At this time, City of Oakwood will be invite only. This may change in the future, and when it does, it will be displayed on the community group page.
Oakwood City Ordinances (Group Rules)
Adult Writers Only - Content in this group may be of adult nature with language and descriptions of graphic sexual scenes and some violent themes. This includes links and graphics that are considered
NSFW (Not Safe For Work). For this reason, The City of Oakwood is a
18+ adult group and all safeguards possible are in place. Anyone who is at least 18 or older per their birthday information provided to RP Repository at the time of registration can apply. Only original characters with ages displayed in their profile of
18+ will be accepted provided they also conform to the specific character requirements listed below. All eligible characters in the group or seeking entry into the group must reasonably act like adults. This is both a
City of Oakwood ordinance and a general rule enforced by RP Repository. If a character that has been accepted into the group, but later changes their profile to say they are or appear to be younger than 18 or acts younger than 18, the character will be removed from the group. User Adult Age verification is a huge plus, but not a requirement to join this group.
Common Courtesy - Be Polite and Respectful of others in OOC discussions and IC roleplays. Please give others a chance to post in-character in open roleplay threads. If you feel the need to block someone in the group, please talk to
me about any issue that has arisen. Blocking characters in a small community causes issues for all involved.
Respect the Moderators - This is a sub-issue to Common Courtesy. Moderators are people whom I trust to look after the group and are willing to put their time into 'working' instead of 'playing'. If anyone has an issue come up with a moderator, please let
Tiffany Kraft know. If you join the group and feel the need to block anyone in the group or the administrator/moderator, please give Tiffany the courtesy of an explanation. Personal reasons are your own, but if you have an issue with someone in the group that makes you want to block them, then the group may not be for you.
Note on Group Moderation
– Moderators may be appointed to help manage this group if the activity and the number of members increases to a point of needing them. If anyone finds the need to block the group founder or any of the listed group moderators, then I ask that you remove yourself from the group before doing so. If it is found that any member in the group has blocked the founder or one of the moderators, they will be removed from the group and prevented from returning. Also, If the Mods and Admin find a character that has previously been admitted to the group is not working out with the general chemistry of the rest of the group, they can be removed at the
Administrator's discretion.
General English Writing Literacy - what is shared needs to be readable. Please use proper sentence structure and paragraph breaks in longer posts. Typos and bad auto-correct are ok and is expected, as well as use of modern slang. Please do spell-check and preview-check before posting to make it easy for readers to appreciate your word-art!
Real Human Depictions - It is a requirement that to be accepted into this group, characters must have a modern human depiction. A faceclaim must be used as an icon, and it is preferable that a matching faceclaim photo is used in the profile with credit to the faceclaim. No anime, fantasy, or AI depictions. This is not negotiable. After a character is accepted into the group, any edited changes/alterations to the visuals, and unrealistic character descriptions to the character profile that includes anime, fantasy, or AI depictions will be removed from the group.
Modern Dramatic (Slice-of-Life) Themes - This is a free form writing group of this genre. There is no set story-plot that takes place, so any forum roleplay stories can cover whatever the writers wish to include within a modern slice-of-life framework. Write as much as you feel comfortable writing without pressure but make an effort to present at least a small paragraph. In general, this is a rather laid-back place where one can write stories in-character by themselves, 1x1, or a group of writers.
Modern-Historical (Characters and Themes) - The group is also open to any characters who are period-specific to points in time dating back to the beginning of the 20th century. A sub-forum for 'Modern Historical' written stories and roleplays is available for anyone who wishes to explore recent (20th and early 21st century) history. This is being added as there have been some requests to do some family history scenarios for some characters.
Story Locations) - The premise of the group was initially a small/medium town in Northern California. For those familiar with the Sons of Anarchy television show, Oakwood is a fictional town and is a neighboring 'sister city' of the fictional town of Charming. This setting can be used for stories and has a dedicated forum for the 'Local' roleplays. To accommodate a wider world, there is a forum for other places in the world where a story is set. The only requirement is to name the place the story takes place at the top of the first post. More clarification will be added here shortly.