Mavis had kept running until she was emotionally and physically exhausted from fighting and running. Her mind had been so focused on running, fighting, surviving, and thoughts of Grayson. She had slowed down her pace about a mile or so back, not entirely sure how far she had actually ran, before she figured it would be safe to slow down to a walk. Both her hunting knives stayed firmly gripped in her hands to the point her knuckles had turned white. All that surrounded her was fields and woods. The long winding lonely road that she had been walking down only had a few broken-down vehicles and very few stumblers which she took care of before continuing on. Once she made it to a red truck that was partly parked halfway on the road and halfway in the grass, she opened the passenger door and quickly got in. Shutting and locking the door manually behind her. Mavis knew she had run more than seven miles and then walked another two after that and her entire body ached from both the run and the fighting she had done earlier. It had taken every ounce of what was left of her strength to just walk the last two miles to the red truck she saw before the sun had set and she had almost started crawling the last half mile. (C)
Sighing softly, Mavis made herself comfortable in the passenger seat and closed her eyes briefly before reopening them. She was exhausted but she was also still on high alert every little sound from the wind that blew past the red truck put her on edge. At some point, tears had started streaming down her tan cheeks without realizing they had been till they splattered on her hands. Wiping her face, she had realized how very few people traveled in and out of the town Clarey and that if she gets stuck here she would die of starvation and loneliness. She had never been alone unless she was home and in her large Alaskan backyard but even then she had her four older brothers that had always kept her company. When she moved here, she found Grayson, or well no he found her so she had not felt so alone before. All her bottled up, hidden emotions were free. She was pissed, sad, lonely, and happy all at the same time. Pissed at the world for making the world harsher than it already was. Sad that she had failed at keeping the entire football team alive. Lonely that she had been separated from Grayson but she was happy to have survived. Slamming her balled up hands on the seat below her, she screamed till her voice was no longer available and she cried till her tears dried up. Not moments after her break down, she fell asleep quickly. (C)
Upon daylight, Mavis heard a soft tapping on the driver's side window. Waking up with a start she gripped onto her hunting knives only for them to fall out of her hands when she recognized the male tapping on the window. Mavis basically jumped across the center counsel only to unlock the door for the male. "Olly, I thought you were dead." She told him grabbing a hold of his black mesh Adidas sweatshirt and pulled him into a hug. Oliver was just an inch shorter than Grayson but with a little bit more muscle than him. Brown hair and brown eyes, with a scar that trailed all the way up to his hairline, over his eye, and ended in the middle of his cheek. He had told everyone it was from some sort of car accident when he was a child but that was all that he would tell them. He chuckled softly, peeling her arms off his neck as he slid into the driver's side. "I went to go see if I could go find you and Dean and when I returned there were too many in there. So, I left." He lied but Mavis did not catch on. She was too happy to see him. That at least one of the football players other than Grayson had survived. Mavis raised a brow in his direction, now realizing that he had found her but how? "Say, Olly how did you find me exactly?" She questioned reaching for her knives once again but he stopped her. "I'm lucky I guess. I spent the night in the woods over there and decided to come out to the road and I saw this truck." He shrugged letting go of her hand as he leaned the chair back. "I saw someone in here, thought you were dead but clearly your alive." He glanced over at her as he shoved his hands into the large pocket at the front of his sweatshirt. Only to pull out the slingshot Mavis had left back at the gym before she left to go get supplies with Grayson. "I brought it with me when I went to go find you and Dean." He told her holding it out to her and she shook her head. "Keep it, you will need it." She told him, he put it back into his sweatshirt. (C)
"So where's Dean?" Oliver questioned her, his eyes scanning the area around them. Luckily for the two, it did not seem like they would have much trouble getting out of here to find some sort of shelter. There was not a single stumbler around. "We got split up in town when we were atta-" She cut herself off gazing out the window, before sighing softly. "Why did you not come to find us when you saw that the team was all dead?" She kept staring out the window when she asked the question not daring to look over at him. The door opened and Oliver slid out. "I figured you and Dean could handle it. I did not really want to stick around there." He shrugged. "Come on, we need to find some other shelter than this." He told her and she nodded collecting her knives before she unlocked the door and jumped out. Only for her legs to give way when she did. "Shit." She muttered softly and Oliver was around the front of the truck in seconds helping her back to her feet. Her body was still exhausted from all the running and fighting she had done. "There's no way I can walk v-" Before she finished her sentence Oliver had lifted her up and over onto his back. "It's alright, I can carry you. You're like carrying a tiny doll." He laughed at his comment, Mavis put her knives in their holsters as he started to carry her towards the woods. "Just let me know when I get too heavy." Mavis's voice trailed off as she rested her head on Oliver's back, closing her eyes to doze off. (E)
Mavis had kept running until she was emotionally and physically exhausted from fighting and running. Her mind had been so focused on running, fighting, surviving, and thoughts of Grayson. She had slowed down her pace about a mile or so back, not entirely sure how far she had actually ran, before she figured it would be safe to slow down to a walk. Both her hunting knives stayed firmly gripped in her hands to the point her knuckles had turned white. All that surrounded her was fields and woods. The long winding lonely road that she had been walking down only had a few broken-down vehicles and very few stumblers which she took care of before continuing on. Once she made it to a red truck that was partly parked halfway on the road and halfway in the grass, she opened the passenger door and quickly got in. Shutting and locking the door manually behind her. Mavis knew she had run more than seven miles and then walked another two after that and her entire body ached from both the run and the fighting she had done earlier. It had taken every ounce of what was left of her strength to just walk the last two miles to the red truck she saw before the sun had set and she had almost started crawling the last half mile. (C)
Sighing softly, Mavis made herself comfortable in the passenger seat and closed her eyes briefly before reopening them. She was exhausted but she was also still on high alert every little sound from the wind that blew past the red truck put her on edge. At some point, tears had started streaming down her tan cheeks without realizing they had been till they splattered on her hands. Wiping her face, she had realized how very few people traveled in and out of the town Clarey and that if she gets stuck here she would die of starvation and loneliness. She had never been alone unless she was home and in her large Alaskan backyard but even then she had her four older brothers that had always kept her company. When she moved here, she found Grayson, or well no he found her so she had not felt so alone before. All her bottled up, hidden emotions were free. She was pissed, sad, lonely, and happy all at the same time. Pissed at the world for making the world harsher than it already was. Sad that she had failed at keeping the entire football team alive. Lonely that she had been separated from Grayson but she was happy to have survived. Slamming her balled up hands on the seat below her, she screamed till her voice was no longer available and she cried till her tears dried up. Not moments after her break down, she fell asleep quickly. (C)
Upon daylight, Mavis heard a soft tapping on the driver's side window. Waking up with a start she gripped onto her hunting knives only for them to fall out of her hands when she recognized the male tapping on the window. Mavis basically jumped across the center counsel only to unlock the door for the male. "Olly, I thought you were dead." She told him grabbing a hold of his black mesh Adidas sweatshirt and pulled him into a hug. Oliver was just an inch shorter than Grayson but with a little bit more muscle than him. Brown hair and brown eyes, with a scar that trailed all the way up to his hairline, over his eye, and ended in the middle of his cheek. He had told everyone it was from some sort of car accident when he was a child but that was all that he would tell them. He chuckled softly, peeling her arms off his neck as he slid into the driver's side. "I went to go see if I could go find you and Dean and when I returned there were too many in there. So, I left." He lied but Mavis did not catch on. She was too happy to see him. That at least one of the football players other than Grayson had survived. Mavis raised a brow in his direction, now realizing that he had found her but how? "Say, Olly how did you find me exactly?" She questioned reaching for her knives once again but he stopped her. "I'm lucky I guess. I spent the night in the woods over there and decided to come out to the road and I saw this truck." He shrugged letting go of her hand as he leaned the chair back. "I saw someone in here, thought you were dead but clearly your alive." He glanced over at her as he shoved his hands into the large pocket at the front of his sweatshirt. Only to pull out the slingshot Mavis had left back at the gym before she left to go get supplies with Grayson. "I brought it with me when I went to go find you and Dean." He told her holding it out to her and she shook her head. "Keep it, you will need it." She told him, he put it back into his sweatshirt. (C)
"So where's Dean?" Oliver questioned her, his eyes scanning the area around them. Luckily for the two, it did not seem like they would have much trouble getting out of here to find some sort of shelter. There was not a single stumbler around. "We got split up in town when we were atta-" She cut herself off gazing out the window, before sighing softly. "Why did you not come to find us when you saw that the team was all dead?" She kept staring out the window when she asked the question not daring to look over at him. The door opened and Oliver slid out. "I figured you and Dean could handle it. I did not really want to stick around there." He shrugged. "Come on, we need to find some other shelter than this." He told her and she nodded collecting her knives before she unlocked the door and jumped out. Only for her legs to give way when she did. "Shit." She muttered softly and Oliver was around the front of the truck in seconds helping her back to her feet. Her body was still exhausted from all the running and fighting she had done. "There's no way I can walk v-" Before she finished her sentence Oliver had lifted her up and over onto his back. "It's alright, I can carry you. You're like carrying a tiny doll." He laughed at his comment, Mavis put her knives in their holsters as he started to carry her towards the woods. "Just let me know when I get too heavy." Mavis's voice trailed off as she rested her head on Oliver's back, closing her eyes to doze off. (E)
She was used to being alone, not having to rely on anyone was easy. She didn’t care of the sounds she was making as she trudged through the bursh of the woods, heading back to the small farm at the edge of town. The old couple that lives there took her in when no one else would. Gave her a name and the old man taught her how to hunt, but also gave her discipline by teaching her how to farm. One of her favorite past times being in the farm was wrangling goats, made her faster, picking up 85 to 100lbs nails of hay would make her stronger. Catching game out in the woods made her A great hunter. Her skill with the bow was undeniable, it was like her gift. She pulled on the rope holding some hate she had caught earlier. The day was coming to a close and she was excited to bring in dinner. It would be a couple more miles before she hit the fence of the farm. She knew when she got back they would make her go freshen up before coming in the house as always. Hunting was not a clean business, more technique and feeling than anything. Stopping in the middle of a field she had a feeling like the hairs on the back of her neck were standing up. Weird, and there was no noise, birds, crickets or small critters. Something wasn’t right. She was taught growing up with the old couple to always listen to her gut. Her steps were more quiet now, keeping an eye on her surroundings. The bow she had she would squeeze more tightly, she was ready for anything. The fence now came into view a small smile crept upon her lips. All the fruit and nut trees shimmered from the falling sun. She made it just in time. But it was quiet, where was their dog Buddy. He normally welcomed her when she always came back from her hunts. The light from the barn was still on. Odd. The old man normally turned it off before going in the house. Placing her leg over the fence she pushed herself over and walked slowly towards the barn. Still no Buddy. Dropping off her hunt of the day, it was nothing but a few steps away to the water pump to wash off her gamey scent.
A Erie feeling washed over her as she cleaned off. ‘What’s going on’ she would think to herself. She left her bow, by the water pump and headed to the house. Opening the back door, there was no sounds. Not even the TV, no sound of boiling water, frying foods or the ding from a ready timer. She knew better than to make a sound, what if it was a intruder in the house? She exclaimed quietly remembering she left her bow by the water pump, straight foolish. She side stepped towards the kitchen seeing a bloodstained knife on the counter. Coming around the left side of the small island kitchen counter she placed a hand over her mouth. The old woman lay motionless on the floor. Who would do this to her? She never hurt anybody, in fact she was known around town for her pecan pies. Every year signing up for the pie contest. The girl wanted to cry but there was no time for that. Taking the bloodstained knife in her grasp she slowly walked towards the door that led to the basement. It did creak when it was opened which would be a bad idea in this circumstance. It had to be done. She twisted the knob and slowly opened it with her palm, of course it decided to squeal open as loud as it could. With determination she took quiet steps down to the basement, the Light was on which wasn’t a good sign. There was a low groaning sound towards the wash machine. She hurried down the rest of the way and to her surprise it was the old man. He was covered in blood, was it his wife’s blood? “Oh Jay, you’re okay. Thank the heavens. “ His voice sounded tired and strained. “Sharlene attacked me, I didn’t know what else to do. She bit my neck, I’m not going to make it. I don’t feel very good. “ He began to cry, the girl didn’t know what to feel, shock, anger, sadness it was too much all in one. “She ate Buddy, something was wrong with her.” She didn’t know what to do. “You gotta go in town, go in town and get some help. Be safe.
Remember all I taught you. You hear me?” She quickly nodded and dropped the knife in her hand next to him. “I want you to burn the house down.” The girl shook her head quickly, how could he ask this of her? They were the only family she ever knew. She couldn’t this wasn’t right. Her fifteen years here were all she had, and now he wanted to burn it down. “Yes, look at me... look at me! I want you to burn the house, if the police get here and see two bodies they will take you away. I can’t have my daughter in prison ya hear. Do as I say. “ With a pained nod of her head she left his side and headed up the stairs and out the side door she came in. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she threw up on the side of the house, falling to her knees whaling aloud. She had never cried this hard before. After a few moments she pulled herself together and walked to the barn. It was a typical red and white barn a couple of yards away from the house. The red canisters of gasoline where right next to the tractor. Before doing what she was asked the girl grabbed a backpack and stuffed it with clothes. Her body shook with unease as she poured the gas all over the house, in each room giving it a splash then down the hall, to the first floor the dinning room, family room, TV room, and before the kitchen she made sure to place some provisions in her bag. the last of it outside against the wood. Her only words as she lit the match. “I’m sorry.” Tossing the match at the last place where the gas was. It was a scene in slow motion, the match making its way towards a puddle before igniting and setting a blaze. She stood and watched for a minute reminiscing about her life here on this lowly farm. She walked backwards a few steps then turned and headed to the water pump as the sound of an explosion echoed behind her dark clouds arose towards the sky as she bent down to pick up her bow, setting it in a clip behind her back.
She was used to being alone, not having to rely on anyone was easy. She didn’t care of the sounds she was making as she trudged through the bursh of the woods, heading back to the small farm at the edge of town. The old couple that lives there took her in when no one else would. Gave her a name and the old man taught her how to hunt, but also gave her discipline by teaching her how to farm. One of her favorite past times being in the farm was wrangling goats, made her faster, picking up 85 to 100lbs nails of hay would make her stronger. Catching game out in the woods made her A great hunter. Her skill with the bow was undeniable, it was like her gift. She pulled on the rope holding some hate she had caught earlier. The day was coming to a close and she was excited to bring in dinner. It would be a couple more miles before she hit the fence of the farm. She knew when she got back they would make her go freshen up before coming in the house as always. Hunting was not a clean business, more technique and feeling than anything. Stopping in the middle of a field she had a feeling like the hairs on the back of her neck were standing up. Weird, and there was no noise, birds, crickets or small critters. Something wasn’t right. She was taught growing up with the old couple to always listen to her gut. Her steps were more quiet now, keeping an eye on her surroundings. The bow she had she would squeeze more tightly, she was ready for anything. The fence now came into view a small smile crept upon her lips. All the fruit and nut trees shimmered from the falling sun. She made it just in time. But it was quiet, where was their dog Buddy. He normally welcomed her when she always came back from her hunts. The light from the barn was still on. Odd. The old man normally turned it off before going in the house. Placing her leg over the fence she pushed herself over and walked slowly towards the barn. Still no Buddy. Dropping off her hunt of the day, it was nothing but a few steps away to the water pump to wash off her gamey scent.
A Erie feeling washed over her as she cleaned off. ‘What’s going on’ she would think to herself. She left her bow, by the water pump and headed to the house. Opening the back door, there was no sounds. Not even the TV, no sound of boiling water, frying foods or the ding from a ready timer. She knew better than to make a sound, what if it was a intruder in the house? She exclaimed quietly remembering she left her bow by the water pump, straight foolish. She side stepped towards the kitchen seeing a bloodstained knife on the counter. Coming around the left side of the small island kitchen counter she placed a hand over her mouth. The old woman lay motionless on the floor. Who would do this to her? She never hurt anybody, in fact she was known around town for her pecan pies. Every year signing up for the pie contest. The girl wanted to cry but there was no time for that. Taking the bloodstained knife in her grasp she slowly walked towards the door that led to the basement. It did creak when it was opened which would be a bad idea in this circumstance. It had to be done. She twisted the knob and slowly opened it with her palm, of course it decided to squeal open as loud as it could. With determination she took quiet steps down to the basement, the Light was on which wasn’t a good sign. There was a low groaning sound towards the wash machine. She hurried down the rest of the way and to her surprise it was the old man. He was covered in blood, was it his wife’s blood? “Oh Jay, you’re okay. Thank the heavens. “ His voice sounded tired and strained. “Sharlene attacked me, I didn’t know what else to do. She bit my neck, I’m not going to make it. I don’t feel very good. “ He began to cry, the girl didn’t know what to feel, shock, anger, sadness it was too much all in one. “She ate Buddy, something was wrong with her.” She didn’t know what to do. “You gotta go in town, go in town and get some help. Be safe.
Remember all I taught you. You hear me?” She quickly nodded and dropped the knife in her hand next to him. “I want you to burn the house down.” The girl shook her head quickly, how could he ask this of her? They were the only family she ever knew. She couldn’t this wasn’t right. Her fifteen years here were all she had, and now he wanted to burn it down. “Yes, look at me... look at me! I want you to burn the house, if the police get here and see two bodies they will take you away. I can’t have my daughter in prison ya hear. Do as I say. “ With a pained nod of her head she left his side and headed up the stairs and out the side door she came in. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she threw up on the side of the house, falling to her knees whaling aloud. She had never cried this hard before. After a few moments she pulled herself together and walked to the barn. It was a typical red and white barn a couple of yards away from the house. The red canisters of gasoline where right next to the tractor. Before doing what she was asked the girl grabbed a backpack and stuffed it with clothes. Her body shook with unease as she poured the gas all over the house, in each room giving it a splash then down the hall, to the first floor the dinning room, family room, TV room, and before the kitchen she made sure to place some provisions in her bag. the last of it outside against the wood. Her only words as she lit the match. “I’m sorry.” Tossing the match at the last place where the gas was. It was a scene in slow motion, the match making its way towards a puddle before igniting and setting a blaze. She stood and watched for a minute reminiscing about her life here on this lowly farm. She walked backwards a few steps then turned and headed to the water pump as the sound of an explosion echoed behind her dark clouds arose towards the sky as she bent down to pick up her bow, setting it in a clip behind her back.
Timeskip for a few hours until evening — DM Post.
Entry to the house on the outskirts of Clarey had been eerily convenient. No forced entry needed. Front door ajar. No visible damage on the outside. Leaves plenty for one’s imagination to kind of assume what could’ve occurred to have the residents leave the front door accessible at a time like this. While a picture couldn’t be painted of what occurred from the outside, the inside is still unchecked before Mavis and Greyson can shack up.
Upon entering through the front they walk into the living room. Blue carpet three feet into the residence before the rest is hardwood flooring, bright cedar in color. The walls a basic eggshell white, holding pictures of family members and intriguing nautical paintings from boats to the sea. The roof was high but not too high, and from where they stood in the front no real indication of an upstairs. The residence seemed secure, it further exploration may be needed to confirm.
At some point, Oliver had met up with Greyson while carrying Mavis on his back as she rested. But soon Oliver had disappeared once again, leaving Greyson and Mavis together. Neither one was really sure where he went, nor did they really care at the moment. Well, Greyson did not care. Mavis on the other hand was a bit worried about their friend. The house that they had happened to stumble upon was not much, it was on the outskirts of Clarey. It was lined with blue carpet three feet into the residence before the rest is hardwood flooring. "Get your weapons ready," Mavis informed Greyson in a quiet whispered tone. Greyson mutely nodded taking out a hunter's knife while Mavis took out her slingshot and readying it with a gear she found from some sort of machine. The place only seemed emptied, showing no signs of life yet that sometimes is not the case for these types of places. The door was wide open when they arrived. Mavis shut the door behind them as they stepped through the door. After checking the house for stumblers, Greyson put heavy things such as the couch or bookshelf in front of the front. Closed the blinds, before making his way into the kitchen where Mavis should have been but when he entered the back entrance was open. "Shit," Greyson muttered to himself, raising the knife just in case they missed a stumbler that was hidden outside but when he stepped out into the backyard that seemed to be fenced off with a decent wooden picket fence he became confused. Nothing was out back and Mavis was nowhere to be found inside the house. Fear and panic took over and Greyson rushed back inside searching every room for Mavis but when he could not find her, he found himself standing outside once again. That is when he noticed the ladder leading to the roof. His blue orbs darted up to the roof where Mavis had a small smirk playing on her dark tan features. "Damn it Mav!" He almost shouted at her. "Get your ass down from there, your in no shape to be climbing,"
Greyson started to climb the ladder but Mavis shook her head, waving him off. "Don't be silly, Grey. I'm perfectly fine. I'm not injured and I slept the majority of the time when Oliver carried me." She told him as she made her way down the ladder, "Catch!" She shouted when she was halfway down. Jumping back and off the ladder. Greyson freaked out but caught her in his arms, his face was turned up in anger. "What the hell was that?" He growled at her, which only made her chuckle and pat his chest, motioning for him to put her down but he kept her in his arms as he brought her back inside. Shutting the door with his right foot behind them. "It was a crazy trust fall, what else?" She questioned squirming out of his arms. "Honestly, you'd think I had been kid-napped with how you are reacting. Lighten up a bit, it was Oliver who found me, not some random old guy who broke out of jail." She told him with a shrug of her shoulder making her way to the one-bedroom in the entire house. "Anyways, I'm tired. I'm going to bed. Join me if you like." She told him as she entered the bedroom, closing the door behind her. Greyson sighed and shook his head at the small female who decided that she was going to be careless today. Even after Greyson had found her, she was with Oliver of all people.
That was not someone Greyson trusted, especially not with Mavis. He was always staring at her like a hungry dog and Greyson did not like that one bit. Greyson had to warn Oliver a couple of times before the apocalypse when the team had first met Mavis that she was off-limits and none of them were to touch her but of course there is always that one that does not listen. That one that did not listen was none other than, Oliver. He had always seemed to show up out of nowhere and by Mavis, and way too close for Greyson's tastes. "She's going to be the death of me," Greyson muttered to himself as he leaned against the door to the room and slid down it. Sitting on the ground in front of the room with his gun in his hand.
Sasha Kingsley
Raising one hand, she gestured towards the south, the road leading out of town. She didn’t expect him to actually answer, but knew he was watching and would still follow her. Minutes passed as they made their way past the hospital, neither making much noise with their movements, even with as quick as they moved. Fairly soon, the two jogged and passed cars and trucks left behind as people had gotten out and ran one way or another. Five minutes turned into ten, and ten moved quickly into twenty minutes. There, only a couple of miles outside the town limit, the two would be able to hear something neither wanted to.
The thud of hundreds of feet slapping the ground in the same slow, shambling motion. As they got closer, they stopped more than a bit stunned. Sashas eyes widened, disbelieve crossing her face as she stood beside Bob, watching the decaying, dripping broken bodies of what once used to be human slowly move towards her home. Her family. Her fingers tightened on the hilt of one of the hunting knives Bob had given her, even as the muscles in her shoulders tightened and she clenched her jaw. Her eyes seemed to get brighter, if that was possible before she spoke softly to Bob, her voice barely audible “What the hell do we do now… That is too many for us to fight. Void was right. We have to get back.. We can’t stay here. Maybe one of these cars will work..
She said as she kept her eyes focused on the giant herd that was slowly beginning to rumble the ground below her feet.
Sasha slipped the phone out of her pocket as the soft thunder grew closer. A few quick taps and she brought up Grace's name and sent a few words, It's true. Stay inside, stay silent. I'll be back Another couple of taps brought up the next name she needed, Les, idk where you are but stay quiet. Shit tons of those things. If your at campus, stay hidden. When I'm back, I'll come find you. Watch your 6 both text sent before she slipped the phone back into her pocket, her face lifting, eyes refocusing on what was in front of the couple.
Robert Freelen
Bob felt the vibrations in the ground and heard the silent shamble of the hordes moving down the highway. It seemed odd to his trained eyes, as he tilted his head silently. They'd arrived there a few moments before, and he looked at her when she spoke to him. Taking a moment to look back behind them, he spied a motorcycle. "That would be our fastest bet. Nimble enough to dodge the haphazard cars, small target so they can't focus on it, and faster than most of these cars." Having driven a motorcycle for a good while, he knew exactly how to hotwire one, and crouch-ran over to it. He didn't know if she followed, but he knelt down and reached into the wiring area and pulled a few wires down. He then took his axe blade and split a couple, before striking them together and starting the bike. He motioned for her to hop on, as he got on and kept the rev at a steady hum to keep the engine going.
Vera Sokolov
“Vera Sokolov?.....Vera Sokolov?” the gentle voice of the nurse would call out in the sterile looking waiting room. The young woman would quietly raise her hand with a bit of embarrassment, while her other hand kept a cloth firmly pressed to her head. With the nurse beckoning her forward, Vera would stand from her seat to follow. Her rather small stature seemed to catch a few glances as she moved through the halls, and as she got past the main area, a few patients seemed to do a double take at her. Vera didn’t pay too much mind to the staring, it was normal. Being ushered into the second half of a smaller room split by a curtain, Vera would notice a gentleman about her age stealing a quick glance at her as she passed by. “A doctor will be with you in a little while” the nurse assured her before making her way back down the hall to one of her many other patients. Vera’s blue hues would wander around the dull room, it was really no wonder why people found hospitals so unsettling. The colors were terrible, and the lighting made you feel like you were being interrogated for whatever thing might have brought you there in the first place. Pushing her blonde hair behind her ear, she would grab one of the many pamphlets that were a further eyesore to the room. Vera’s head would turn, and her eyes would be wide as she heard the metal of the curtain slide, opening up the room fully. “Some light reading huh?” a males voice spoke out. The woman’s concern quickly melted into a smile as she realized it was just the man sharing the room with her.
Taking a quick scan of him, the male looked rather rough around the edges, though his cheeks here pleasantly rosey. With one hand still keeping pressure on her forehead, she let out a soft laugh under her breath and held up the pamphlet towards him. “Addiction and You…….” she read in a mocking tone, walking up to the males bedside and handing it to him. “I’m not sure how a monotone colored piece of paper would bring anyone solace….but then, what do I know?” Her smile was warm, showing off a light dimple hidden in her cheek, and her eyes were piercing blue as she met the males gaze. “Vera….” she held her hand out. Vera was like a magnet to strangers. Anywhere she went, she seemed to be able to pick up a conversation like she had known someone for years. “Spike…” the male replied in a rather chipper tone, taking her small hand in his own. Finally taking a moment to look over his form, Vera’s brows would raise slightly, a rather impressed smirk on her face towards the state of his leg. “Bit of light dancing?” she teased lightly, earning a chuckle out of the man who was likely very sore at the moment. “I could say the same to you” Spike said between his laugh, pointing to her head. She clicked her tongue playfully, rolling her eyes. “You know, it was a kick-ball change, and I decided to spin instead,” she joked.
Their laughter would only fall silent as another set of heels came clicking into the room. With a less than amused smile, a raven haired woman with the same distracting blue eyes as Vera joined them, leaving Spike to look between the two of them for a moment. Vera gave a bit of a cheeky smile towards the woman who she knew to be her sister Inna. Inna would hold her arm out, as if asking her sister to return to her own side of the room, and as Vera took a seat on the examination table, Inna would redraw the curtain. “Woah, how about dinner first Doctor” Vera would tease, trying to make her twin smile. At least Spike seemed to enjoy the joke as she could hear him trying to hush a chuckle. Inna on the other hand didn’t look very amused. “Why are you here?” she asked, putting her paperwork on the end of the examination table. “I just wanted to see you hard at work” Vera teased, reaching out to tickle her sister’s stomach. Inna took a few steps back to avoid those annoying little fingers. “Stop it”. Inna would push her sister's hand away lightly, looking out the door to see if any of her coworkers were looking. Vera would laugh lightly, giving her sister a loving smile before leaving her alone. “Alright, alright. I hit my head. It’s nothing horrifying, but I might need a couple stitches”. She laughed under her breath at her sister's irritation. Inna would come to Vera’s side, carefully taking over the pressure on the cloth. Peeling it back slowly her brows would raise slightly, though her eyes didn’t drift from the wound. “ It’s nothing, my ass…” she mocked her sister slightly.
“Seriously Vera, what did you do?” she would ask again, recovering the wound so she could take a moment to rummage around in the drawers and cabinets for supplies. “Well you know me” Vera shrugged with a little laugh. “The blonde one….”. Such things were always a running joke between the twins who seemed to only be separated by the color of their hair. Inna would return to her patient, getting Vera to hold the cloth just below the wound so she could flush it. Vera would hiss lightly between her teeth with the sensation. Once cleaned, Inna would prep for stitches by lightly numbing the area and easily got to work patching her sister up. As much as she loved to bug her sister, Vera was gazing up at her sister in awe as she worked away. “You’re lucky it’s me you know…..” Inna’s concentrated look would slowly melt into a childish smirk. “Stitches are my talent…” she bragged, earning her a giggle from Vera. It wouldn’t take very long for Inna to stitch her sister up and get it covered. “Good as new,” Inna smiled, removing her gloves and writing down what she needed to in her file. “You owe me lunch” she smirked, writing down her lunch order on her prescription pad before tearing it off and handing it to Vera. “Doctors Orders” Inna chuckled. Vera’s own toothy grin would come through, biting her cheek playfully as she hopped off the table. “See you in a bit Doctor Sokolov” Vera teased, taking Inna’s order in hand, and giving a little wave to Spike as she left the room.
It would be another half hour before Inna was able to join Vera for lunch. When she came to visit, they often liked to pick up lunch and eat in the garden area of the hospital. It wasn’t a full garden, but it was a well lit area with glass ceilings and some greenery to give their more long term patience a sense of freedom. Spotting Vera making conversation with an elderly woman, she would pick a spot for them to sit and wave her over. As Vera joined her, her smile widened while her gaze followed her twins motion to sit. “You really can make friends with anyone hmm?” she raised an amused brow, reaching into her lab coat to pull out the addictions pamphlet with writing now sprawled over it. Vera would take the dull paper and giggle as she saw Spike's name and number scribbled on it. “I guess you left a good impression” Inna teased her, reaching into the bag of goodies her sister brought. The girls would only get about 20 minutes into their lunch before Inna’s pager went off. Licking her finger clean of some Mayo that had come out of her sandwich, Inna would lean back so she was able to tilt the pager back enough to read. Humming slightly, she chewed vigorously to finished her mouthful before handing the rest of her sandwich to her sister. “Trauma incoming” Inna spoke before quickly standing up and placing a kiss on her sisters forehead - away from the wound. “Gotta run….” she spoke before sprinting away. “Thank you!” she let echo behind her, in hopes Vera would catch the message. “Go save lives!” Vera would yell back to her with a smile before settling back down to finish off the lunch.
~2 Months into the Virus - Manhattan, New York~
“Hey...look at that” Inna would call to Vera as she took half a step back to look out the window of one of the many apartments they had been working through to clear that day. As Vera stepped to her sister's side, the pair would take a moment to admire the break in the clouds where the sun dared to finally scream through. It had been a miserable couple weeks of terribly stormy weather, and the twins had been begging for things to ease up for a while so the streets would dry up. It wasn’t exactly easy to travel around and get stuff when the streets were constantly flooding. The girls were lucky to find refuge in part of this apartment complex. While it wasn’t all safe from the dead, the area seemed to be low activity enough that Inna and Vera had spent time clearing numerous apartments over those couple weeks. It wasn’t a lot, but the more space they took back from the dead, the more it was starting to feel like a home they could bunker down in for a while. “You think it will stay nice?” Vera huffed with exhaust, her blue hues sticking out from her dirt covered complexion, towards her sister. “Well it’s still pretty early in the day, but it would be nice…..Dinner on the roof if it’s nice?” Inna smiled sheepishly at her sister. Vera’s face would light up, which always warmed Inna’s heart. “Doctors Orders?” Vera joked. “Doctors Orders” Inna playfully agreed, both girls giggling before they got back to their task at hand.
By the time early evening had rolled around, the day had really proved to be a scorcher. Both girls had stripped down to just their tanks and jeans, taking a few minutes to lay on the floor and bathe in the sun that came through the window. As nice as rain could be, it had really hit the point of feeling like they were always soaked and cold. Eventually the girls would make their way to the roof to enjoy a nice evening. As they pushed open the roof exit, both seemed to gasp in the fresh air while humming happily about the sun. Their evening would be spent enjoying the meal they had rationed for that day, and sharing old memories while they watched the sun slowly set in the reflection of the giant puddles collected on the roof. A bit of silence would fall between them for a few minutes as they enjoyed the last of the days warmth, but Vera would be the one to eventually break it once more. “Hey… you remember that day I came to the hospital with my head?........I lied you know…..It wasn’t a blonde moment, it was Michael…..He threw one of my camera lenses at me..and not playfully” Vera spoke softly, struggling to meet her sisters gaze for a moment. Inna’s head whipped in the direction of her sister, her brows furrowed slightly. (C)
“Your boyfriend?.......why didn’t you tell me Vera?” she spoke with concern in her voice. “Because it wasn’t going to be a problem anymore. Once was enough, so I ended it there…….besides, that life seems far away now, what does it matter?...I just wanted to tell you”. Again both girls would fall silent. Normally Inna might have kicked up more of a fuss, but her sister was right. The past felt lightyears away now, what did it matter. Her brain would muddle over what she had just been told for a minute, before she thought of something that Ironically made her smile. “And I made you buy me lunch that day…….Wow, what a jackass of a sister…” she managed to laugh. The thought also seemed to grab Vera’s attention as she joined her sisters laugh. Standing up, Vera would take Inna’s hand so they could walk along the rooftop. “Look how beautiful these reflections are. They are so captivating, I wish I had a camera” Vera beamed happily. Typical Vera, making the best of the shitty state of the world - but it made Inna smile. “Sorry about your camera” Inna would mumble. Originally her sister had been trying to keep a document of the events that had gone down, but like many of their items, the camera was now a relic of the past. “Bah it happens..” Vera would shrug it off, her steps gentle as she walked into the middle of one of the large puddles. Letting it settle around her, Vera would smile to Inna, and Inna had to admit that it looked like her sister was standing on the sky. A beautiful moment that would quickly turn sour as both girls heard a rather large crack. From there it was like slow motion as Inna watched the way Vera’s eyes widened towards her, as her body started to slowly drop backwards.
The once stunning reflection in the puddle was now ruined with aggressive waves of agitation, and Inna tried to dive for her sister. “Vera!” Inna cried out, though the sound was nearly lost beneath the crumbling roof. Inna would only catch her sister for a couple seconds before the pooled up water drenched them both, causing her to lose her grip and cough as she took water in. “Vera!” she screamed, her vision blurred by the muddy water she couldn’t afford to wipe off. She would shake her head violently trying to get the water out of her ears, her arm still outstretched for her sister. As her vision came to, and her ears would drain down her neck - the low groans would fill her with dread. As her vision focused in, she would gasp, and quickly push herself backwards. A room full of the dead, and the noise had only attracted them toward the hole that was now in the roof. Inna couldn’t hear any screaming, or struggles of pain - but her own body was on fire, and she knew. Scooting further away from the hole, she covered her mouth to mask her whimpers. She couldn’t bear to look back down, and curled up tightly on her side with one ear pressed to the ground while her free hand covered the other ear. Her skin was crawling like she could feel every last thing that had happened to Vera, and the coldness that followed was just as unbearable. Tears streamed down her face violently, almost enough to make a small puddle of her own as she stayed there for hours unable to move.
~Present Day - 4 Months(?) into the Virus - Location: Unclear ( 5 hours from Clarey Town)~
Inna was careful, and slow to keep the hissing sounds to a minimum as she emptied the remainder of a stray paint can into a bag she had found. Holding it tight, she didn’t allow any bit of that air in the bag escape as she quietly set the empty can down. Finding her own quiet corner in the little shopping mall she had been exploring, Inna brought the opening of the bag over her nose and mouth. Releasing her tight grip of it, she treated the bag like an inhaler, allowing her lungs and sinuses to fill with chemicals. Holding it in for a moment, Inna would ball her other hand into a fist. Honestly these chemical highs were the worst. It felt like starting a fire inside your body for such little pay off - but beggars couldn’t be choosers. Not anymore. Just enough to keep her on her toes while she found what she was looking for, she tried to convince herself as she only let her lungs have more chemicals when they were pleading for fresh air. By the time she was choking, and gasping into the bag, Inna knew she was almost there. Sitting through this pain was always the worst part, but soon it would slide into bliss. Inna did her best to keep her face in the bag as a weight seemed to lift off her head. With a final gasp of satisfaction, she felt it hit her head. Her knees buckled slightly, but she put her hand against the wall to keep herself up. Her other hand would let the bag of paint drop to the ground, and she would hang her head and let it spin for a moment as she collected herself. Tapping her fingers on the wall a couple times, she would roll her shoulders and enjoy how fresh the air filled with the dead was compared to the chemicals her face was shoved in. “Ok….” Inna would say quietly to herself before making careful steps towards her next destination.
Eventually the woman's steps would straighten out, and she was able to move around the shopping center with a little more grace. Moving slowly, Inna was able to take a chance to find a bit of a snack which she downed easily. Though she would tell you she didn’t need much to feel full, the state of her body would say otherwise. Not that many could tell underneath her layered tank and leather jacket. This shopping center was familiar to Inna, as she had visited a few times with her sister in the past during road trips. Careful not to alert the dead, she made her way towards one little store that was almost like a basic supplies type of store. They sold some beauty / household items, and there was a pharmacy hidden away at the back. She gave a silent sigh of relief to see it was empty, and was rather impressed with how full some of the shelves looked…..especially with the manic everyone had gone into early on. Then again, these small towns were nothing like New York. She was slow with each movement, but made her way down the beauty aisle. Wiping down one of the dirt covered mirrors, she huffed lightly as she caught a glimpse of her paint covered mouth and nose.
“Jesus Christ” she whispered to herself, her eyes darting around for a moment until she managed to spot an unopened bottle of makeup remover. Popping it open, she dumped a pool of liquid into her hand and splashed over her mouth and nose. Doing this a few times, she would remove all traces of the paint and didn’t bother to keep the rest of the bottle on her person. Turning back to the make up rack, her eyes would search desperately for that dark pencil that oddly brought her a bit of sanity. Today was her lucky day, and she again sighed with relief as there was a nice untouched rack of black eyeliner. The shelf life of things was starting to get dicey, but she could care less. Everything would expire eventually. Shoving a few into the pockets of her jacket, she would keep one out so she could immediately turn back to the shitty little mirror and put it on. Pulling her eyes in every which direction, it wasn’t long before those beautiful blue hues were in-cased by a dark prison, which only seemed to make her gaze more piercing and stunning. “Stop looking at me…..” she seemed to mutter towards the mirror before shoving that liner in her pocket as well. Using the mirror a last time to adjust her coat, Inna rolled her shoulders and straightened out her posture. This was feeling better. Things were in place now, and she was put together. Wandering towards the back, Inna was pleased to find the pharmacy door had already been opened. It was a bad sign for what she was hoping to find, but a good sign that she didn’t have alarms to worry about. Pulling out her multi-tool, she flicked the knife out and wandered in with caution.
Thankfully it was small, and didn’t take her long to confirm the place was empty besides herself. Inna would spend a good ten minutes scouring the shelves for any hint of what she needed. She ran her hand along every shelf and drawer, just to be sure she hadn’t missed even the smallest spec. Finding nothing, she made a desperate attempt to dive under the pharmacists desk and rummage through the garbage can, only to be left on her knees for a few moments in disappointment. What she really wanted to do was yell, and throw a fit - but even she knew that was a stupid idea. Taking a few deep breaths, she looked around with tears that threatened to fall from her eyes. What was her next plan? She was good at being quick on her feet, and now was one of those moments. Taking a deep breath, she settled herself and took another look around the room, this time focusing on the walls. Medical places always hung important things on the wall. She scrambled to her feet when she caught sight of the pill disposal box. It wasn’t very big, but with it so poorly marked, who would think to check. With the knife of her multi-tool, Inna would carefully work to pry it open. She was rewarded for her efforts as the box popped open, and she scrambled to get her hand close enough to catch them all, though she missed a bottle that dropped to the ground.
In her own hand she managed to catch 10 pills, and after turning them over a few times, decided they were oxycodone. Unzipping her Jacket, Inna would skillfully shove each pill one by one into the bottom lining seam of her coat. She had learned a long time ago that carrying around bottles or pockets filled with pills always lead to a guaranteed loss of them from some other asshole. Zipping her coat back up, she would drop back down to her knees and feel around in the dark for the bottle she had dropped. It took her a moment, but she managed to grasp it. Turning the prescription bottle around, she squinted in an attempt to read the label. “Vicodin for…...Liam……..thanks Liam” she whispered to herself, popping the bottle open and dumping the 5 pills into her hand. Immediately she threw 2 into her mouth and swallowed them like they were nothing. Keeping the other 3 clutched tightly in her hand, Inna made her way out of the shopping centre. She found what she came for, and didn’t have plans to carry more than that. Though she did swipe a hefty golfclub on her way out.
When she finally made her way back out to the main street, she was rather impressed with how quiet things seemed to be. Naturally there were still some wanderers, but nothing like the big cities. Enjoying the fresh air, she popped 2 more pills in her mouth, though this time chewed them like they were hard candy. Such things were nowhere near as satisfying as real candy. Real candy greeted you with a sweetness, this candy only lured you with sweet whispers but greeted you with a bitter taste. Inna cleared her throat slightly and swished the broken shards around her mouth a bit before swallowing them. Awful, absolutely awful tasting, yet bliss was around the corner. Swinging her golf club lightly in her other hand, the woman would enjoy a bit of a stroll for a while. It wasn’t often that main streets were quiet. Between this and her good find, it was shaping up to be a rather lucky day.
Eventually she would find herself a little bench, and taking a seat, she popped the last of the vicodin in her mouth and slowly chewed it as she went down her personal little checklist. Reaching into her top, she pulled a sharpie out of her bra and bit off the cap - holding it in her mouth. Unzipping her jacket again, she slid it off her left arm - revealing a limb that was both too small, and covered in writing. Turning her left wrist over, she immediately wrote over the name ‘VERA’ on her wrist. Clearly it had been written again and again as it seemed to be getting harder and harder to read. Along the rest of her arm seemed to be variously aged notes that made little to no sense.
Looking up at the sky, Inna swallowed the chewed up pill and then wrote down ‘11:00’ on her arm. She had no idea of what time it really was, but it was the time she decided it was right now so that she could keep rough track. Putting the lid back on the sharpie, she shoved it back into her bra and slid her arm back into her jacket. Zipping the jacket back up, she held her head in her hands for a moment as her brain went a thousand miles a minute. “10…...10…...10….10” she mumbled to herself. After the vicodin she would be good for a while, and if she could space it right, move quickly, and get lucky - she could have 10 days to find something else…...5 days if she couldn’t handle that ration. Allowing herself to lay down on the bench, it didn’t take much longer for everything to rush to her head as her worries seemed to melt. She had hardly slept the past few days, and inconveniently she had never felt more comfortable than she was right now. Laying back, and holding the Golf club close to her body, she would stare up at the sky for a few moments. 10…..10…...10...her brain kept repeating to her. Brining one arm up to shield her eyes from the sun, Inna could feel her body beginning to count backwards from ten, except every number was 10…..10…...10…..10……..
Inna’s body would shoot violently to a wake a couple hours later as there was a loud crunch, paired with a very very loud alarm in her ear. Feeling like her heart had just restarted, she sat up and took a quick look around herself. Why was she still here, how on earth had she not been dead out in the open like that. Had she really come off as that sedate to the dead? She didn’t ponder on it too long before the alarms were reminding her of the current problem. Her vision was a bit blurred by having just woken, but it looked like someone had pushed a dead body onto the vehicle right beside her. “What the fuck?” she said maybe a bit louder than intended as she tried to look up at the source that had done it, though she didn’t see anyone. Inna’s poor face was streaked red with a harsh sunburn, but it only seemed to be the parts where her arm hadn't been laying over her face. Her head was throbbing with the sudden rush to her heart, but she quickly got to her feet with the golf club in hand. Whoever had done this likely meant it as a distraction without knowing she was there, but now the vehicle beside her was a main attraction.
Biting down on her cheek, Inna slowly put distance between her and the car. Normally she might have gone running, but her best move was to not draw attention away from the car. This would also give her time to look at other cars as she passed them by while crossing sides of the street. This alarm was bound to go off for a while, so it was probably in her best interest to leave town. Her ocean like hues darted around as she tried to take in everything. The wrong move now could easily mean death. Sliding up the the passenger’s side of a nearby car, Inna carefully pulled on the handle as her eyes stayed locked on the blaring car just a bit up the street opposite her side. She hid a sound of disappointment as the door rejected her, and letting her vision dart inside the window for a second, she confirmed it was locked. Sideling her way around the front of the vehicle the woman was silently praying her luck was to come in threes today. Inna’s back would stay to the drivers door, her hand reaching behind her so she could pull the handle with bated breath.
All tension in her chest rushed outwards as she heard the familiar click of an opening door. Her motions were slow getting into the vehicle, and she only closed the door enough to feel safe. No way in hell was she slamming it until she was ready to go, if she could get it to go. Taking a moment to look over at the slow gathering towards the other car, Inna sank in her seat a bit to stay low while catching her breath. Interestingly Inna still found this to be a surprisingly low number for the noise she had made, though that being said - it was still plenty to manage on your own. Feeling her hands beneath the steering wheel, she sighed quietly as she didn’t feel any dangling keys. Pursing her lips in thought for a moment, she peeled her eyes away long enough to look around the car a bit. Sadly she hadn’t exactly had time to learn hotwiring, so her success was relying that people kept spare keys in their car. Reaching up to both visors, she would pull them down. A receipt falling out of the one above her would catch her already racing heart off guard, but on the whole there was nothing useful. Reaching into the middle console, she hardly had to dig around, and it was packed with CD’s. “Fuck” she muttered under her breath, taking a moment to calm herself and think clearly.
If she were going to keep spare keys, where would they be?.....Her eyes would light up as her right hand reached for the glovebox. Pulling stuff out and letting it fall to the floor, Inna would dig until she found the little pouch that held the vehicle's manual. Bringing it closer, her fingers scrambled into each thin plastic sleeve to search in desperation. Accidentally flinging a key outwards, the woman dropped the pouch so she could fumble the key between shaking hands, silently cheering herself on as she caught it. True to her lucky day, the engine started without a single stutter. The tank was even a little more than halfway full, but she didn’t waste time celebrating. Using her left hand to take hold of her own door, she would tug it inwards tightly as she sped off in the car. Only when she was out on the open road safely did she stop for a quick moment to close her door properly
The drive was mostly a silent one for Inna. The roads were pretty quiet, and not as congested as things she saw back home - thankfully. Her head was throbbing with pain as she was coming down from such a burst of adrenaline, and being dehydrated. Part of her wanted to rest, and yet another part of her was standing on edge. It wouldn’t be until a few hours out of her escape that Inna started to notice things changing again. The number of cars left on the road were starting to stack back up in numbers, and the onset of evening was soon going to make it difficult to see much of anything on roads like these. Clearly she wouldn’t be able to drive all night, so her foot slammed down on the gas with the effort to be off the roads by the time it was fully dark. Inna would only get about another hour out before she forcibly had to start slowing the car. Things were getting rather tight and hard to make out on the road, and she considered that maybe driving off to the side for a while would help.
Pondering that thought, she would bring the car to a full stop for a moment. Her tired, but alert eyes scanned around her. She couldn’t see much besides nearby cars and endless roads. However as fast as she turned on the vehicle's headlights, she threw them back off with wide eyes as she sunk down far into the seat. Her mind reeled as she tried to process if what she had just seen was real. A wall….a wall of people waddling along together. A pack that felt a little more like what she had known back home. Peeking back up over the wheel to see if she had gotten away with the flashing lights, Inna slowly pulled the car off the side of the road. Using a very slow roll, she only stayed high enough in her seat to steal a peek at what she was passing. Her mouth fell slightly agape as she was passing row upon row of those horrific creatures, though she was forced to quit staring as a small gathering of them broke off from the main group and started heading towards the car. Without hesitation, Inna slammed on the gas and sped off through the ditches. This was bad. She cursed at herself for not turning the car around, wherever she was heading was more than fucked.
It took Inna a couple minutes to out run what looked like the majority of the crowd. It took a couple miles to pass them fully, but looking into the rear view she was able to see that she was at least ahead of the herd, and promptly she diverted the car back onto the road. Her eyes looked forward just in time as she caught the last glimpse of a shadow standing from a bike. Slamming the breaks, the tires squealed in agony. While she possibly managed to avoid the person, the car slammed into the bike’s back tire and forced Inna to a full stop. “Fuck!” Inna slammed both hands on the steering wheel. Her eyes darted between the rearview mirror and the hood of the car, unsure which circumstance she should currently fear more. Eventually she settled on whatever she had just hit, though she peeked carefully over the steering wheel to see if anything would happen. If no commotion came of this, maybe she would just keep going.
Greyson woke up from his little nap, his back was still leaning against the door to the bedroom but for some reason, he felt as if something was off. All the noise of the birds had quieted down outside and there was this soft rumbling sound as if there was a stampede of cows coming their way. Getting up he walked to the front door and out onto the porch only to stop in his tracks, his eyes going wide. "Shit," He muttered to himself softly as he high tailed it back inside the little house. A horde of zombies was less than a few miles away and Greyson needed to get himself and Mavis out of here. Running would be their best option since they were fast but there was also the fact that this horde was moving awfully fast. "Mavis, get your ass up now! We have to get our asses out of here now!" Greyson shouted busting through the door to the bedroom but when he stepped in, Mavis was laying on the bed still unconscious. Which was weird, she was a light sleeper. "Mavis?" Greyson ran over to her side, she looked sick. She was sweating and her hair was a mess and glued to her face from the sweat. Greyson put his hand to her forehead a worried look crossing his face as he looked around. He needed to get her out of here and she needed to get her some medication but they were too far out of town and he could not possibly run with her on his back. It would only make her situation worse, so should they wait it out. "Damn it Mav," He grumbled as he hoisted her up over his large shoulder, her small frame dangling almost lifelessly. Why was it that he did not notice that she was getting sick, was he really that careless and did not pay much attention? He inwardly scolded himself for not keeping a closer eye on Mavis, especially since she had been there since the beginning and one of the main reasons why he was still alive.
Only to go out back to where he had seen a storm cellar at. "I'm sorry, Mav." He whispered opening up the storm cellar as he dropped in with her with him. With a soft grunt, dust flew up from where he landed and he walked towards the back of the storm cellar. Laying her down on the couch that was already inside he covered her with a blanket, laid her weapons near her. He also placed water and rations of food next to her. "Stay alive for me, while I'm gone." He places a soft kiss on her forehead before he exited the storm cellar, once out of the storm cellar he quickly shut the door and put some logs over top of it so nothing could get in or out easily before he grabbed his own weapons and started down the road towards town. Greyson somehow managed to get about a mile in front of the horde, already have gone past the house and storm cellar that he had left Mavis in. He prayed that she was still alive as he ran, he wanted to turn back so many times but he knew that would just be a suicide mission. There were too many zombies on his tail and he had not stopped running since he left the house. Even with how tired he was he knew he had to keep going because not only was Mavis sick but if he died she would never get out of that storm cellar.
Luckily the town had become a more clear view as he ran and up ahead he saw some actual people ahead. "HEY, I WOULD GET YOUR ASSES MOVING! THESE FUCKERS ARE FASTER THEN THEY LOOK!" Greyson shouted through his panting, waving his right arm above his head while his gun hit his chest and Mavis's bone bat was in his left hand. Upon recognizing one of the few people he ran across he sped up a bit more than before. "You, you're the lady from a few days ago. The one Mav and I ran into in the Hardware store right?" He questioned looking directly at Sasha. His blue eyes darted between the others that were around, two seemed to be staying in the car and the other one looked to be with Sasha.
Sasha Kingsley
Sasha had walked behind Bob, watching as he moved the bike around. It didn't take maybe a full minute before she would have heard the sound of a car and turned around. "SHIT, SHIT, SHIT" She said, as she jumped out of the way, her shoulder hitting the ground as she rolled. Bob had already been sitting on the bike, but the hit hadn't been very hard. When she moved to stand back up again, brushing dirt off her arms she looked over at the herds that kept coming relentlessly on. Moving quickly, Sasha was at the driver side door and yanking it open. "What the fucks wron... Wait, I know you. Or I've seen you. Don't matter. We gotta go, get back to the campus. Bob, the car?" She asked, three words said over her shoulder. That's when she heard the yelling coming from the other way, back towards the herds. Some dude yelling, waving his arms. She couldnt hear what he was saying, he was to far away, but she didn't waste much time. She shoved into the car, taking the wheel from the peeking woman and gestured at Bob to get it. "Let's get that idiot man and get the hell outta dodge," she said sharply.
Entry to the house on the outskirts of Clarey had been eerily convenient. No forced entry needed. Front door ajar. No visible damage on the outside. Leaves plenty for one’s imagination to kind of assume what could’ve occurred to have the residents leave the front door accessible at a time like this. While a picture couldn’t be painted of what occurred from the outside, the inside is still unchecked before Mavis and Greyson can shack up.
Upon entering through the front they walk into the living room. Blue carpet three feet into the residence before the rest is hardwood flooring, bright cedar in color. The walls a basic eggshell white, holding pictures of family members and intriguing nautical paintings from boats to the sea. The roof was high but not too high, and from where they stood in the front no real indication of an upstairs. The residence seemed secure, it further exploration may be needed to confirm.
At some point, Oliver had met up with Greyson while carrying Mavis on his back as she rested. But soon Oliver had disappeared once again, leaving Greyson and Mavis together. Neither one was really sure where he went, nor did they really care at the moment. Well, Greyson did not care. Mavis on the other hand was a bit worried about their friend. The house that they had happened to stumble upon was not much, it was on the outskirts of Clarey. It was lined with blue carpet three feet into the residence before the rest is hardwood flooring. "Get your weapons ready," Mavis informed Greyson in a quiet whispered tone. Greyson mutely nodded taking out a hunter's knife while Mavis took out her slingshot and readying it with a gear she found from some sort of machine. The place only seemed emptied, showing no signs of life yet that sometimes is not the case for these types of places. The door was wide open when they arrived. Mavis shut the door behind them as they stepped through the door. After checking the house for stumblers, Greyson put heavy things such as the couch or bookshelf in front of the front. Closed the blinds, before making his way into the kitchen where Mavis should have been but when he entered the back entrance was open. "Shit," Greyson muttered to himself, raising the knife just in case they missed a stumbler that was hidden outside but when he stepped out into the backyard that seemed to be fenced off with a decent wooden picket fence he became confused. Nothing was out back and Mavis was nowhere to be found inside the house. Fear and panic took over and Greyson rushed back inside searching every room for Mavis but when he could not find her, he found himself standing outside once again. That is when he noticed the ladder leading to the roof. His blue orbs darted up to the roof where Mavis had a small smirk playing on her dark tan features. "Damn it Mav!" He almost shouted at her. "Get your ass down from there, your in no shape to be climbing,"
Greyson started to climb the ladder but Mavis shook her head, waving him off. "Don't be silly, Grey. I'm perfectly fine. I'm not injured and I slept the majority of the time when Oliver carried me." She told him as she made her way down the ladder, "Catch!" She shouted when she was halfway down. Jumping back and off the ladder. Greyson freaked out but caught her in his arms, his face was turned up in anger. "What the hell was that?" He growled at her, which only made her chuckle and pat his chest, motioning for him to put her down but he kept her in his arms as he brought her back inside. Shutting the door with his right foot behind them. "It was a crazy trust fall, what else?" She questioned squirming out of his arms. "Honestly, you'd think I had been kid-napped with how you are reacting. Lighten up a bit, it was Oliver who found me, not some random old guy who broke out of jail." She told him with a shrug of her shoulder making her way to the one-bedroom in the entire house. "Anyways, I'm tired. I'm going to bed. Join me if you like." She told him as she entered the bedroom, closing the door behind her. Greyson sighed and shook his head at the small female who decided that she was going to be careless today. Even after Greyson had found her, she was with Oliver of all people.
That was not someone Greyson trusted, especially not with Mavis. He was always staring at her like a hungry dog and Greyson did not like that one bit. Greyson had to warn Oliver a couple of times before the apocalypse when the team had first met Mavis that she was off-limits and none of them were to touch her but of course there is always that one that does not listen. That one that did not listen was none other than, Oliver. He had always seemed to show up out of nowhere and by Mavis, and way too close for Greyson's tastes. "She's going to be the death of me," Greyson muttered to himself as he leaned against the door to the room and slid down it. Sitting on the ground in front of the room with his gun in his hand.
Sasha Kingsley
Raising one hand, she gestured towards the south, the road leading out of town. She didn’t expect him to actually answer, but knew he was watching and would still follow her. Minutes passed as they made their way past the hospital, neither making much noise with their movements, even with as quick as they moved. Fairly soon, the two jogged and passed cars and trucks left behind as people had gotten out and ran one way or another. Five minutes turned into ten, and ten moved quickly into twenty minutes. There, only a couple of miles outside the town limit, the two would be able to hear something neither wanted to.
The thud of hundreds of feet slapping the ground in the same slow, shambling motion. As they got closer, they stopped more than a bit stunned. Sashas eyes widened, disbelieve crossing her face as she stood beside Bob, watching the decaying, dripping broken bodies of what once used to be human slowly move towards her home. Her family. Her fingers tightened on the hilt of one of the hunting knives Bob had given her, even as the muscles in her shoulders tightened and she clenched her jaw. Her eyes seemed to get brighter, if that was possible before she spoke softly to Bob, her voice barely audible “What the hell do we do now… That is too many for us to fight. Void was right. We have to get back.. We can’t stay here. Maybe one of these cars will work..

Sasha slipped the phone out of her pocket as the soft thunder grew closer. A few quick taps and she brought up Grace's name and sent a few words, It's true. Stay inside, stay silent. I'll be back Another couple of taps brought up the next name she needed, Les, idk where you are but stay quiet. Shit tons of those things. If your at campus, stay hidden. When I'm back, I'll come find you. Watch your 6 both text sent before she slipped the phone back into her pocket, her face lifting, eyes refocusing on what was in front of the couple.
Robert Freelen
Bob felt the vibrations in the ground and heard the silent shamble of the hordes moving down the highway. It seemed odd to his trained eyes, as he tilted his head silently. They'd arrived there a few moments before, and he looked at her when she spoke to him. Taking a moment to look back behind them, he spied a motorcycle. "That would be our fastest bet. Nimble enough to dodge the haphazard cars, small target so they can't focus on it, and faster than most of these cars." Having driven a motorcycle for a good while, he knew exactly how to hotwire one, and crouch-ran over to it. He didn't know if she followed, but he knelt down and reached into the wiring area and pulled a few wires down. He then took his axe blade and split a couple, before striking them together and starting the bike. He motioned for her to hop on, as he got on and kept the rev at a steady hum to keep the engine going.
Vera Sokolov
“Vera Sokolov?.....Vera Sokolov?” the gentle voice of the nurse would call out in the sterile looking waiting room. The young woman would quietly raise her hand with a bit of embarrassment, while her other hand kept a cloth firmly pressed to her head. With the nurse beckoning her forward, Vera would stand from her seat to follow. Her rather small stature seemed to catch a few glances as she moved through the halls, and as she got past the main area, a few patients seemed to do a double take at her. Vera didn’t pay too much mind to the staring, it was normal. Being ushered into the second half of a smaller room split by a curtain, Vera would notice a gentleman about her age stealing a quick glance at her as she passed by. “A doctor will be with you in a little while” the nurse assured her before making her way back down the hall to one of her many other patients. Vera’s blue hues would wander around the dull room, it was really no wonder why people found hospitals so unsettling. The colors were terrible, and the lighting made you feel like you were being interrogated for whatever thing might have brought you there in the first place. Pushing her blonde hair behind her ear, she would grab one of the many pamphlets that were a further eyesore to the room. Vera’s head would turn, and her eyes would be wide as she heard the metal of the curtain slide, opening up the room fully. “Some light reading huh?” a males voice spoke out. The woman’s concern quickly melted into a smile as she realized it was just the man sharing the room with her.
Taking a quick scan of him, the male looked rather rough around the edges, though his cheeks here pleasantly rosey. With one hand still keeping pressure on her forehead, she let out a soft laugh under her breath and held up the pamphlet towards him. “Addiction and You…….” she read in a mocking tone, walking up to the males bedside and handing it to him. “I’m not sure how a monotone colored piece of paper would bring anyone solace….but then, what do I know?” Her smile was warm, showing off a light dimple hidden in her cheek, and her eyes were piercing blue as she met the males gaze. “Vera….” she held her hand out. Vera was like a magnet to strangers. Anywhere she went, she seemed to be able to pick up a conversation like she had known someone for years. “Spike…” the male replied in a rather chipper tone, taking her small hand in his own. Finally taking a moment to look over his form, Vera’s brows would raise slightly, a rather impressed smirk on her face towards the state of his leg. “Bit of light dancing?” she teased lightly, earning a chuckle out of the man who was likely very sore at the moment. “I could say the same to you” Spike said between his laugh, pointing to her head. She clicked her tongue playfully, rolling her eyes. “You know, it was a kick-ball change, and I decided to spin instead,” she joked.
Their laughter would only fall silent as another set of heels came clicking into the room. With a less than amused smile, a raven haired woman with the same distracting blue eyes as Vera joined them, leaving Spike to look between the two of them for a moment. Vera gave a bit of a cheeky smile towards the woman who she knew to be her sister Inna. Inna would hold her arm out, as if asking her sister to return to her own side of the room, and as Vera took a seat on the examination table, Inna would redraw the curtain. “Woah, how about dinner first Doctor” Vera would tease, trying to make her twin smile. At least Spike seemed to enjoy the joke as she could hear him trying to hush a chuckle. Inna on the other hand didn’t look very amused. “Why are you here?” she asked, putting her paperwork on the end of the examination table. “I just wanted to see you hard at work” Vera teased, reaching out to tickle her sister’s stomach. Inna took a few steps back to avoid those annoying little fingers. “Stop it”. Inna would push her sister's hand away lightly, looking out the door to see if any of her coworkers were looking. Vera would laugh lightly, giving her sister a loving smile before leaving her alone. “Alright, alright. I hit my head. It’s nothing horrifying, but I might need a couple stitches”. She laughed under her breath at her sister's irritation. Inna would come to Vera’s side, carefully taking over the pressure on the cloth. Peeling it back slowly her brows would raise slightly, though her eyes didn’t drift from the wound. “ It’s nothing, my ass…” she mocked her sister slightly.
“Seriously Vera, what did you do?” she would ask again, recovering the wound so she could take a moment to rummage around in the drawers and cabinets for supplies. “Well you know me” Vera shrugged with a little laugh. “The blonde one….”. Such things were always a running joke between the twins who seemed to only be separated by the color of their hair. Inna would return to her patient, getting Vera to hold the cloth just below the wound so she could flush it. Vera would hiss lightly between her teeth with the sensation. Once cleaned, Inna would prep for stitches by lightly numbing the area and easily got to work patching her sister up. As much as she loved to bug her sister, Vera was gazing up at her sister in awe as she worked away. “You’re lucky it’s me you know…..” Inna’s concentrated look would slowly melt into a childish smirk. “Stitches are my talent…” she bragged, earning her a giggle from Vera. It wouldn’t take very long for Inna to stitch her sister up and get it covered. “Good as new,” Inna smiled, removing her gloves and writing down what she needed to in her file. “You owe me lunch” she smirked, writing down her lunch order on her prescription pad before tearing it off and handing it to Vera. “Doctors Orders” Inna chuckled. Vera’s own toothy grin would come through, biting her cheek playfully as she hopped off the table. “See you in a bit Doctor Sokolov” Vera teased, taking Inna’s order in hand, and giving a little wave to Spike as she left the room.
It would be another half hour before Inna was able to join Vera for lunch. When she came to visit, they often liked to pick up lunch and eat in the garden area of the hospital. It wasn’t a full garden, but it was a well lit area with glass ceilings and some greenery to give their more long term patience a sense of freedom. Spotting Vera making conversation with an elderly woman, she would pick a spot for them to sit and wave her over. As Vera joined her, her smile widened while her gaze followed her twins motion to sit. “You really can make friends with anyone hmm?” she raised an amused brow, reaching into her lab coat to pull out the addictions pamphlet with writing now sprawled over it. Vera would take the dull paper and giggle as she saw Spike's name and number scribbled on it. “I guess you left a good impression” Inna teased her, reaching into the bag of goodies her sister brought. The girls would only get about 20 minutes into their lunch before Inna’s pager went off. Licking her finger clean of some Mayo that had come out of her sandwich, Inna would lean back so she was able to tilt the pager back enough to read. Humming slightly, she chewed vigorously to finished her mouthful before handing the rest of her sandwich to her sister. “Trauma incoming” Inna spoke before quickly standing up and placing a kiss on her sisters forehead - away from the wound. “Gotta run….” she spoke before sprinting away. “Thank you!” she let echo behind her, in hopes Vera would catch the message. “Go save lives!” Vera would yell back to her with a smile before settling back down to finish off the lunch.
~2 Months into the Virus - Manhattan, New York~
“Hey...look at that” Inna would call to Vera as she took half a step back to look out the window of one of the many apartments they had been working through to clear that day. As Vera stepped to her sister's side, the pair would take a moment to admire the break in the clouds where the sun dared to finally scream through. It had been a miserable couple weeks of terribly stormy weather, and the twins had been begging for things to ease up for a while so the streets would dry up. It wasn’t exactly easy to travel around and get stuff when the streets were constantly flooding. The girls were lucky to find refuge in part of this apartment complex. While it wasn’t all safe from the dead, the area seemed to be low activity enough that Inna and Vera had spent time clearing numerous apartments over those couple weeks. It wasn’t a lot, but the more space they took back from the dead, the more it was starting to feel like a home they could bunker down in for a while. “You think it will stay nice?” Vera huffed with exhaust, her blue hues sticking out from her dirt covered complexion, towards her sister. “Well it’s still pretty early in the day, but it would be nice…..Dinner on the roof if it’s nice?” Inna smiled sheepishly at her sister. Vera’s face would light up, which always warmed Inna’s heart. “Doctors Orders?” Vera joked. “Doctors Orders” Inna playfully agreed, both girls giggling before they got back to their task at hand.
By the time early evening had rolled around, the day had really proved to be a scorcher. Both girls had stripped down to just their tanks and jeans, taking a few minutes to lay on the floor and bathe in the sun that came through the window. As nice as rain could be, it had really hit the point of feeling like they were always soaked and cold. Eventually the girls would make their way to the roof to enjoy a nice evening. As they pushed open the roof exit, both seemed to gasp in the fresh air while humming happily about the sun. Their evening would be spent enjoying the meal they had rationed for that day, and sharing old memories while they watched the sun slowly set in the reflection of the giant puddles collected on the roof. A bit of silence would fall between them for a few minutes as they enjoyed the last of the days warmth, but Vera would be the one to eventually break it once more. “Hey… you remember that day I came to the hospital with my head?........I lied you know…..It wasn’t a blonde moment, it was Michael…..He threw one of my camera lenses at me..and not playfully” Vera spoke softly, struggling to meet her sisters gaze for a moment. Inna’s head whipped in the direction of her sister, her brows furrowed slightly. (C)
“Your boyfriend?.......why didn’t you tell me Vera?” she spoke with concern in her voice. “Because it wasn’t going to be a problem anymore. Once was enough, so I ended it there…….besides, that life seems far away now, what does it matter?...I just wanted to tell you”. Again both girls would fall silent. Normally Inna might have kicked up more of a fuss, but her sister was right. The past felt lightyears away now, what did it matter. Her brain would muddle over what she had just been told for a minute, before she thought of something that Ironically made her smile. “And I made you buy me lunch that day…….Wow, what a jackass of a sister…” she managed to laugh. The thought also seemed to grab Vera’s attention as she joined her sisters laugh. Standing up, Vera would take Inna’s hand so they could walk along the rooftop. “Look how beautiful these reflections are. They are so captivating, I wish I had a camera” Vera beamed happily. Typical Vera, making the best of the shitty state of the world - but it made Inna smile. “Sorry about your camera” Inna would mumble. Originally her sister had been trying to keep a document of the events that had gone down, but like many of their items, the camera was now a relic of the past. “Bah it happens..” Vera would shrug it off, her steps gentle as she walked into the middle of one of the large puddles. Letting it settle around her, Vera would smile to Inna, and Inna had to admit that it looked like her sister was standing on the sky. A beautiful moment that would quickly turn sour as both girls heard a rather large crack. From there it was like slow motion as Inna watched the way Vera’s eyes widened towards her, as her body started to slowly drop backwards.
The once stunning reflection in the puddle was now ruined with aggressive waves of agitation, and Inna tried to dive for her sister. “Vera!” Inna cried out, though the sound was nearly lost beneath the crumbling roof. Inna would only catch her sister for a couple seconds before the pooled up water drenched them both, causing her to lose her grip and cough as she took water in. “Vera!” she screamed, her vision blurred by the muddy water she couldn’t afford to wipe off. She would shake her head violently trying to get the water out of her ears, her arm still outstretched for her sister. As her vision came to, and her ears would drain down her neck - the low groans would fill her with dread. As her vision focused in, she would gasp, and quickly push herself backwards. A room full of the dead, and the noise had only attracted them toward the hole that was now in the roof. Inna couldn’t hear any screaming, or struggles of pain - but her own body was on fire, and she knew. Scooting further away from the hole, she covered her mouth to mask her whimpers. She couldn’t bear to look back down, and curled up tightly on her side with one ear pressed to the ground while her free hand covered the other ear. Her skin was crawling like she could feel every last thing that had happened to Vera, and the coldness that followed was just as unbearable. Tears streamed down her face violently, almost enough to make a small puddle of her own as she stayed there for hours unable to move.
~Present Day - 4 Months(?) into the Virus - Location: Unclear ( 5 hours from Clarey Town)~
Inna was careful, and slow to keep the hissing sounds to a minimum as she emptied the remainder of a stray paint can into a bag she had found. Holding it tight, she didn’t allow any bit of that air in the bag escape as she quietly set the empty can down. Finding her own quiet corner in the little shopping mall she had been exploring, Inna brought the opening of the bag over her nose and mouth. Releasing her tight grip of it, she treated the bag like an inhaler, allowing her lungs and sinuses to fill with chemicals. Holding it in for a moment, Inna would ball her other hand into a fist. Honestly these chemical highs were the worst. It felt like starting a fire inside your body for such little pay off - but beggars couldn’t be choosers. Not anymore. Just enough to keep her on her toes while she found what she was looking for, she tried to convince herself as she only let her lungs have more chemicals when they were pleading for fresh air. By the time she was choking, and gasping into the bag, Inna knew she was almost there. Sitting through this pain was always the worst part, but soon it would slide into bliss. Inna did her best to keep her face in the bag as a weight seemed to lift off her head. With a final gasp of satisfaction, she felt it hit her head. Her knees buckled slightly, but she put her hand against the wall to keep herself up. Her other hand would let the bag of paint drop to the ground, and she would hang her head and let it spin for a moment as she collected herself. Tapping her fingers on the wall a couple times, she would roll her shoulders and enjoy how fresh the air filled with the dead was compared to the chemicals her face was shoved in. “Ok….” Inna would say quietly to herself before making careful steps towards her next destination.
Eventually the woman's steps would straighten out, and she was able to move around the shopping center with a little more grace. Moving slowly, Inna was able to take a chance to find a bit of a snack which she downed easily. Though she would tell you she didn’t need much to feel full, the state of her body would say otherwise. Not that many could tell underneath her layered tank and leather jacket. This shopping center was familiar to Inna, as she had visited a few times with her sister in the past during road trips. Careful not to alert the dead, she made her way towards one little store that was almost like a basic supplies type of store. They sold some beauty / household items, and there was a pharmacy hidden away at the back. She gave a silent sigh of relief to see it was empty, and was rather impressed with how full some of the shelves looked…..especially with the manic everyone had gone into early on. Then again, these small towns were nothing like New York. She was slow with each movement, but made her way down the beauty aisle. Wiping down one of the dirt covered mirrors, she huffed lightly as she caught a glimpse of her paint covered mouth and nose.
“Jesus Christ” she whispered to herself, her eyes darting around for a moment until she managed to spot an unopened bottle of makeup remover. Popping it open, she dumped a pool of liquid into her hand and splashed over her mouth and nose. Doing this a few times, she would remove all traces of the paint and didn’t bother to keep the rest of the bottle on her person. Turning back to the make up rack, her eyes would search desperately for that dark pencil that oddly brought her a bit of sanity. Today was her lucky day, and she again sighed with relief as there was a nice untouched rack of black eyeliner. The shelf life of things was starting to get dicey, but she could care less. Everything would expire eventually. Shoving a few into the pockets of her jacket, she would keep one out so she could immediately turn back to the shitty little mirror and put it on. Pulling her eyes in every which direction, it wasn’t long before those beautiful blue hues were in-cased by a dark prison, which only seemed to make her gaze more piercing and stunning. “Stop looking at me…..” she seemed to mutter towards the mirror before shoving that liner in her pocket as well. Using the mirror a last time to adjust her coat, Inna rolled her shoulders and straightened out her posture. This was feeling better. Things were in place now, and she was put together. Wandering towards the back, Inna was pleased to find the pharmacy door had already been opened. It was a bad sign for what she was hoping to find, but a good sign that she didn’t have alarms to worry about. Pulling out her multi-tool, she flicked the knife out and wandered in with caution.
Thankfully it was small, and didn’t take her long to confirm the place was empty besides herself. Inna would spend a good ten minutes scouring the shelves for any hint of what she needed. She ran her hand along every shelf and drawer, just to be sure she hadn’t missed even the smallest spec. Finding nothing, she made a desperate attempt to dive under the pharmacists desk and rummage through the garbage can, only to be left on her knees for a few moments in disappointment. What she really wanted to do was yell, and throw a fit - but even she knew that was a stupid idea. Taking a few deep breaths, she looked around with tears that threatened to fall from her eyes. What was her next plan? She was good at being quick on her feet, and now was one of those moments. Taking a deep breath, she settled herself and took another look around the room, this time focusing on the walls. Medical places always hung important things on the wall. She scrambled to her feet when she caught sight of the pill disposal box. It wasn’t very big, but with it so poorly marked, who would think to check. With the knife of her multi-tool, Inna would carefully work to pry it open. She was rewarded for her efforts as the box popped open, and she scrambled to get her hand close enough to catch them all, though she missed a bottle that dropped to the ground.
In her own hand she managed to catch 10 pills, and after turning them over a few times, decided they were oxycodone. Unzipping her Jacket, Inna would skillfully shove each pill one by one into the bottom lining seam of her coat. She had learned a long time ago that carrying around bottles or pockets filled with pills always lead to a guaranteed loss of them from some other asshole. Zipping her coat back up, she would drop back down to her knees and feel around in the dark for the bottle she had dropped. It took her a moment, but she managed to grasp it. Turning the prescription bottle around, she squinted in an attempt to read the label. “Vicodin for…...Liam……..thanks Liam” she whispered to herself, popping the bottle open and dumping the 5 pills into her hand. Immediately she threw 2 into her mouth and swallowed them like they were nothing. Keeping the other 3 clutched tightly in her hand, Inna made her way out of the shopping centre. She found what she came for, and didn’t have plans to carry more than that. Though she did swipe a hefty golfclub on her way out.
When she finally made her way back out to the main street, she was rather impressed with how quiet things seemed to be. Naturally there were still some wanderers, but nothing like the big cities. Enjoying the fresh air, she popped 2 more pills in her mouth, though this time chewed them like they were hard candy. Such things were nowhere near as satisfying as real candy. Real candy greeted you with a sweetness, this candy only lured you with sweet whispers but greeted you with a bitter taste. Inna cleared her throat slightly and swished the broken shards around her mouth a bit before swallowing them. Awful, absolutely awful tasting, yet bliss was around the corner. Swinging her golf club lightly in her other hand, the woman would enjoy a bit of a stroll for a while. It wasn’t often that main streets were quiet. Between this and her good find, it was shaping up to be a rather lucky day.
Eventually she would find herself a little bench, and taking a seat, she popped the last of the vicodin in her mouth and slowly chewed it as she went down her personal little checklist. Reaching into her top, she pulled a sharpie out of her bra and bit off the cap - holding it in her mouth. Unzipping her jacket again, she slid it off her left arm - revealing a limb that was both too small, and covered in writing. Turning her left wrist over, she immediately wrote over the name ‘VERA’ on her wrist. Clearly it had been written again and again as it seemed to be getting harder and harder to read. Along the rest of her arm seemed to be variously aged notes that made little to no sense.
Looking up at the sky, Inna swallowed the chewed up pill and then wrote down ‘11:00’ on her arm. She had no idea of what time it really was, but it was the time she decided it was right now so that she could keep rough track. Putting the lid back on the sharpie, she shoved it back into her bra and slid her arm back into her jacket. Zipping the jacket back up, she held her head in her hands for a moment as her brain went a thousand miles a minute. “10…...10…...10….10” she mumbled to herself. After the vicodin she would be good for a while, and if she could space it right, move quickly, and get lucky - she could have 10 days to find something else…...5 days if she couldn’t handle that ration. Allowing herself to lay down on the bench, it didn’t take much longer for everything to rush to her head as her worries seemed to melt. She had hardly slept the past few days, and inconveniently she had never felt more comfortable than she was right now. Laying back, and holding the Golf club close to her body, she would stare up at the sky for a few moments. 10…..10…...10...her brain kept repeating to her. Brining one arm up to shield her eyes from the sun, Inna could feel her body beginning to count backwards from ten, except every number was 10…..10…...10…..10……..
Inna’s body would shoot violently to a wake a couple hours later as there was a loud crunch, paired with a very very loud alarm in her ear. Feeling like her heart had just restarted, she sat up and took a quick look around herself. Why was she still here, how on earth had she not been dead out in the open like that. Had she really come off as that sedate to the dead? She didn’t ponder on it too long before the alarms were reminding her of the current problem. Her vision was a bit blurred by having just woken, but it looked like someone had pushed a dead body onto the vehicle right beside her. “What the fuck?” she said maybe a bit louder than intended as she tried to look up at the source that had done it, though she didn’t see anyone. Inna’s poor face was streaked red with a harsh sunburn, but it only seemed to be the parts where her arm hadn't been laying over her face. Her head was throbbing with the sudden rush to her heart, but she quickly got to her feet with the golf club in hand. Whoever had done this likely meant it as a distraction without knowing she was there, but now the vehicle beside her was a main attraction.
Biting down on her cheek, Inna slowly put distance between her and the car. Normally she might have gone running, but her best move was to not draw attention away from the car. This would also give her time to look at other cars as she passed them by while crossing sides of the street. This alarm was bound to go off for a while, so it was probably in her best interest to leave town. Her ocean like hues darted around as she tried to take in everything. The wrong move now could easily mean death. Sliding up the the passenger’s side of a nearby car, Inna carefully pulled on the handle as her eyes stayed locked on the blaring car just a bit up the street opposite her side. She hid a sound of disappointment as the door rejected her, and letting her vision dart inside the window for a second, she confirmed it was locked. Sideling her way around the front of the vehicle the woman was silently praying her luck was to come in threes today. Inna’s back would stay to the drivers door, her hand reaching behind her so she could pull the handle with bated breath.
All tension in her chest rushed outwards as she heard the familiar click of an opening door. Her motions were slow getting into the vehicle, and she only closed the door enough to feel safe. No way in hell was she slamming it until she was ready to go, if she could get it to go. Taking a moment to look over at the slow gathering towards the other car, Inna sank in her seat a bit to stay low while catching her breath. Interestingly Inna still found this to be a surprisingly low number for the noise she had made, though that being said - it was still plenty to manage on your own. Feeling her hands beneath the steering wheel, she sighed quietly as she didn’t feel any dangling keys. Pursing her lips in thought for a moment, she peeled her eyes away long enough to look around the car a bit. Sadly she hadn’t exactly had time to learn hotwiring, so her success was relying that people kept spare keys in their car. Reaching up to both visors, she would pull them down. A receipt falling out of the one above her would catch her already racing heart off guard, but on the whole there was nothing useful. Reaching into the middle console, she hardly had to dig around, and it was packed with CD’s. “Fuck” she muttered under her breath, taking a moment to calm herself and think clearly.
If she were going to keep spare keys, where would they be?.....Her eyes would light up as her right hand reached for the glovebox. Pulling stuff out and letting it fall to the floor, Inna would dig until she found the little pouch that held the vehicle's manual. Bringing it closer, her fingers scrambled into each thin plastic sleeve to search in desperation. Accidentally flinging a key outwards, the woman dropped the pouch so she could fumble the key between shaking hands, silently cheering herself on as she caught it. True to her lucky day, the engine started without a single stutter. The tank was even a little more than halfway full, but she didn’t waste time celebrating. Using her left hand to take hold of her own door, she would tug it inwards tightly as she sped off in the car. Only when she was out on the open road safely did she stop for a quick moment to close her door properly
The drive was mostly a silent one for Inna. The roads were pretty quiet, and not as congested as things she saw back home - thankfully. Her head was throbbing with pain as she was coming down from such a burst of adrenaline, and being dehydrated. Part of her wanted to rest, and yet another part of her was standing on edge. It wouldn’t be until a few hours out of her escape that Inna started to notice things changing again. The number of cars left on the road were starting to stack back up in numbers, and the onset of evening was soon going to make it difficult to see much of anything on roads like these. Clearly she wouldn’t be able to drive all night, so her foot slammed down on the gas with the effort to be off the roads by the time it was fully dark. Inna would only get about another hour out before she forcibly had to start slowing the car. Things were getting rather tight and hard to make out on the road, and she considered that maybe driving off to the side for a while would help.
Pondering that thought, she would bring the car to a full stop for a moment. Her tired, but alert eyes scanned around her. She couldn’t see much besides nearby cars and endless roads. However as fast as she turned on the vehicle's headlights, she threw them back off with wide eyes as she sunk down far into the seat. Her mind reeled as she tried to process if what she had just seen was real. A wall….a wall of people waddling along together. A pack that felt a little more like what she had known back home. Peeking back up over the wheel to see if she had gotten away with the flashing lights, Inna slowly pulled the car off the side of the road. Using a very slow roll, she only stayed high enough in her seat to steal a peek at what she was passing. Her mouth fell slightly agape as she was passing row upon row of those horrific creatures, though she was forced to quit staring as a small gathering of them broke off from the main group and started heading towards the car. Without hesitation, Inna slammed on the gas and sped off through the ditches. This was bad. She cursed at herself for not turning the car around, wherever she was heading was more than fucked.
It took Inna a couple minutes to out run what looked like the majority of the crowd. It took a couple miles to pass them fully, but looking into the rear view she was able to see that she was at least ahead of the herd, and promptly she diverted the car back onto the road. Her eyes looked forward just in time as she caught the last glimpse of a shadow standing from a bike. Slamming the breaks, the tires squealed in agony. While she possibly managed to avoid the person, the car slammed into the bike’s back tire and forced Inna to a full stop. “Fuck!” Inna slammed both hands on the steering wheel. Her eyes darted between the rearview mirror and the hood of the car, unsure which circumstance she should currently fear more. Eventually she settled on whatever she had just hit, though she peeked carefully over the steering wheel to see if anything would happen. If no commotion came of this, maybe she would just keep going.
Greyson woke up from his little nap, his back was still leaning against the door to the bedroom but for some reason, he felt as if something was off. All the noise of the birds had quieted down outside and there was this soft rumbling sound as if there was a stampede of cows coming their way. Getting up he walked to the front door and out onto the porch only to stop in his tracks, his eyes going wide. "Shit," He muttered to himself softly as he high tailed it back inside the little house. A horde of zombies was less than a few miles away and Greyson needed to get himself and Mavis out of here. Running would be their best option since they were fast but there was also the fact that this horde was moving awfully fast. "Mavis, get your ass up now! We have to get our asses out of here now!" Greyson shouted busting through the door to the bedroom but when he stepped in, Mavis was laying on the bed still unconscious. Which was weird, she was a light sleeper. "Mavis?" Greyson ran over to her side, she looked sick. She was sweating and her hair was a mess and glued to her face from the sweat. Greyson put his hand to her forehead a worried look crossing his face as he looked around. He needed to get her out of here and she needed to get her some medication but they were too far out of town and he could not possibly run with her on his back. It would only make her situation worse, so should they wait it out. "Damn it Mav," He grumbled as he hoisted her up over his large shoulder, her small frame dangling almost lifelessly. Why was it that he did not notice that she was getting sick, was he really that careless and did not pay much attention? He inwardly scolded himself for not keeping a closer eye on Mavis, especially since she had been there since the beginning and one of the main reasons why he was still alive.
Only to go out back to where he had seen a storm cellar at. "I'm sorry, Mav." He whispered opening up the storm cellar as he dropped in with her with him. With a soft grunt, dust flew up from where he landed and he walked towards the back of the storm cellar. Laying her down on the couch that was already inside he covered her with a blanket, laid her weapons near her. He also placed water and rations of food next to her. "Stay alive for me, while I'm gone." He places a soft kiss on her forehead before he exited the storm cellar, once out of the storm cellar he quickly shut the door and put some logs over top of it so nothing could get in or out easily before he grabbed his own weapons and started down the road towards town. Greyson somehow managed to get about a mile in front of the horde, already have gone past the house and storm cellar that he had left Mavis in. He prayed that she was still alive as he ran, he wanted to turn back so many times but he knew that would just be a suicide mission. There were too many zombies on his tail and he had not stopped running since he left the house. Even with how tired he was he knew he had to keep going because not only was Mavis sick but if he died she would never get out of that storm cellar.
Luckily the town had become a more clear view as he ran and up ahead he saw some actual people ahead. "HEY, I WOULD GET YOUR ASSES MOVING! THESE FUCKERS ARE FASTER THEN THEY LOOK!" Greyson shouted through his panting, waving his right arm above his head while his gun hit his chest and Mavis's bone bat was in his left hand. Upon recognizing one of the few people he ran across he sped up a bit more than before. "You, you're the lady from a few days ago. The one Mav and I ran into in the Hardware store right?" He questioned looking directly at Sasha. His blue eyes darted between the others that were around, two seemed to be staying in the car and the other one looked to be with Sasha.
Sasha Kingsley
Sasha had walked behind Bob, watching as he moved the bike around. It didn't take maybe a full minute before she would have heard the sound of a car and turned around. "SHIT, SHIT, SHIT" She said, as she jumped out of the way, her shoulder hitting the ground as she rolled. Bob had already been sitting on the bike, but the hit hadn't been very hard. When she moved to stand back up again, brushing dirt off her arms she looked over at the herds that kept coming relentlessly on. Moving quickly, Sasha was at the driver side door and yanking it open. "What the fucks wron... Wait, I know you. Or I've seen you. Don't matter. We gotta go, get back to the campus. Bob, the car?" She asked, three words said over her shoulder. That's when she heard the yelling coming from the other way, back towards the herds. Some dude yelling, waving his arms. She couldnt hear what he was saying, he was to far away, but she didn't waste much time. She shoved into the car, taking the wheel from the peeking woman and gestured at Bob to get it. "Let's get that idiot man and get the hell outta dodge," she said sharply.
Robert Freelen
Hearing the screeching breaks and seeing Sasha's reaction, he knew something bad was about to happen. Time seemed to almost slow down a touch as he felt the bike get hit, and he simply went with the momentum of the hit. Even though it wasn't very hard, it did fling him off the bike, at which point he rolled when he hit the ground, coming up with one hand on the ground and his other on his throwing axe. He was about to have it out with whoever was in the car, when Sasha got to them first. Grumbling a bit, he looked back and saw the people running towards them. He shook his head at the shouting and antics, debating on leaving them behind, before he caught a look from Sasha. He didn't say a word, just stood up and brushed himself off a bit, before pointing directly at the person running at them. "QUIET!" was the only word he finally uttered, before looking to the car. Giving Sasha a look that spoke volumes about his annoyance at having to play hero, he started walking calmly towards the person running up at them. "They're faster because they sense food, and they sense food because there's an idiot flailing their arms and shouting out loud. You may as well paint a target on your back. So if you don't shut up and stop making a spectacle, I'll hamstring you and let them have their meal while we leave. That clear?" He didn't wait for an answer, before pointing towards the car. "Get in."
Greyson glared at the man, contemplating whether he rather run or be stuck in a car with him till they got to town. He would have said some snarky shit back to the male but he decided not to, remembering that he had to survive and get back to Mavis with some medicine. If he fought right now, Mavis is as good as dead since Greyson had shoved logs on top of the bunker door so nothing that isn't human could get in. His grip on the spine bat that Mavis had made at the beginning of this entire outbreak tightened and he pursed his lips together in a thin line. "You think that horde is following me just because I was screaming, running, and flailing my arms?" He sounded like he wanted to laugh as he pulled off the semi-automatic sniper rifle that was strapped to his back before he climbed into the car, taking up part of the middle seat along with the other side with his large frame, resting the bat and his rifle between his legs. He honestly wanted to keep running but he knew that he could only run for another half mile before he would be completely out of energy. The fact that these few people were here when he showed up was somewhat of a miracle to him. "It wouldn't matter if there were a hundred men out there on the sides of the road trying to steer that horde away from this direction, that horde would have completely ignored them." He glared over at the man before he looked ahead of him as he crossed his arms. "They are after whatever is attracting them to the Town of Clarey." Greyson stopped a few times while running, hiding within the trees or in the fields for a few minutes and every time a stumbler walked past him, they didn't even bother to go after him. They just kept going.
So, he knew for a fact that running and shouting did shit to attract them. It also could be because Greyson was completely covered in blood from fighting these things for a few days and the stumblers could have just thought he was one of them since he literally smelled like a rotting corpse but Greyson was not going to bet on that so he kept his ass moving and ran till he found these three. Greyson's blue orbs glanced over at the women he met a few days ago at the hardware store. He only hoped that she would not ask where his partner was at. He wanted to keep Mavis being sick to himself so that they would not keep him from returning to her after snagging some medicine. But he needed to think of something about why he was not with Mavis, his eyes shifted back to the road ahead of them and he hoped that she would not ask about where the rest of the football team was as well. "Anyway, thanks for the lift." He thanked them for the lift even though he was pretty sure he saw the other female in the front actually hit something with the car before he saw the other two came into view. "Mav and I plan on coming to the campus but we got held up with a couple of things, so we never made it. Took about a day for me to find her." He told the first female (Sasha).
Vera Sokolov
Inna’s heart throbbed in her throat as everything fell to a slow for a moment. Each heavy breath was loud and rumbled deeply in her ears. Her head snapped with electricity - reminding her of the pounding headache that was bound to take over when she finally had a moment to settle. At the moment, every fiber of her being sat on edge. Her nails dug into the steering wheel as she peered over it.
The sudden cold gust of air, paired with a loud voice caused Inna to raise her hands off the wheel and stare widely at the woman. While the woman made claims of knowing her, Inna currently drew a blank as her mind rushed over a thousand thoughts at once. There seemed to be shouting in every direction, and as the woman shoved herself into the car - Inna, somewhat intimidated, squirmed and rushed her way into the passengers seat.
Maybe most people would have yelled back and started a commotion, but in all fairness she had just almost hit a person with the car and no longer had a clue where she was on these dark roads….maybe losing the control for a bit was a god send.
Admittedly she found the woman a bit scary, then again she hadn’t been around many people for some time. She felt herself press further and further into the passenger seat door while trying to mind her own business amongst the anarchy unfolding. The strict male voice that was instructing someone else to get in also made her jump slightly. Turning her face towards the window, Inna let her raven locks hide her away as everyone piled in. Everything would be easier if she just played along for now, even if she knew doom was heading straight towards whatever direction they were going.
Sasha Kingsley
Sasha shook her head at the wasted time as each person bolted into the car. At this point, her mind had wavered down to several small points. She wanted food, water and sleep. And she knew where she could get each of those things in a safe place. Without looking back again, she said to @Astrid ((Mavis/Grey)) Grey, "Where is that girl that was with you? She down?" The words came out from her lips evenly, even as she smoothly shifted the car and took off for the town, leaving the herds further behind them. "I'm heading back to campus, and taking the new girl. Grace will know what to do with her." She said, towards Bob this time, the unspoken question of him going with or bailing on the way unknown but to the two of them. Getting out of town is best, away from these damn zombies.. but I can't leave Grace. She thought to herself, as she easily slipped the car between other vehicles left sitting, the tires bumping over bodies with a squishy, moist noise.
The shambling noise from the moaning dead seemed distant now, even if only a few miles at most. However, she didn't intend to get herself or others with her dead because of a mistake. "We need to regroup. Bob, you staying or heading to your place?" She asked, as she pulled the car to a stop on an empty road and shifted to look over at him before her eyes drifted towards the blood covered man riding with them, the raised eyebrow a very clear question of What the fuck happened to you, man on her otherwise impassive face.
Greyson shifted a bit uncomfortably under the women's stare, he knew he looked like shit but he honestly did not care much for his appearance right now. "Her name is Mavis and she's still alive, that is all you need to know." He said not wanting to give up her location. Mostly because he did not trust anyone. Especially since she is sick right at this moment. "Her safety is the most important thing to me. She's safe and alive that is all you need to know." He added on, noticing how creepy he had just sounded but still repeating himself to get his point across that he did not trust them. His grey orbs darted towards the male beside him in the back before returning to the women who sat in the front seat.
Hearing the screeching breaks and seeing Sasha's reaction, he knew something bad was about to happen. Time seemed to almost slow down a touch as he felt the bike get hit, and he simply went with the momentum of the hit. Even though it wasn't very hard, it did fling him off the bike, at which point he rolled when he hit the ground, coming up with one hand on the ground and his other on his throwing axe. He was about to have it out with whoever was in the car, when Sasha got to them first. Grumbling a bit, he looked back and saw the people running towards them. He shook his head at the shouting and antics, debating on leaving them behind, before he caught a look from Sasha. He didn't say a word, just stood up and brushed himself off a bit, before pointing directly at the person running at them. "QUIET!" was the only word he finally uttered, before looking to the car. Giving Sasha a look that spoke volumes about his annoyance at having to play hero, he started walking calmly towards the person running up at them. "They're faster because they sense food, and they sense food because there's an idiot flailing their arms and shouting out loud. You may as well paint a target on your back. So if you don't shut up and stop making a spectacle, I'll hamstring you and let them have their meal while we leave. That clear?" He didn't wait for an answer, before pointing towards the car. "Get in."
Greyson glared at the man, contemplating whether he rather run or be stuck in a car with him till they got to town. He would have said some snarky shit back to the male but he decided not to, remembering that he had to survive and get back to Mavis with some medicine. If he fought right now, Mavis is as good as dead since Greyson had shoved logs on top of the bunker door so nothing that isn't human could get in. His grip on the spine bat that Mavis had made at the beginning of this entire outbreak tightened and he pursed his lips together in a thin line. "You think that horde is following me just because I was screaming, running, and flailing my arms?" He sounded like he wanted to laugh as he pulled off the semi-automatic sniper rifle that was strapped to his back before he climbed into the car, taking up part of the middle seat along with the other side with his large frame, resting the bat and his rifle between his legs. He honestly wanted to keep running but he knew that he could only run for another half mile before he would be completely out of energy. The fact that these few people were here when he showed up was somewhat of a miracle to him. "It wouldn't matter if there were a hundred men out there on the sides of the road trying to steer that horde away from this direction, that horde would have completely ignored them." He glared over at the man before he looked ahead of him as he crossed his arms. "They are after whatever is attracting them to the Town of Clarey." Greyson stopped a few times while running, hiding within the trees or in the fields for a few minutes and every time a stumbler walked past him, they didn't even bother to go after him. They just kept going.
So, he knew for a fact that running and shouting did shit to attract them. It also could be because Greyson was completely covered in blood from fighting these things for a few days and the stumblers could have just thought he was one of them since he literally smelled like a rotting corpse but Greyson was not going to bet on that so he kept his ass moving and ran till he found these three. Greyson's blue orbs glanced over at the women he met a few days ago at the hardware store. He only hoped that she would not ask where his partner was at. He wanted to keep Mavis being sick to himself so that they would not keep him from returning to her after snagging some medicine. But he needed to think of something about why he was not with Mavis, his eyes shifted back to the road ahead of them and he hoped that she would not ask about where the rest of the football team was as well. "Anyway, thanks for the lift." He thanked them for the lift even though he was pretty sure he saw the other female in the front actually hit something with the car before he saw the other two came into view. "Mav and I plan on coming to the campus but we got held up with a couple of things, so we never made it. Took about a day for me to find her." He told the first female (Sasha).
Vera Sokolov
Inna’s heart throbbed in her throat as everything fell to a slow for a moment. Each heavy breath was loud and rumbled deeply in her ears. Her head snapped with electricity - reminding her of the pounding headache that was bound to take over when she finally had a moment to settle. At the moment, every fiber of her being sat on edge. Her nails dug into the steering wheel as she peered over it.
The sudden cold gust of air, paired with a loud voice caused Inna to raise her hands off the wheel and stare widely at the woman. While the woman made claims of knowing her, Inna currently drew a blank as her mind rushed over a thousand thoughts at once. There seemed to be shouting in every direction, and as the woman shoved herself into the car - Inna, somewhat intimidated, squirmed and rushed her way into the passengers seat.
Maybe most people would have yelled back and started a commotion, but in all fairness she had just almost hit a person with the car and no longer had a clue where she was on these dark roads….maybe losing the control for a bit was a god send.
Admittedly she found the woman a bit scary, then again she hadn’t been around many people for some time. She felt herself press further and further into the passenger seat door while trying to mind her own business amongst the anarchy unfolding. The strict male voice that was instructing someone else to get in also made her jump slightly. Turning her face towards the window, Inna let her raven locks hide her away as everyone piled in. Everything would be easier if she just played along for now, even if she knew doom was heading straight towards whatever direction they were going.
Sasha Kingsley
Sasha shook her head at the wasted time as each person bolted into the car. At this point, her mind had wavered down to several small points. She wanted food, water and sleep. And she knew where she could get each of those things in a safe place. Without looking back again, she said to @Astrid ((Mavis/Grey)) Grey, "Where is that girl that was with you? She down?" The words came out from her lips evenly, even as she smoothly shifted the car and took off for the town, leaving the herds further behind them. "I'm heading back to campus, and taking the new girl. Grace will know what to do with her." She said, towards Bob this time, the unspoken question of him going with or bailing on the way unknown but to the two of them. Getting out of town is best, away from these damn zombies.. but I can't leave Grace. She thought to herself, as she easily slipped the car between other vehicles left sitting, the tires bumping over bodies with a squishy, moist noise.
The shambling noise from the moaning dead seemed distant now, even if only a few miles at most. However, she didn't intend to get herself or others with her dead because of a mistake. "We need to regroup. Bob, you staying or heading to your place?" She asked, as she pulled the car to a stop on an empty road and shifted to look over at him before her eyes drifted towards the blood covered man riding with them, the raised eyebrow a very clear question of What the fuck happened to you, man on her otherwise impassive face.
Greyson shifted a bit uncomfortably under the women's stare, he knew he looked like shit but he honestly did not care much for his appearance right now. "Her name is Mavis and she's still alive, that is all you need to know." He said not wanting to give up her location. Mostly because he did not trust anyone. Especially since she is sick right at this moment. "Her safety is the most important thing to me. She's safe and alive that is all you need to know." He added on, noticing how creepy he had just sounded but still repeating himself to get his point across that he did not trust them. His grey orbs darted towards the male beside him in the back before returning to the women who sat in the front seat.
Greyson glared at the man, contemplating whether he rather run or be stuck in a car with him till they got to town. He would have said some snarky shit back to the male but he decided not to, remembering that he had to survive and get back to Mavis with some medicine. If he fought right now, Mavis is as good as dead since Greyson had shoved logs on top of the bunker door so nothing that isn't human could get in. His grip on the spine bat that Mavis had made at the beginning of this entire outbreak tightened and he pursed his lips together in a thin line. "You think that horde is following me just because I was screaming, running, and flailing my arms?" He sounded like he wanted to laugh as he pulled off the semi-automatic sniper rifle that was strapped to his back before he climbed into the car, taking up part of the middle seat along with the other side with his large frame, resting the bat and his rifle between his legs. He honestly wanted to keep running but he knew that he could only run for another half mile before he would be completely out of energy. The fact that these few people were here when he showed up was somewhat of a miracle to him. "It wouldn't matter if there were a hundred men out there on the sides of the road trying to steer that horde away from this direction, that horde would have completely ignored them." He glared over at the man before he looked ahead of him as he crossed his arms. "They are after whatever is attracting them to the Town of Clarey." Greyson stopped a few times while running, hiding within the trees or in the fields for a few minutes and every time a stumbler walked past him, they didn't even bother to go after him. They just kept going.
So, he knew for a fact that running and shouting did shit to attract them. It also could be because Greyson was completely covered in blood from fighting these things for a few days and the stumblers could have just thought he was one of them since he literally smelled like a rotting corpse but Greyson was not going to bet on that so he kept his ass moving and ran till he found these three. Greyson's blue orbs glanced over at the women he met a few days ago at the hardware store. He only hoped that she would not ask where his partner was at. He wanted to keep Mavis being sick to himself so that they would not keep him from returning to her after snagging some medicine. But he needed to think of something about why he was not with Mavis, his eyes shifted back to the road ahead of them and he hoped that she would not ask about where the rest of the football team was as well. "Anyway, thanks for the lift." He thanked them for the lift even though he was pretty sure he saw the other female in the front actually hit something with the car before he saw the other two came into view. "Mav and I plan on coming to the campus but we got held up with a couple of things, so we never made it. Took about a day for me to find her." He told the first female
Inna’s heart throbbed in her throat as everything fell to a slow for a moment. Each heavy breath was loud and rumbled deeply in her ears. Her head snapped with electricity - reminding her of the pounding headache that was bound to take over when she finally had a moment to settle. At the moment, every fiber of her being sat on edge. Her nails dug into the steering wheel as she peered over it.
The sudden cold gust of air, paired with a loud voice caused Inna to raise her hands off the wheel and stare widely at the woman. While the woman made claims of knowing her, Inna currently drew a blank as her mind rushed over a thousand thoughts at once. There seemed to be shouting in every direction, and as the woman shoved herself into the car - Inna, somewhat intimidated, squirmed and rushed her way into the passengers seat.
Maybe most people would have yelled back and started a commotion, but in all fairness she had just almost hit a person with the car and no longer had a clue where she was on these dark roads….maybe losing the control for a bit was a god send.
Admittedly she found the woman a bit scary, then again she hadn’t been around many people for some time. She felt herself press further and further into the passenger seat door while trying to mind her own business amongst the anarchy unfolding. The strict male voice that was instructing someone else to get in also made her jump slightly. Turning her face towards the window, Inna let her raven locks hide her away as everyone piled in. Everything would be easier if she just played along for now, even if she knew doom was heading straight towards whatever direction they were going.
Sasha shook her head at the wasted time as each person bolted into the car. At this point, her mind had wavered down to several small points. She wanted food, water and sleep. And she knew where she could get each of those things in a safe place. Without looking back again, she said to Grey, "Where is that girl that was with you? She down?" The words came out from her lips evenly, even as she smoothly shifted the car and took off for the town, leaving the herds further behind them. "I'm heading back to campus, and taking the new girl. Grace will know what to do with her." She said, towards Bob this time, the unspoken question of him going with or bailing on the way unknown but to the two of them. Getting out of town is best, away from these damn zombies.. but I can't leave Grace. She thought to herself, as she easily slipped the car between other vehicles left sitting, the tires bumping over bodies with a squishy, moist noise.
The shambling noise from the moaning dead seemed distant now, even if only a few miles at most. However, she didn't intend to get herself or others with her dead because of a mistake. "We need to regroup. Bob, you staying or heading to your place?" She asked, as she pulled the car to a stop on an empty road and shifted to look over at him before her eyes drifted towards the blood covered man riding with them, the raised eyebrow a very clear question of What the fuck happened to you, man on her otherwise impassive face.
Greyson shifted a bit uncomfortably under the women's stare, he knew he looked like shit but he honestly did not care much for his appearance right now. "Her name is Mavis and she's still alive, that is all you need to know." He said not wanting to give up her location. Mostly because he did not trust anyone. Especially since she is sick right at this moment. "Her safety is the most important thing to me. She's safe and alive that is all you need to know." He added on, noticing how creepy he had just sounded but still repeating himself to get his point across that he did not trust them. His grey orbs darted towards the male beside him in the back before returning to the women who sat in the front seat.
Robert Freelen
He looked at Sasha for a moment as he was getting into the car, and was about to say something in response, when he heard the name of the girl from the young man. His entire demeanor changed in that moment, his eyes widening slightly as he looked towards him, a change in his demeanor that would have been more akin to someone else shouting in surprise. He then spoke quietly, though his voice held a very dangerous edge, one that might be easily picked up by Sasha. It spoke volumes that he was on the edge of violence in that moment. "Mavis is alive. Good. You're going to show me where." He looked towards Sasha and the other girl. "If she's sick, take us by the hospital. I'll grab an ambulance, and meet you at the campus."
No longer having to be on her toes, and the one in control - Inna was starting to feel the effects on her body. She definitely had a light headache starting to brew, and she had been awake more than enough hours in her current state. Still, she wasn’t about to fall asleep in a car of strangers. She kept her gaze away from the others as they talked amongst themselves. Maybe a normal person would have tried to ask them a few questions about what was going on, but very clearly they were on their own path to accomplish something and she just happened to get in the way. On another note, handing over the car was really the least she could do after almost hitting one of them….bright side, they hadn’t kicked her out either.
Closing her eyes for a moment, she took a few deep breaths as she listened to them. The heard outside made her anxious, but the reality was that getting a move on was out of her control….Well she could leave the car, but that was just all together stupid. At the mention of someone being sick her mind flipped around from one morale to another. She really didn’t enjoy being in groups these days, but admittedly it was getting harder to do everything alone all the time.
Chewing on her cheek she debated internally for a moment. At the moment there was more gain than loss to giving them information. Rolling her eyes quietly to herself, she continued to look out her window as she finally found the courage to let the words leave her lips. “I’m a Doctor……” she spoke up. She didn’t have much more to say than that, but hoped it would be enough to let them know she was along for whatever it was they were doing - and maybe enough to secure some safety for at least a day.
Sasha was watching and seen the subtle change in Bob's demeanor, her raising an eyebrow at it but didn't comment. She shifted her cutting green eyes back to the repeating male before the other woman spoke up as well, fatigue and fear making her seem wilted. "Well, go ahead. This car won't make it back to campus, but the hospital is just on the other block. I'll find my own way back there." She said, her eyes landing on Bob's face again as she slid something from her pocket. "The card to get back into the dorms" she said, as she handed it to him and opened the door. Stepping out, she dropped one of the larger knives on the seat and unclipped the pistol on her hip. She bent back down and looked in the car, "take the new doc with you, she might help. I'll get a place setup at the dorms for triage." With this said, she took off, quickly disappearing from their sight as she began jogging towards the campus, her eyes searching for a decent ride there.
Robert Freelen
Bob looked at Sasha as she ran off, shaking his head. It was one thing for her to go off alone, but quite another for her to leave her weapons behind. That meant no killing unless necessary. He figured she could take care of herself, but he felt a little at a loss without a comrade there. He then looked between the two left. "I don't know why she left me in charge. I never use these things. One of you drive." He then looked at the woman, given she was in the front seat. "The hospital is right up this road on the right side. Big ass building, you can't miss it. If you do, you're blind in one eye and can't see out the other." He was speaking quickly, in a tone that said he was impatient, and one of his hands was absently laying on the belt set of his throwing knives.
Gray stared ahead of him not really sure what the hell was going on. All he knew was that he was left with whoever the guy was. "Wait first, I will refuse to take you to where Mavis is if I don't know who you are to her." He said shifting, he was glad for the help but this guy seemed to know who Gray was talking about and that raised some concerns for the young adult male. His grey orbs shifted to the girl. "I will drive us to the hospital but I need to know your name as well." He paused getting out of the back seat and quickly getting in the driver's seat. "I would also like to know what kind of doctor you are." He added on driving towards the hospital since he already knew where it was he did not think twice about the directions.
Inna held back what would have been a disappointed sigh as the woman in the drivers seat slid back out of the car. She kind of seemed like the one with the most leadership to her at the moment, but it wasn’t Inna’s place to comment on that. She eyed the woman carefully as she spoke to one of the others in the back seat, but never let it noticeably cross her face that she wasn’t onboard with the woman leaving.
Not appreciating the tone from the male telling her to drive, she mumbled to herself and started to slide back into the drivers seat, only to be stopped by the other male who took it upon himself to drive. Inna felt an instantly annoyed fire burn in her. She was exhausted and not feeling well. These people were talking time she could have already used in better ways. “Both of you need to stop dicking around with little details and get moving. This has been such a waste of god damn time!”. Inna instantly felt a bit better as she let off some steam, though quickly piped down and settled back into the passenger seat as the car started to move. Her tone hadn’t been so much anger as it was maybe stress and exhaust.
Greyson glared at the man, contemplating whether he rather run or be stuck in a car with him till they got to town. He would have said some snarky shit back to the male but he decided not to, remembering that he had to survive and get back to Mavis with some medicine. If he fought right now, Mavis is as good as dead since Greyson had shoved logs on top of the bunker door so nothing that isn't human could get in. His grip on the spine bat that Mavis had made at the beginning of this entire outbreak tightened and he pursed his lips together in a thin line. "You think that horde is following me just because I was screaming, running, and flailing my arms?" He sounded like he wanted to laugh as he pulled off the semi-automatic sniper rifle that was strapped to his back before he climbed into the car, taking up part of the middle seat along with the other side with his large frame, resting the bat and his rifle between his legs. He honestly wanted to keep running but he knew that he could only run for another half mile before he would be completely out of energy. The fact that these few people were here when he showed up was somewhat of a miracle to him. "It wouldn't matter if there were a hundred men out there on the sides of the road trying to steer that horde away from this direction, that horde would have completely ignored them." He glared over at the man before he looked ahead of him as he crossed his arms. "They are after whatever is attracting them to the Town of Clarey." Greyson stopped a few times while running, hiding within the trees or in the fields for a few minutes and every time a stumbler walked past him, they didn't even bother to go after him. They just kept going.
So, he knew for a fact that running and shouting did shit to attract them. It also could be because Greyson was completely covered in blood from fighting these things for a few days and the stumblers could have just thought he was one of them since he literally smelled like a rotting corpse but Greyson was not going to bet on that so he kept his ass moving and ran till he found these three. Greyson's blue orbs glanced over at the women he met a few days ago at the hardware store. He only hoped that she would not ask where his partner was at. He wanted to keep Mavis being sick to himself so that they would not keep him from returning to her after snagging some medicine. But he needed to think of something about why he was not with Mavis, his eyes shifted back to the road ahead of them and he hoped that she would not ask about where the rest of the football team was as well. "Anyway, thanks for the lift." He thanked them for the lift even though he was pretty sure he saw the other female in the front actually hit something with the car before he saw the other two came into view. "Mav and I plan on coming to the campus but we got held up with a couple of things, so we never made it. Took about a day for me to find her." He told the first female
Inna’s heart throbbed in her throat as everything fell to a slow for a moment. Each heavy breath was loud and rumbled deeply in her ears. Her head snapped with electricity - reminding her of the pounding headache that was bound to take over when she finally had a moment to settle. At the moment, every fiber of her being sat on edge. Her nails dug into the steering wheel as she peered over it.
The sudden cold gust of air, paired with a loud voice caused Inna to raise her hands off the wheel and stare widely at the woman. While the woman made claims of knowing her, Inna currently drew a blank as her mind rushed over a thousand thoughts at once. There seemed to be shouting in every direction, and as the woman shoved herself into the car - Inna, somewhat intimidated, squirmed and rushed her way into the passengers seat.
Maybe most people would have yelled back and started a commotion, but in all fairness she had just almost hit a person with the car and no longer had a clue where she was on these dark roads….maybe losing the control for a bit was a god send.
Admittedly she found the woman a bit scary, then again she hadn’t been around many people for some time. She felt herself press further and further into the passenger seat door while trying to mind her own business amongst the anarchy unfolding. The strict male voice that was instructing someone else to get in also made her jump slightly. Turning her face towards the window, Inna let her raven locks hide her away as everyone piled in. Everything would be easier if she just played along for now, even if she knew doom was heading straight towards whatever direction they were going.
Sasha shook her head at the wasted time as each person bolted into the car. At this point, her mind had wavered down to several small points. She wanted food, water and sleep. And she knew where she could get each of those things in a safe place. Without looking back again, she said to Grey, "Where is that girl that was with you? She down?" The words came out from her lips evenly, even as she smoothly shifted the car and took off for the town, leaving the herds further behind them. "I'm heading back to campus, and taking the new girl. Grace will know what to do with her." She said, towards Bob this time, the unspoken question of him going with or bailing on the way unknown but to the two of them. Getting out of town is best, away from these damn zombies.. but I can't leave Grace. She thought to herself, as she easily slipped the car between other vehicles left sitting, the tires bumping over bodies with a squishy, moist noise.
The shambling noise from the moaning dead seemed distant now, even if only a few miles at most. However, she didn't intend to get herself or others with her dead because of a mistake. "We need to regroup. Bob, you staying or heading to your place?" She asked, as she pulled the car to a stop on an empty road and shifted to look over at him before her eyes drifted towards the blood covered man riding with them, the raised eyebrow a very clear question of What the fuck happened to you, man on her otherwise impassive face.
Greyson shifted a bit uncomfortably under the women's stare, he knew he looked like shit but he honestly did not care much for his appearance right now. "Her name is Mavis and she's still alive, that is all you need to know." He said not wanting to give up her location. Mostly because he did not trust anyone. Especially since she is sick right at this moment. "Her safety is the most important thing to me. She's safe and alive that is all you need to know." He added on, noticing how creepy he had just sounded but still repeating himself to get his point across that he did not trust them. His grey orbs darted towards the male beside him in the back before returning to the women who sat in the front seat.
Robert Freelen
He looked at Sasha for a moment as he was getting into the car, and was about to say something in response, when he heard the name of the girl from the young man. His entire demeanor changed in that moment, his eyes widening slightly as he looked towards him, a change in his demeanor that would have been more akin to someone else shouting in surprise. He then spoke quietly, though his voice held a very dangerous edge, one that might be easily picked up by Sasha. It spoke volumes that he was on the edge of violence in that moment. "Mavis is alive. Good. You're going to show me where." He looked towards Sasha and the other girl. "If she's sick, take us by the hospital. I'll grab an ambulance, and meet you at the campus."
No longer having to be on her toes, and the one in control - Inna was starting to feel the effects on her body. She definitely had a light headache starting to brew, and she had been awake more than enough hours in her current state. Still, she wasn’t about to fall asleep in a car of strangers. She kept her gaze away from the others as they talked amongst themselves. Maybe a normal person would have tried to ask them a few questions about what was going on, but very clearly they were on their own path to accomplish something and she just happened to get in the way. On another note, handing over the car was really the least she could do after almost hitting one of them….bright side, they hadn’t kicked her out either.
Closing her eyes for a moment, she took a few deep breaths as she listened to them. The heard outside made her anxious, but the reality was that getting a move on was out of her control….Well she could leave the car, but that was just all together stupid. At the mention of someone being sick her mind flipped around from one morale to another. She really didn’t enjoy being in groups these days, but admittedly it was getting harder to do everything alone all the time.
Chewing on her cheek she debated internally for a moment. At the moment there was more gain than loss to giving them information. Rolling her eyes quietly to herself, she continued to look out her window as she finally found the courage to let the words leave her lips. “I’m a Doctor……” she spoke up. She didn’t have much more to say than that, but hoped it would be enough to let them know she was along for whatever it was they were doing - and maybe enough to secure some safety for at least a day.
Sasha was watching and seen the subtle change in Bob's demeanor, her raising an eyebrow at it but didn't comment. She shifted her cutting green eyes back to the repeating male before the other woman spoke up as well, fatigue and fear making her seem wilted. "Well, go ahead. This car won't make it back to campus, but the hospital is just on the other block. I'll find my own way back there." She said, her eyes landing on Bob's face again as she slid something from her pocket. "The card to get back into the dorms" she said, as she handed it to him and opened the door. Stepping out, she dropped one of the larger knives on the seat and unclipped the pistol on her hip. She bent back down and looked in the car, "take the new doc with you, she might help. I'll get a place setup at the dorms for triage." With this said, she took off, quickly disappearing from their sight as she began jogging towards the campus, her eyes searching for a decent ride there.
Robert Freelen
Bob looked at Sasha as she ran off, shaking his head. It was one thing for her to go off alone, but quite another for her to leave her weapons behind. That meant no killing unless necessary. He figured she could take care of herself, but he felt a little at a loss without a comrade there. He then looked between the two left. "I don't know why she left me in charge. I never use these things. One of you drive." He then looked at the woman, given she was in the front seat. "The hospital is right up this road on the right side. Big ass building, you can't miss it. If you do, you're blind in one eye and can't see out the other." He was speaking quickly, in a tone that said he was impatient, and one of his hands was absently laying on the belt set of his throwing knives.
Gray stared ahead of him not really sure what the hell was going on. All he knew was that he was left with whoever the guy was. "Wait first, I will refuse to take you to where Mavis is if I don't know who you are to her." He said shifting, he was glad for the help but this guy seemed to know who Gray was talking about and that raised some concerns for the young adult male. His grey orbs shifted to the girl. "I will drive us to the hospital but I need to know your name as well." He paused getting out of the back seat and quickly getting in the driver's seat. "I would also like to know what kind of doctor you are." He added on driving towards the hospital since he already knew where it was he did not think twice about the directions.
Inna held back what would have been a disappointed sigh as the woman in the drivers seat slid back out of the car. She kind of seemed like the one with the most leadership to her at the moment, but it wasn’t Inna’s place to comment on that. She eyed the woman carefully as she spoke to one of the others in the back seat, but never let it noticeably cross her face that she wasn’t onboard with the woman leaving.
Not appreciating the tone from the male telling her to drive, she mumbled to herself and started to slide back into the drivers seat, only to be stopped by the other male who took it upon himself to drive. Inna felt an instantly annoyed fire burn in her. She was exhausted and not feeling well. These people were talking time she could have already used in better ways. “Both of you need to stop dicking around with little details and get moving. This has been such a waste of god damn time!”. Inna instantly felt a bit better as she let off some steam, though quickly piped down and settled back into the passenger seat as the car started to move. Her tone hadn’t been so much anger as it was maybe stress and exhaust.
Moderators: Noctae