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The Story

  • Together... We Survive...

    Outside the walls there are nothing but hardships for Supernatural's...

    Once upon a time, the world powers waged war against those who were different by their nature. Creatures of the night, Fey, Spirits, any many more. All considered to be one thing to the human eye. Supernatural. By that label alone, it also meant they were all the enemy. Hunted like wounded deer, the humans sought to destroy all traces of Supe's around the world. They went to such lengths and extremes in their mission as well that they bordered on success. There were those who resisted though. Those who prioritized one thing. Survival. These blessed saviors to the Supernatural Kind banded together under one roof, and one title, to stand against the oppressive humans. House Rhapsody.

    The efforts and sacrifices House Rhapsody made to ensure the protection of Supernatural life can never be forgotten. What started as the last bastion of many kinds of Supe's, eventually it flourished into a global resistance. Those who were still running, hiding, and trying to survive, were able to make their stand, and together made the only statement they could against the world forces. That they were here to stay. They would not become the fables and ghost stories humans tell their children, and that they planned on living their lives for many long years to come. In a final, well orchestrated attack, key leaders across the globe were taken out all at once. The humans, left bewildered by the power of their enemy, at a loss and needing to recoup and reorganize their efforts. While peace was never an option, a ceasefire came to be, and for generations the world returned to the ways of hushed lips and secrecy about the Supernatural Kind.

    The funny thing about the future is that no one is ever ready to recognize when it is upon you, and how far yourself or the entire world has really come. When the mega-cities started to spring up, no one joked and said that the future was finally here. As industrial powers grew, and smoke filled the skies and killed the environment, no one thought this to be the future finally having arrived. When the plague hit, devastated the whole world, and left us all in the wake of our own hubris, no one wanted to accept that this was the future. Hidden safely behind their walls, in the comforting glow of their holo-TV's and cybernetic enhancements, Humans continue to do as they always have. Grow, and consume. While the silent war against Supe's was just a page in history, it was secretly back in effect now too. Though now... it was no longer a secret...

    Humans made public the existence of Supernaturals. Even worse, they used it for their own glory! With the world in shambles, there was no resistance to fight. There was no war to be waged. There was just survival now, and the humans in their cities were on top! So, what better than to physically and mentally crush your opponent? Humans made Media about. Television shows, sporting events, public hosting, of anything they could that had to do with hunting, subjugating, and destroying the beauty of supernatural beings. The common folk loved it. Your real life hunger games, just outside the walls of the city. The great Colosseum, only now it is the world outside where we play these games to appease the powers that be.

    Supernaturals hide within every day life outside of the city walls. It is near impossible to get a Supe in or out of the city unnoticed. Let alone for one to exist within the walls for any amount of time without being tracked down. So, it is within the barrens and wastes that they exist now. To the humans, still those fabled monsters and creatures, but still nothing less than their greatest form of entertainment to use as they please. With the world in ruin though what else is there to do?

    Run... Hide... Survive...

    ...and if you ever need to... Fight.

    This is life now... and we will not become extinct.