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The Founding

  • The Ghoul King

    God has Christ as his messiah. A man who has crucified for our sins so that they might be forgiven.

    But what manner of sacrifice is this? If god is indeed all powerful, why must people suffer in order for our sins to be forgiven? If he is Jesus, and Jesus is him, how is this a sacrifice? And if Christ is truly lord, why did he feel a moment of doubt upon the cross?

    Lazarus, the knight who was hanged, did not feel any hesitation. He roared a curse to his god and spat on his name for his abandonment. Lazarus has suffered beyond anything a man could imagine, and it is not for our sins, but because of them.

    In his way he has become a new Christ, but instead of forgiveness, he will deliver judgement. Instead of mercy, he will have none.

    All praise The Pale Lion, and all will know him.
  • Dark Night

    I have denied it far too long. My title is more than just words, it is power.

    I will unleash The Golden Sword, and find the White Blade, claiming my rightful place as Death.