in his own way, about their luck.

Quinne was mindful of that high kick, but at the push to his leg, he'd adjust his footwork so he could step over this unseen force (hopefully) and make it look as fluid as the rest of the dance. "They're good." He said, despite not sounding that impressed at all. Probably because they were Banditos.

That dancing stained glass moved ever closer, as if threatening to forcefully separate the Bandito pair and make them have to dance in the middle of a ring of glass.

Frankie — 05/25/2021
The glitter that had been swirling and directionless as they danced creates soundless, brilliant fireworks around Quinne at the mention of his vibe.
There would be no nosebleeds while he danced with Frankie.

The boss does a skipping leap that showers Quinne in another rain of glitter and sets another cheering crescendo off in the crowd. The woman curses, but her partner tries to pull her away in his own subtle dance move, but they are already surrounded.

"What's the end game here, sweetheart?" Frankie calls, eyes gleaming with mirth.
The wind picks up as her movements become more frantic, the gusts becoming sharp and biting. The other dancers back off, most looking amused. Her partner ducks beneath the glass and scurries off into the laughing, jeering crowd.

"What a shit partner. You deserve better, Miss."

Quinne — 05/26/2021
Quinne was glittering a lot more than he expected at that point, but there'd be no complaining there. Instead, he mirrored the movement to keep up with Frankie. "You're really giving me a lot to keep up with." A laugh followed, goodnatured, but his stare towards the other couple was certainly the opposite.

When her companion takes off, he'd send the glass back upwards to join the rest and he'd exhale slowly as he stares towards the Bandito. "Imagine if you were with a better group, you'd not be dealing with that." A pointed look followed, and Quinne returned his attention to Frankie.

"That was fun."

Frankie — 05/27/2021
"Eh, it's a partner swing. I'm makin' ya shine, didn' ya notice?" He snickers softly.

When Quinne removes the prison, the woman pauses, tenses, visibly debating another attack. At Quinne's quip, she stares at him with hatred in her watering eyes.
Something sizzle's around her hair, and something else that looks like purple paint? Splatters against her very lovely dress- The dancing crowd watches her like a den of wolves. She offers one more snarl at the two men in the center of the dance floor, before sprinting away as fast as she can manage through the unforgiving, dense crowds.
There is another uproar of laughter and cheering, nearly drowning out the blaring song's last notes.
Frankie performs a hammy, glittering bow, nudging Quinne to follow suit. The cheering shakes the club.
"Yea, nothin' on th' throwdown outside, but y'know? I like keepin' it copacetic in here. Good vibes'n all that, yea? Nice'a ya t' let her go, though I don' think that couple's got'a real future." Frankie laughs dryly.

Quinne — 05/27/2021
"It's been hard not to."

The glare was met with another smirk, though at the sight of the strange splatters, Quinne looked away from her to see who was the cause of that. However, she was soon running off and he blinked to another direction. "Hm." When prompted to bow, he'd do the same.

"As you said, good vibes. If I did what most expected of me, it'd ruin that." The Mafioso would make the glass above them vanish and he'd tug at his vest, chuckling. "No, they don't. I wonder if either of them will try something else with someone new at their side."

Frankie — 05/28/2021
Frankie laughs at the dry quip as they bow, adding to the copious glitter framing them.
"Yea, yea. It's a shame when ya got'a vibe ya can't just let loose with, ain't it? Just wanna explode sometimes, but even th' Grooveline's not meant for the real big stuff. There's probably hundred dancers in here in th' same boat."

He sighs as he stands up, beaming at the crowd like he'd just spotted his closest friend.
"God knows what they were doin' in here. Probably some newly branded things with'a chip on their shoulder. I recognized the fella, the girl, well. We'll look inta her," he laughs lightly in contrast with the words.

"Now. I got time fer one more dance for I gotta scram. You up for tearin' it up, or ya wanna change the tune, Lawson?"

Quinne — 05/30/2021
"Ah, someday. I don't mind honestly, this has been fun regardless." He got to make a stained glass display and stopped a couple from trying to ruin their dance - what more could he ask for? The crowd enjoyed it, too, even better. "Probably looking for trouble, perhaps. They found it....likely not the way they wanted, but.."

Could they expect much else?

"What do you plan on when you do?" It was more curious than prying, but he figured Frankie had one. It didn't hurt for a bit of information. "And leave a lucky person in the crowd without a chance? I did say I'd share, we've plenty time for more. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon."

Frankie — 06/03/2021
"Bold kinda trouble seeking. Almost respect that. Too stupid ta last long, though."

Frankie raises an eyebrow at the prying, but it wasn't any secret that wouldn't be revealed twenty minutes from now on social media.

"Another swing, then I zap ta the Sweet Lady over on Trance Street. Gonna put on a show with their MC, and their generator isn't pumpin' out enough, so ya know. Two birds kinda thing."
He grabs another drink that has manifested out of nowhere, the girl from before grinning, offering Quinne his own.

"How 'bout you, Mister Lawson? Any hot dates set~?"
He drinks the glass in one, the pause between songs already winding down

Quinne — 06/03/2021
"Maybe they'll be a special kind of stupid and prove us wrong when it comes to lasting long." People had done worse things and walked away from it, right? Maybe that'd be the case here.

"I meant, when you look into her." Quinne elaborated, though he was happy to hear Frankie's plan otherwise. It was rather interesting, and he'd likely look over the reveal on social media at some point. Another drink was taken and he'd nod to the girl. "Thank you."

When asked about hot dates, he made an amused sound. "Why? Are you interested?" It was a jest, because he was quickly moving on and reached for his phone to look it over. "Truthfully, no. I don't tend to set those up, incase something comes up. I also don't make an effort to socialize to that extent." He could, but was more content to make up excuses to avoid it.

Frankie — 06/03/2021
"Maybe! Hah! Well, you have'a point! I'm still here, aren't I?"
He laughs loudly, glitters brightly.
"Ah what? That's so bleak, you don't wanna hear about all that downer work stuff when you could be dancin'!"Frankie grins, though his eyes grow cold.

"Absolutely I'm interested! I want all my family livin' their best lives, even the shy ones, ya know~? There'sa whole island out there'a lovely people, I don't want ya ta have't dance alone, see?"

As Frankie's eyes roam the masses for a partner, many steppers jump and pirouette and try to draw his attention with vivid vibe shows, intricately weaving around one another to create spectacle.

Frankie laughs and snatches the drink server. "Important to remember, dancing is fun, huh?" He asks loudly, as much for Quinne's benefit as his dance partner's. Before Quinn can respond, the pair have disappeared into the dense, waltzing crowd. Bright glitter and gentle orange clouds hanging above mark the otherwise vanished couple.

Quinne — 06/03/2021
"I like to hear of things on downtime." Quinne said with a shrug, because what better than to peek around online when he was relaxing. The cold look in his eyes was noted, but without proper context, he merely raised an eyebrow at him.

"I'm very happy as I am, if I'm to be perfectly honest. If there's someone who comes around and clicks with me, that's great. But, I'm not going to make a point to run around and look for it, you know? It feels...less genuine that way. It should just be natural." He was fine with waiting, he always was.

"You don't need to worry about me, if you are. I am happy, with or without." A quick reassurance.

When Frankie got his dance partner, Quinne smiled at him and held up his glass just as he vanished into the crowd. He might not have gotten a chance to reply there, but he was content to watch for a bit, before heading out himself.

Frankie — 06/04/2021
Frankie sends a prayer up to the distant ceiling for the many strange wallflowers under his protection, before returning to his partner, guiding her in a vivid sunset waltz. As the song ends, he parts, looking crestfallen. The server has seen it all before, working here, but he manages to earn a giggle. Bowing, glitter, all that ensues as Frankie makes his way not to the club entrance, but to a very visible, theatrically large electrical outlet against a wall that is practically a stage itself.

Frankie bows deeply to more deafening cheers, and falls back in a slow arc, until his back makes contact with the massive decorative metal plate.
He's gone in an instant, sparks popping and burning into darkness where he'd been.

The crowd explodes, dance partner after dance partner trying to goad and tug Quinne, and any unoccupied stepper, into a dance. The energy would continue for hours. If one tried to leave, they would hear the sounds far in the distance as they move on to their next destination.

Quinne — 06/04/2021
It was likely Quinne gave in to some, but not all, when it came to those dance requests. Eventually, he'd finally break off and thanked each he'd stayed for, just a little longer.

It was to home he wanted to go, and he was soon off, but not as showy as Frankie had been!

Moderators: AJ_89 Steven (played by Robo-Craig) QnQ Hide Miyagawa (played by Monoclejack)