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    ~Paragraph RP
    This means no less than 5 well constructed sentences that help drive the post and scene forward. This is a bare minimum for posting, for the sake of keeping RP progress moving along. Over all, Para-RPing should be taken in the form of 'Tit-for-Tat.' Try to match your partners, and find a nice stride that you both jive with! Its nice to push yourself, but dont burn out. Additionally, dont dust your partners!

    We are not Grammar Nazi's. English as a first, second, or third language? Cool! Just make sure it can be read and does not interrupt flow and other members ability to process what is going on within a scene.

    ~Characters and Profiles
    All joining characters must be in theme to the world and setting. Clearly out of place characters will not be accepted for any reason. Additionally, please make sure the details of who your characters are are clearly explained within the profile. Empty profiles, bare bones characters, multi-character pages, and textless image galleries will be declined! Lastly. No Under Age Characters. This includes Appearing Underage too; No exceptions. We do not care if they are 1000 years old on paper. A vampire who got turned while they were 12 is not allowed in.
    (Note: If you have multiple characters in your profile, you can explain who you are looking to play as among that profile. Please make sure that character within the profile still meets all requirements.)

    ~Judgment Free Zone
    We are all RPers. We are all human. We're all into our own things! So seriously, No Judgment. Have civil conversations if something is perhaps unpleasant to you, then, Take it to whisper, or get the MoD involved.

    ~Open Worldbuilding!
    This RP is an Egg! Lets see how it hatches, with everyone welcome to incubate what ever ideas they have to contribute! We are letting a lot of this grow just as we do! New ideas are hatched and played with all the time. Yours can be so as well!

    ~NPC Usage for Flavor and Immersion
    There are no limitations to who uses NPCs, what they are used for, and how many end up coming and going! To make the world feel alive, sometimes you need to just fill the space! 'Red Shirts' are bound to happen. Just do so tastefully, never do something to undermine another players character, and of course do not do so for the sake of boosting your own character. Keep it organic!

    ~Friendliness Among All Members! <3
    Treat your fellow RPers like family. We all get along here as friends!

    ~NSFW and Smut
    As an M-Rated group, such content is expected to happen. Whether plot related or just organic character development. It is welcomed here, but, there will be a rule to it. Nudity and exposure of a character is fine to have within the general forums and settings. Sometimes in the heat of a very intense scene, maybe someone gets a shirt ripped or something, or shapeshifters who have to find clothes again after they change forms. These are perfectly fine, flavorful, and welcomed. There will be a dedicated Forum for Smut that anything that goes beyond flavorful exposure will have to be taken to. This way, it can be kept in the group still, those who wish to follow along are welcomed to do so, but those who do not want to see it are able to comfortably read the common threads without the dirty dance flashing in front of their eyes. These Threads will be specifically marked with a '~M~' before the room name to indicate the mature intent of that room.

    ~Meta RP and Power Playing
    These are two concepts which every RPer should know about, and more importantly, every RPer should know to NOT DO IT! For the sake of having it written though, here are the group defined examples of what Meta RP and Power Playing is.
    ~~Meta RP: Taking information from outside of your characters own knowledge and perspectives, and applying it to them in game or using it unfairly. Examples of this include reading other peoples posts, where your character might not even be involved, and using that gathered content in ways that make no sense for your own character to possess. There are many ways to Meta RP. In short though, just keep things natural and organic to your character, and this should never be an issue.
    ~~Power Playing: Role-Playing as if you are to Win / Lose. An extension of this is also known as 'God-Modding.' In an RP, there is no Winning or Losing. This is a story which we are all exploring together and being a part of. Characters are meant to get hurt, suffer, triumph, and overcome things. None of this is exciting though if you play with the mindset to only 'Win Win Win.' Again, to keep this out of the game is ideal. Keep things natural and organic to your character, and this should never be an issue.

    ~FEAR RP
    Perhaps one of the most overlooked and forgotten about aspects of Role-Playing. FEAR RP is a simple concept which in practice often gets left behind. FEAR RP is the ideology that your character only has ONE LIFE, and should be as scared as you are in real life about losing it. Everyone wants to be a bad-ass, and have their star shining moments. No doubt. But that does not mean FEAR is left to the wind. If every character lives, and breaths, and acts without consequence or even rational thought and emotion behind their behaviors, then the story gets dull. Remember that one of the main themes of this very group is 'Survival.' It is not meant to be easy, and at no point should a character ever feel like they can constantly relax. (PS: We will GM events and scenarios WAY tougher than any one character alone can handle at times. We will help you be afraid! <3 )