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Forums » Clarey college settings » Auditorium

On the top floor of the administration building, students and staff can find the auditiorium. It's a huge, rectangle shaped room that holds enough seats to accomodate at least hundred students. There are two ways to enter the area, one being in the far back behind the audience which will lead you down the stairs towards the stage. The other entrance allows you to enter on stage, behind the curtain and access the dressing rooms.

Two dressing rooms are in the far back of the auditorium. Usually, they're used to separate people by gender when people need to get changed but sometimes the star of the show can use one while others use the other room. The stage with wooden flooring is in front of that, having a white wall in between that can be changed for decor. Red velvet curtains cover the stage and the wall from the audience's eye.

In front of the curtains, there's a projecting screen inserted into the ceiling that can be rolled out automatically in case a movie is being watched or a presentation is being held. The projector itself hangs above the audience.

Moderators: Noctae