If desired, you're allowed to place any pictures of your character below.
This also goes for further references such as clothing, gear or weaponry.
Important note/disclaimer: Images are used as character references but are usually not owned or fully accurate references of their character as they were made by someone else and not made based on this character. Rights to these images belong to their original owners except for my personal characters and a few others. (Grace, Lilly, Jack, Sasha, Ragna)
This also goes for further references such as clothing, gear or weaponry.
Important note/disclaimer: Images are used as character references but are usually not owned or fully accurate references of their character as they were made by someone else and not made based on this character. Rights to these images belong to their original owners except for my personal characters and a few others. (Grace, Lilly, Jack, Sasha, Ragna)
Moderators: Noctae