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Neeva ruins Harpur's day

Neeva — 06/02/2021
Asking someone where they lived seemed a pointless affair; and she could easily just ask everyone else. The Bandito dressed in something that wouldn't out her completely and, for once, she walked from point A to Point B; her home to Harpur's...once she was directed to it.

Neeva assumed he'd know she was coming and likely had everything at the ready for her, so she knocked at the door like any GUEST would do! "Hello. I am here now. You must have the curry." If he didn't save any, well she would....

She'd likely leave, probably to go look for someone else to bother. Frankie still owed her a dance.

Harpur — 06/02/2021
Harpur wasn't expecting her to ACTUALLY turn up! He grunted as he heard someone outside his house, knocking.

He looked up from the spoonful of curry he'd just shoved in his mouth and blinked.

"She fuckin' didn't..." he set his bowl down and stood up, gritting his teeth as he dragged his drunk ass to the door and opened it.

Roxy poked her head past his heels to pant happily up at this stranger.

"You're just trying to get your body chopped up and left in a trash can huh" he grumbled. He was only soothed at least by the fact his boss ALLEGEDLY wanted to dance with Neeva, so she got a pass. He huffed and turned to head back into his house, leaving the door open as he walked into his open plan kitchen.

"You're damn stupid, I tell yuh that" his voice has a slight slur to it, there are a fair few empty beer bottles on the table. He's just trying to bloody relax.

Harpur goes about heating the curry up again, secretively chopping an extra chili up to add to it.

Neeva — 06/02/2021
"Hello good dog." Roxy got a greeting first, but eventually, Neeva's deadpan expression fell upon Harpur and she blinked at him. "They cannot do that, I am too powerful." As she said often, and inside she'd go, shoes tugged off. "Thank you." The door was shut behind her, and locked.

The insult was barely registered, but she was already attempting to snoop into all of his things. Whatever was sitting around, beer bottles ignored, held her focus. "You need a garbage bin in here for your bottles." Neeva commented, but eventually wandered into the kitchen and peeked around him at the food.

"What can I drink with it?"

Harpur — 06/02/2021
Harpur grits his teeth as she comments on the bottles, cracking his neck as he stirs the curry and reheats the rice "Uhuh." is all he says. Stagefright looms in the shadows out of sight, grinning and watching too.

He briefly glances over his shoulder to check she took her shoes off. Yeah alright, fine.

Then she's upon him like a vulture "You want a beer or what? ... Where'd you meet my boss anyway huh?" he's conflicted but either way his need to let people try his cooking is winning out. He's sure she won't handle the spice and gleefully serves up a bowl of rice and curry beautifully presented before handing them off to her with some utensils.

Opening the fridge he pulls out two beers held between his fingers and returns to his seat and his curry, dropping down in front of the television and using the discarded bottle opener to pop the caps off. Wait is he watching the 2019 Ducktales series?

One of the beers is left for her and he idly sets all his own to one side.

Neeva — 06/02/2021
It was likely she was oblivious to Stagefright, but she wasn't about to start staring at shadows. "If that is what you want to give me." Not that she liked beer, but she had a feeling it was that or nothing. "We talked on Stepbook, I told him I am better than him and he conceded. Then he offered me, the Victor, a dance."

She would've showed him her phone, but she decided her words would have to be enough. When the bowl was offered, she nodded to him and headed for the couch afterwards. "You are watching cartoons." It was stated matter-of-factly, but she sounded vaguely amused.

"This smells good. I have not eaten yet." The food would be tried first, spicy as it was. "Ah....that is hotter than I was expecting." And, as anticipated, she went for her drink.

Harpur — 06/03/2021
Harpur snorts derisively as she claims victory over his boss "He was just playing you, you wouldn't stand a fuckin' chance against him." he says and rolls his eyes, digging his spoon into his curry. Well... boss told him to meet new people, right? ... he hated it. He hated this, at least he could fall back on beer though.

"Yeah? ...and?... The triplets just found out somethin' heartbreakin' and Scrooge is takin' it very hard!" he motions at the screen before going back to eating. He smirks as he hears her realization. He almost wishes he'd added an extra chili to his own bowl, ah he'd get the leftovers from the main bowl later.

He reaches out to grab her bottle and pin it to the table "Aw cmon now, you're not giving up so easily are you? ....the girl who took down a mighty mafia boss? surely she could drink the whole thing without a sip of beer huh?"

Neeva — 06/03/2021
"Hm, we shall see if your Boss ever tries to hurt me. Most people do not stand a chance against me." Neeva was adamant on telling him that. "You do not come off as someone who watches cartoons, I thought you would like action movies." Well, maybe he still did, but he was drinking and watching cartoons.

"I like them, though." When he held her bottle to the table, she decided to turn it against him. "What kind of host offers a drink and then does not like their guest have it?" Neeva sighed at him, as if greatly inconvenienced. "Fine. She will." Her hand moved from the bottle and she went back to eating, a lot quicker this time.

Harpur — 06/03/2021
"I like a lot of things." he grumbles a little "Nothin' wrong with a cartoon now and then...besides these ones are more aimed at older audiences anyway" he waves a hand at the screen again.

She concedes and gets on with eating he smirks "You can have your drink at the end tough girl, but I've got ten creds saying you can't make it to the end of that bowl without a drink." he says slyly and goes back to eating his own curry, watching her with dark amusement the entire time.

"Cmon don't disappoint me, great and mighty Neeva." he snorts.

Neeva — 06/03/2021
"And your age group?" Neeva asked, as if the question was totally curious and innocent, and not poking a jab at his age. She ignored the burning sensation in her mouth the best she could and she sniffed disdainfully. Or maybe she was sniffing cause of the heat. Either way, her expression didn't change.

"I will." It would ache, and upset her stomach, but now she had a point to prove. Neeva ate generous mouthfuls to finish it off quicker. Once she did, she dropped her utensils noisily onto her dish and stared at him through faintly watery eyes.

"I am the best. I have beat you." She wheezed, wiping at the side of her mouth. "Give me the drink."

Harpur — 06/03/2021
"I'm 30, 31 this year though." he shrugs "So yeah."

He enjoyed watching her suffer, much better than what was on TV. "Now now now..." he reached out and slid the beer away with a sly smirk "Don't you want seconds? I'm getting seconds.... I thought you wanted to beat me?" he pouted mockingly "Thought you were unbeatable huh, guess not." he finished up his bowl and patted his belly.


Neeva — 06/03/2021
"Okay." She said simply, though more out of disinterest than anything. He didn't seem older than that, truthfully, but it was fun to pretend.

"You told me I could have that if I ate it, and I did." The bottle was pulled away, so the Dito stood and headed for the kitchen. "That is very rude, and I am getting annoyed. You do not want to see me annoyed." Neeva warned, as if she was entirely a threatening presence in the entire building. "I am making myself at home."

And if not stopped, she'd go for his fridge.

Harpur — 06/03/2021
Harpur growls as she goes for his fridge, Roxy thinks it's time to get a treat and bounds after Neeva "Hey! Fine have your damn beer, weakling." he sneered and pointed to the beer on the table "But you go in my fridge and we're going to have some serious trouble. You're not a friend, you don't get to roam around my place and use whatever you want, got it?" If Neva looked back there'd be a subtle SHING from behind her, if she looked back she would see the fattest cat ever sat on the counter (having just teleported) waiting slyly for her to open the fridge.

"Floyd get DOWN! no animals on the counter!" he yelled only to be ignored, the cat was making intense and conspiratorial eye contact.

Neeva — 06/03/2021
Roxy was endearing and she reached down to pat her on the head, gently. "You are a very good girl." If Neeva wasn't mindful, she would've picked the dog up, but now she was distracted by a cat. "Okay." Was all Harpur would get and she reached for Floyd, so she could scritch at his ears.

"You are such a big, sweet gentleman." Neeva cooed at him in baby talk, but glanced to the fridge. "Are you two hungry? What does he give you for treats? You must get down, though, because you do not eat treats on the counter."

Harpur — 06/03/2021
Harpur grumbled as she fussed his animals, watching protectively. "Don't let Roxy lick your face. Roxy don't even think about it." he growled as he saw a faint blue glow and she looked innocently over at Harpur as if to say 'I wasn't!'

He soured even further as she babytalked his new cat... grumbling and souring up because it was working on him. "Floyd needs to work for his treats...without teleporting, Floyd." he grumbles and stands up to head on over, serving himself up a new bowl of curry before opening the fridge, there's a little tupperware box with a few bits of 'chicken' cut up into small pieces. He pops open the lid and offers it to Neeva.

Floyd is already teleporting all over the place to try and get at it in an instant, Neeva's head (he's heavy), Harpur's head, shoulders, the counter again "FFLOOOOYD!" Harpur bellows "Wait for him to stop teleporting...give it a few seconds then you give him some chicken. I'm training him with Gemini's advice, uh they run Pup n' Lock where I got him from" he slurred a little drunkenly, never too drunk for animal care it seemed.

"Once you give him that piece you gotta go over to the couch and hold the chicken over it, he gots ta walk over to the couch and jump on it, no teleporting...then he gets the treat. If he doesn't I bring him back here and we try again till he does it."

Neeva — 06/03/2021
"Okay, I will not." It was gross anyway, especially since she had just eaten. She rested a hand against her stomach, though once that brief upset passed, she turned towards Harpur. The box was taken, but when Floyd teleported onto her head, she winced at the sudden weight. A muscle was likely pulled, and she rubbed at the spot.

"Ow..." Once the soreness passed, she looked down at the treats and back to Floyd. "Of course." The moment he stopped, he was given the first piece of chicken and she headed for the couch. "Come little Sir." Neeva beckoned and smiled lightly, though it wouldn't last. Animals tended to get the better of her, but she wanted to avoid upsetting Floyd.

"I am not feeling so great.." The Bandito confessed, and eyes focused fully on Harpur. "Did you poison me?"

Harpur — 06/03/2021
Harpur snorts "Little sir..." he mutters to himself as she walks away. He has to fetch Floyd several times before the frustrated feline finally waddles over to the couch and strenuously climbs up onto it to accept his chicken, probably burning a few calories in the process.

He felt his cruel streak play up as he heard her claim she wasn't feeling well, smiling sweetly over at her "Oh dear could you not handle the curry after all" he said and tauntingly picked up his bowl and started eating it. Oh shit that extra chili really did make it HOT, he loved it though.

"Pathetic, I guess I'm the winner."

Neeva — 06/03/2021
"What a very good boy you are!" Neeva cooed at Floyd when he succeeded in his trek to and up the couch, which he was given a couple more pieces of chicken. She put the dish aside and waited until he was finished eating to hold his chubby face in her hands, so she could massage his cheeks.

"I ate the curry." She pointed out, but she soon had her phone in her hands instead and started texting away. "I will let everyone know which backyard I am buried in." There was a cop on stepbook, right? Not that it mattered, the Bandito was sure it was a charade. "Where is your bathroom." Winner he said?

Harpur — 06/04/2021
Harpur pointed across the open plan room with a smirk "That room over there, you wreck it you clean it." he says with a grin.

With a bit of a suspicion he checks Stepbook and grumbles, writing his own posts "Stop tellin' people I poisoned you. Goin' to get a pointless mob on my doorstep" he says and nudges her towards the bathroom "Go on don't wreck my floor."

He grabs his second bowl of curry and goes to sit down in front of the couch and eat it, burning his mouth immensely, he likes it but.... Maybe he feels a little guilty after realizing how hot he'd made it.

Neeva — 06/04/2021
"No. I am a guest." The cleaning was his job, because he had made her sick. "You have poisoned me. It is whatever, Zeta is the only one coming." And now Harpur would have two people to feed, hopefully he had enough curry. She allowed herself to be nudged into the direction of the bathroom and went in, though it'd be a bit until she returned.

Probably because of the nausea, and mostly because she started snooping through things.

"I am done now." Neeva exclaimed, but sought out her beer and she stared towards the front door. "He is not here yet. Does he live very far away?"

Harpur — 06/04/2021
Harpur snorts "Zeta knows poison isn't my style. Besides, ain't my fault y' can't handle some spice" he says and reaches for some tissues to subtly blow his nose as the spice started to get the better of him. He was FINE.

Harpur's bathroom wasn't too eventful, a shaving razor, a questionable amount of different soaps and shampoos, his shaving cream, a few hidden bath bombs because a man needs luxury if he's going to be on the frontline okay?

Obviously his toothbrush and other essentials, nothing special aside from all his damn products.

"Thanks for the update" he grunted as she came back, leaning back with yet another beer and reclining against the arm of his couch lazily. Roxy sits on the couch between them and Floyd sprawls on the floor and half-sleeps with his ears twitching to listen to everything.

"He might not even come, he's a busy guy. Saved some curry for him though, if it doesn't kill him."

Neeva — 06/04/2021
"Whatever you say."

One of those bathbombs would be claimed, because Neeva decided she wanted it and that was all the reason she needed. It was shoved into the pouch of her hoodie and she left everything else alone.

"You are welcome." Neeva stated, and she patted Floyd's back gently, taking one spot on the couch. "If he was not going to come, he would probably have said that." She didn't know Zeta, but assumed the lot of them liked to be punctual or something.

"Maybe you will get a mob instead. I would like to see what they'd do to you."

Harpur — 06/04/2021
Harpur's head snaps towards Neeva at that last sentence that passes her lips. He stares coldly and the shadows around him seem to pulse slowly. "What would you like to see them do to me?" he growls lowly.

Neeva — 06/04/2021
The sudden movement of the shadows was hard to miss, but her expression's only change was noted through the movement of her eyebrows. "That upsets you." She commented, admittedly a little surprised.

"Why do you care what would amuse me? You and I both know it will be as it is on Stepbook, the jeering and the taunts. You should see the humor in it."

Harpur — 06/04/2021
Harpur sneers "Upset? no, deciding whether or not to throw you out on your ass for the lack of gratitude, yes." he huffs and knocks back his beer to finish it off before getting up to go find himself another beer.

He does look a little longingly over at the window to see if he can spot Zeta yet, sighing. What'd changed that he actually looked forwards to seeing that asshole?

"Better not steal anything from me either" he mutters so she can hear, Ditos would Dito, after all.

Neeva — 06/04/2021
"That is funny. You have only given me food, which I enjoyed, but you have been snippy regardless. I do not think you know how to treat guests like me." Not many did, and she saw it as their faults and not hers.

"I would never steal." Neeva lied, though she wouldn't direct any attention to her hoodie. What was guilt?

"This is a nice house. It must be nice to be in the Mafia."

Harpur — 06/04/2021
Harpur rolls his eyes "Fuckin' Banditos" he growls and comes back with another beer, dropping down onto the couch and popping the cap on both. He shoves one into her hand.

She's lucky he's on Frankie's orders to play nice and meet people, he's loyal, he keeps his promises.

"It is, yuh shud join" he slurs flatly before drinking again, the room's spinning, he doesn't really care.

Neeva — 06/04/2021
Even if she hadn't finished the first one, Neeva accepted the second bottle and set it next to the first. However, it was then she would start taking careful sips. Getting tipsy would likely risk her suppression, but she idly wondered if the Mafioso would be too drunk to notice.

"I like my freedom."

And the trouble.

"There are others who would like to join. I do not think I could be a Mafioso."

Harpur — 06/04/2021
Harpur leaned back like he had been before. Roxy climbs onto his lap and leans against his chest with big soppy eyes and Harpur lazily rubs behind her ears.

"Then you'll just have to send them my way when you meet them hm? I can do applicationsh... with thum" he murmurs and stifles a yawn. With his warm, soppy dog on him and a television mumbling away in the background, a whole lot of alcohol in him... he starts to drift off a little without meaning to, mouth starting to hang open and his head sloooowly and rather comically sinking back.

Neeva — 06/04/2021

The word was repeated with amusement, and Neeva watched as he slowly drifted off. She set her beer aside and pressed a finger to his temple, waiting to see how he reacted. If he didn't, she moved away from him.

It meant she had free reign to snoop and she'd do just that, seeking out his bedroom. There was likely something in there she could take that wouldn't be noticed gone so soon, but she kept herself aware incase he suddenly woke back up.

Harpur — 06/04/2021
The poke to Harpur's temple makes him grunt and twitch his fingers but he doesn't wake up, looks like for the moment he's out cold. Roxy peers up at Neeva curiously before curling up to sleep on Harpur's lap.

When Neeva enters the bedroom it's IMMEDIATELY a very bizarre scene. The bed's four posts are miniature trees. The branches stretch out over the bed like a canopy (literally) and across the ceiling, littered with bright green leaves and...well... peaches, growing from them. Big juicy ones at that.

From one of the lower branches hangs a rather large, leather studded dog collar. It's all a bit strange. There are bedside cabinets with drawers and a dog bed in the corner of the room that looks particularly unused.

Neeva — 06/04/2021
Roxy would've gotten a loving pat, because she was was just a good girl, as all dogs were.

She stared at the strange bed structure curiously and stepped closer to it, so she could run her fingers over the bark. "Hm." Well, Harpur certainly took a strange way to an extravagant design. She reached up to grab a couple peaches and slipped them into her hoodie.

The collar was nabbed next and she looked it over. Dog owners weren't supposed to be weird. She tossed it onto his bed carelessly and considered the cabinets, but only went for the top drawers. However, if none of them were obvious sock drawers, she'd slip away from them.

She expected more purple.

Harpur — 06/04/2021
Harpur's top draw on his side of the bed is filled with things absolutely not meant for anyone's eyes but his own, he'd be mortified if he knew anyone had looked in there. The other side however has a few important documents, nothing useful to Neeva but things he needs to keep record of. There's a locked box too and no key for it, it rattles lightly but most of what is inside seems very light if shaken/held.

Neeva — 06/05/2021
If she saw anything that was not meant for her poor, innocent eyes, she would shove that drawer closed immediately and mentally scrubbed it from her mind.

The documents were skimmed through, but then there was that box. She checked the lock and glanced over her shoulder, while she shifted it about in her hands. Without a key, Neeva knew there was no point in taking it -surely he'd notice that missing. Reluctantly, it was put back and she slipped out of the bedroom. The door was gently shut behind her.

Perhaps she could make a better plan to get it next time.

Harpur — 06/05/2021
A little, concerned whine from Roxy stirs him awake. He blinks his bleary eyes and looks down at her and then at where she's looking just in time to see Neeva...shutting his bedroom door quietly?

He blinked a few times in disbelief and set Roxy aside as soon as he realized what was going on, rising to his feet quickly.

He was silent as he surged across the room towards her, which was maybe worse than him shouting.

A hand shot out to grab her by the hair and twist up in it painfully if she didn't manage to get out the way, teeth bared furiously.

Neeva — 06/05/2021
What was this? Consequences for her actions?

She tensed when Harpur headed for her and nearly ducked out of the way, but the downside was that she had long hair. Even if he didn't get near the roots, that tug was still painful and she reached for his wrist with both of her hands.

"Do not do that. You will not like it." It was a clear warning, but Neeva was more than happy to let go if she was on her way to dealing with violence.

Harpur — 06/05/2021
Harpur shoves her into the wall "You do anything and you'll regret it. Drop whatever you took and get out, I'm counting down from five and all my shit better be on the floor by the time i'm done."

He growls and twists his hand just slightly further "Five.................... Four..............."

Neeva — 06/05/2021
Into the wall she'd go. "No."

Was it to his threat? Probably. However, Neeva immediately snapped from that twisting pain that threatened to pull out some of her hair. That sensation of dread would be the first pulse; unrelenting, twisting and constant. She released her grip on his wrist, just incase she didn't have to go to Tier 3 of her own, horrible vibe.

Harpur — 06/05/2021
Harpur feels it, he recognizes what it is immediately, he doesn't feel fear easily but here he is panting and huffing to try and keep his cool. His grip in her hair starts to tremble. "Great just- fucking great" he pants breathlessly "of course, of fucking course" he's talking to keep his focus in the moment, he knows in theory how to fight these things but actually doing it is a whole other story.

He tries to follow his own advice, talk yourself down. He just ends up scared and angry, not scared enough to run yet.

StageFright trembles in the shadows. Harpur furiously pushes back with his own dread vibe "G-give me back- my shit" he insists even though he's shaking like a leaf.

Neeva — 06/05/2021
"I warned you, I am too powerful." Harpur's trembling was met with a feeling of shameless pride. Here was this bigger Mafioso, shaking from her vibe. She tried to free her hair as he tried to talk himself down, but it didn't last long. Harpur's pushback filled her with the same, unwanted feeling and being presented with someone of a similar vibe would've fascinated her if not for her current position.

"No." She repeated again, but with a tremble in her own voice and Neeva retaliated with further pulses of her own vibe. But now, it was in the manner of an animal cornered, and the dreary appearance of monochromatic ectoplasm emitted from her and floated around them. Her face paled as they continued, and she attempted to curl into herself with the intention of appearing smaller.

Harpur — 06/05/2021
Harpur lets go of her hair but grips her as they both sink to the ground, he matches her intensity and then even goes a little further with it, it's just going to be a pissing match of them trying to one up each other if it carries on.

Hilariously he holds onto her for some sense of safety as he feels his heart hammering violently inside his chest as if he's being hunted by a psychopath. He desperately tries to stifle the whimpers.

It's not real-

Wait- Roxy! he's shaking like a leaf, but he manages to look up despite being afraid he'd see something terrible. Roxy and Floyd are outside the window and no longer inside the house, staring in at them.

Well that was a relief... they must have felt it to run though. He feels guilt now, this is his fault.

Shadows pulse around him "Stop" he chokes out and starts to risk pulling back his own vibe away from her, trembling as he pressed into the wall beside them "Stop. My animals."

Neeva — 06/05/2021
When she was held, Neeva almost considered making it worse. However, it wasn't a violent touch and thus, she didn't retaliate. Not yet, she decided, just a last ditch effort if she must. She remained tucked into herself, hands to the sides of her face. "Stop. You need to stop."

When he looked away, the Dito clenched her jaws and closed her eyes tightly. The pulse of shadows were responded to with more ectoplasm and she focused on the horrible thoughts in her head. The scenarios she visualized from that constant feeling. She couldn't control this, couldn't get away.

It wasn't until Harpur commented on the animals that she snapped back to reality. No, they weren't Nikko, they weren't immune. "I need to." She paused there, and with Harpur's returned attack ending, she could refocus on swallowing down everything. She re-centered herself, pushed everything down. As her emotions went back to their usual deadened state, the ectoplasm dissipated and that dread slowly faded away. Only for them, not for Harpur.

Harpur — 06/05/2021
Harpur sneers coldly at her as she withdraws her vibe and he withdraws his own "Give me my belongings back, now. Whatever you took" he growls as he looms over her.

"Last chance." The shadows started to settle in the room.

Neeva — 06/05/2021
"You are very whiny over the smallest things." Neeva commented, and he'd get what he wanted. A couple of peaches and a bathbomb, rolled over to his feet. "I want to know what you would have done if I took something that wasn't so....material."

What a way to react to things she could only make use of once.

Harpur — 06/05/2021
Harpur growls "No one comes into my house and steals from me." he says and as soon as he has his stuff he grabs her by the back of her hoodie or whatever she's wearing and aggressively DRAGS her to the door.

If she doesn't wriggle free he opens it and throws her as hard as he can out onto the street "Cross me again and you're dead, Dito. Get the fuck outta here."

Neeva — 06/05/2021
She wouldn't allow him to do that a second time, and she moved out of his reach, but made her way towards the door. "I am going to tell everyone about your collar." She threatened, and sought to slip out of the house. "I would not visit you ever again. You are a very bad host, and if this is what the Mafia promises me, they need a better recruiter."

Obviously everything was his fault.

Harpur — 06/05/2021
Harpur stared coldly at her as she left "I don't think you're a good fit for the mafia." he sneers "And do as you wish, but you may regret it. Get out of here."

He clicks his teeth and Roxy comes running inside, Floyd just teleports back inside and goes back to sleep.

Neeva — 06/05/2021
"I am better than you." Neeva stated, as she headed out into the street. "Oooh, I am a big Mafioso who wears a collar. No one is better than me or Purple, this is what the Mafia is represented by. Call me Puppy." And as she continued on, likely back to research, she kept up her mocking impression of Harpur until she got bored.

Harpur — 06/05/2021
Harpur stares at her "Alright then..." he says and pulls out his commlink, he just stands there tapping away at it with an unsettlingly empty expression.

Moderators: AJ_89 Steven (played by Robo-Craig) QnQ Hide Miyagawa (played by Monoclejack)