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This group has been archived by its founder. It may still be viewed, but can no longer be joined or posted to.

  • Info

    Try to write more than one sentence. I know sometimes we all suffer from a lack of imagination, but don't forget about your character's thoughts, feelings, and body language. Describing these help a sentence fill into a paragraph.

    You must have an appropriate image that represents your character as closely as possible, and who would fit into the Middle ages scenario. There are no fantasy races but dwarfs are accepted.

    This is a roleplaying game, you play the role. Characters of mine and other players have their own personalities, mannerisms, and attitude and are played accordingly. Don't post for other writer's actions or what you think their reaction will be.

    All characters must be represented separately. I.E, have their own post. This is to stop any confusion when reading and replying to posts.

    Spelling mistakes, grammar, etc. We all make mistakes when writing but please read over what you have written before posting to correct any errors. Try not to rush your posts either. If you see anything that needs to be corrected after you have posted then just edit it.