Terra is an extra-dimensional planet located in the Otherworld. It is third from its system's central star, Sol. It is orbited by a single moon named Lune, and a ring of asteroids called the Outer Reach. Terra is slightly larger than Earth and consists of a variety of continents and islands. Many races of humans, humanoids, demihumans, and more call Terra home.
→ Anspora: Land of the demihumans with various countries led by different noble families. The leaders of each country participate in a Great Council, which helps to ensure stability throughout the continent.
→ Durothil: A continent home to many humans and humanoids with a coastline rich in both trade and piracy.
→ Europa: Like a crude reflection of Earth in a bygone era, the Ancient World still holds strong here with their various pantheons reigning supreme over different regions of the continent.
→ Relm: A land shrouded in mist and mystery. Immortal spirits and other ethereal beings are common here, with giants and megafauna, ogres, dragons, and fey also being present though less common.
→ Luneshade Islands: Located in the far north and surrounded by treacherous seas, only the best seafarers have ever set foot on the island.
→ Isle Olympias: A strange island where magic struggles to manifest and immortals are rendered mortal.
→ Turtleback Island: A pirate haven rife with secrets.
→ Summerland Isles: Also known as the Islands of Always Summer, the island has a warm, tropical climate and the natives often dress in bright colors.