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Elizabeth & Elijah

-On the other side of town Elizabeth and Elijah made their way to the edge of town where they had seen a department store on the way in with the rest of the military detachment. The walk was a quiet one and there wasn’t much for scenery either. Elizabeth toyed with the idea of looking into some of the abandoned cars in the area to see if any had keys in them but decided against it as the excess noise might draw unwanted attention. After two hours of walking the two finally arrived at the store and immediately took up positions on the outskirts of the parking lot as they observed the storefront through binoculars. “It looks like there’s two of whatever those things are in the front of the store and there's no telling how many may be inside. How do you want to proceed Colonel?” Elijah waited for Elizabeths answer though he felt as though he already knew what it would be. Elizabeth pondered the situation for a moment, weighing the possible gains with probable losses. After a few minutes of deliberation Elizabeth spoke in a low voice. “Well considering that we're as low on supplies as we are I don’t think we have much choice. We’ll engage the two in the front of the store first with combat knives. Standard stealth takedowns but make sure that you stab them in the head. If these things are what I think they are that's probably the only way to make sure they stay down for good”. Elijah nodded and the two made their way to the front of the store and approached the two walkers in the front from behind. Elizabeth and Elijah struck them at nearly the same time, driving their combat knives into the base of their skulls, severing the brain stem before dropping the bodies silently and making their way inside of the store.-

DM Post

As the two had made their way inside the store and taken care of the few zombies at the front, it would become clear to them that the store had remained untouched for the most part. Rows and rows of items that had stayed on their shelves, put there by the employees that had left a long time before. For some reason, the store hadn't drawn in a lot of people and even in the last isle, there were still many over the counter meds as well as first aid supplies to be found.

It seemed that they were the first to have reached the establishment and that meant that they had the widest range of items to choose from. For some, that would be something that made them feel lucky. For others, it could become overwhelming and let them lose track of what they came for. If their focus was well enough though, they'd be able to find most items on the list with ease.

Even though the floors were covered in bloody smears here and there, there were no immediate signs of bodies or other zombies inside the store. It appeared as though whoever had gotten hurt there or possibly killed there had moved on to other locations. Occasionally, a bloody hand print was visible and a message was written. Most of the messages were directed at loved ones, friends or family of those that had left them.

In the corner of the store and mounted on a wall there was a working tv. It was still on, showing nothing but static when they entered. As they made their way throughout the store and collected items though, that static stopped and a voice could be heard within the building as the broadcast was shown on the television, warning them of the incoming threat just like it warned many others in the town.

Moderators: Noctae