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World Setting

  • Terra is an extra-dimensional planet located in the Otherworld. It is third from its system's central star, Sol. It is orbited by a single moon named Lune, and a ring of asteroids called the Outer Reach. Terra is slightly larger than Earth and consists of a variety of continents and islands. Many races of humans, humanoids, demihumans, and more call Terra home.

    Anspora: Land of the demihumans with various countries led by different noble families. The leaders of each country participate in a Great Council, which helps to ensure stability throughout the continent.
    Durothil: A continent home to many humans and humanoids with a coastline rich in both trade and piracy.
    Europa: Like a crude reflection of Earth in a bygone era, the Ancient World still holds strong here with their various pantheons reigning supreme over different regions of the continent.
    Relm: You won't find it on an average Terran map, a land said to be lost to the misty seas and shrouded in mystery, but if you venture for long enough in the right direction (and the gods deem it so) you may just run into the fog that will bring you to one of many docks on the continent of Relm, homeland of the Esu.

    Luneshade Islands: Located in the far north and surrounded by treacherous seas, only the best seafarers have ever set foot on the island.
    Isle Olympias: A strange island where magic struggles to manifest and immortals are rendered mortal.
    Turtleback Island: A pirate haven rife with secrets.
    Summerland Isles: Also known as the Islands of Always Summer, the island has a warm, tropical climate and the natives often dress in bright colors.
  • History

    Terra is far from a new or burgeoning planet. It has existed for many thousands of years and has seen its fair share of empires rise and fall. The CURRENT YEAR on Terra is noted as 1625 CE (current era), Very low technology, circa 800 AD on Earth without the aid of magic. Various types of magic and magic enhanced technology exist though, and with that in mind technology is more similar to the 1600s.

    The Age of Creation, or the First Era, spanned from the very beginning until the first signs of life began to take shape on Terra. Little is known about this time or how long it actually lasted. The Age of Creation is considered *Prehistory*.

    The Age of Life, or the Second Era, saw the beginning of recorded history. Toward the end a major war began and marked the beginning of a new age. The Second Era lasted some 600 years.

    The Age of Calamity, or the Third Era, began with the first major war known as The Ravaging which lasted 150 years. Numerous smaller wars broke out across the planet as a result, and it wiped out numerous races and forever changed the landscape of some continents. The Third Era lasted 450 years.

    The Age of Heroes, or the Fourth Era, begins when the appearance of the Hero Guilds that sprung up to enforce the Peace Accords following the Age of Calamity. While small skirmishes occurred, nothing so grand or horrific as The Ravaging ever occurred again. The Fourth Era lasted some 475 years.

    Which brings us toooo the CURRENT ERA, or the Fifth Era, also known as the Age of Exploration! 100 years have passed since the start of the current era. Things. Have. Changed. And perhaps not in the best of ways. While good intentioned, the Hero Guilds have inevitably become corrupt over the last 500 years. Piracy has become commonplace, there's even a pirate island (allegedly), and Adventurer's Guilds have begun to take the place of the Hero Guilds in the hearts and minds of the people. Those with an ear to the ground know that the tenuous peace struck after the Age of Calamity has become *even more* tenuous and larger skirmishes have begun to break out all over. War is on the horizon.
  • Terra



    Day Length


    4,212mi (equatorial)
    4,190mi (poles)

    The Outer Reach

    24 hours
    28 days
    364 days, 13 months
